Distributed Architectures for
Laboratory-Based E-Learning







der Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät

der Universität Bern




vorgelegt von


Marc-Alain Steinemann


von Bern und Opfertshofen




Leiter der Arbeit:


Prof. Dr. T. Braun


Institut für Informatik und angewandte Mathematik





Distributed Architectures for
Laboratory-Based E-Learning





der Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät

der Universität Bern



vorgelegt von


Marc-Alain Steinemann


von Bern und Opfertshofen




Leiter der Arbeit:


Prof. Dr. T. Braun


Institut für Informatik und angewandte Mathematik



Von der Philosophisch naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät angenommen



 Der Dekan:

Bern, 16. Juni 2005                                                                Prof. Dr. P. Messerli














To my true friends












The dissertation presented here is the result of five years of research, beginning in April 2000 at the Computer Networks and Distributed Systems group of the Institute of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at University of Bern. I would like to take the opportunity to extend my sincere thanks to all those who supported my work and made this thesis to what it is.

My sincerest thanks go to my wise advisor Professor Dr. Torsten Braun, head of the Computer Networks and Distributed Systems group, for the valuable ideas and helpful advices as well as for hosting me in his group. He had a great impact on my scientific development and the research work presented in this thesis. Professor Braun supported my scientific education by encouraging me to publish in journals and conferences.

Special thanks go to Professor Dr. Ulrich Ultes-Nitsche for the fruitful and interesting discussions, especially during the Summer School on Pochtenalp and the good teamwork in common projects. I am truly thankful to him for accepting the “Ko-referat” of my thesis.

I would also like to thank Professor Dr. Hanspeter Bieri for chairing my dissertation defense.

My best thanks go to Attila Weyland for the excellent teamwork in our common projects and to Dr. Florian Baumgartner for the critical advices concerning authentication and authorization issues. I would also like to mention my sincerest appreciation for the late night, alcoholically animated, discussions with Florian and Matthias Scheidegger. Many thanks also for the interesting discussions about projects and scientific articles with Marc Heissenbüttel, my office partner. I will not forget the extended Schilthorn mountain hike with Marc and Marcin Michalak. Many thanks go to Ruy de Oliveira for discussions about work and Brazil. I am also grateful for the good cooperation with Thomas Bernoulli, Thomas Staub, Marc Brogle and Dragan Milic in common projects. Thanks as well go to Dr. Ibrahim Khalil, Dr. Manuel Guenter, Marc Danzeisen, and Markus Wälchli.

Special thanks to Ruth Bestgen, the secretary. She is a big help in organizing and minimizing our administrational workload. I would also like to give her a special thank you for the invitations to the annual Fondue events.

Many thanks go to Prof. Dr. Jacques Viens, Dr. Martin Guggisberg, Dr. Tibor Gyalog, Dr. Cornelia Rizek-Pfister, Christoph Graf, Thomas Lenggenhager, Dr. Martin Sutter, Ueli Kienholz, Valery Tschopp, and Karl Guggisberg. Thanks also to Christian Heim, Roland Trummer, Christoph Glanzmann, and Peter Geiser.

Furthermore many thanks to the five diploma students who indirectly contributed a lot to my work: Thomas Jampen, Stefan Zimmerli, Christine Rosenberger, Thomas Spreng, and Gero Butera. They were great discussion partners and helped in concretizing theoretical ideas in practice.

Finally, I would like thank my family and friends for their patience and support throughout the many years of my education.




Table of Contents


1      Introduction................................................................................................... 1

1.1        Overview..................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2        E-Learning Architectures....................................................................................................... 3

1.3        Didactics in E-Learning......................................................................................................... 7

1.4        Contributions.......................................................................................................................... 10

1.5        Outline...................................................................................................................................... 12

2      Related Work:  Discussion and Evaluation............................................ 13

2.1        Introduction............................................................................................................................. 14

2.2        Authentication Issues........................................................................................................... 19

2.2.1     Public Key Infrastructures............................................................................................. 19

2.2.2     Authentication with Kerberos...................................................................................... 28

2.3        Secure Data Transport.......................................................................................................... 33

2.3.1     Internet Protocol Security............................................................................................... 33

2.3.2     Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer  Security............................................. 36

2.3.3     Secure Shell........................................................................................................................ 38

2.3.4     Evaluation of the Different Transport Technologies.............................................. 38

2.4        Authentication and Authorization  Infrastructures.................................................... 41

2.4.1     Lightweight Directory Access Protocol...................................................................... 41

2.4.2     Shibboleth........................................................................................................................... 48

2.4.3     Point of Access to Providers of Information............................................................. 53

2.4.4     Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service............................................................ 55

2.4.5     Diameter.............................................................................................................................. 56

2.4.6     Liberty Alliance................................................................................................................. 57

2.4.7     Microsoft Passport........................................................................................................... 60

2.4.8     Evaluation and Comparison of Authentication and Authorization Infrastructures        61

2.5        Summary.................................................................................................................................. 65

2.6        Computer Networks Laboratories.................................................................................... 67

2.6.1     Traditional Laboratory Architecture.......................................................................... 67

2.6.2     E-Learning Laboratories................................................................................................. 68

3      Resource Management Portal................................................................... 73

3.1        Components and Interactions............................................................................................ 73

3.2        Architectural Specifications............................................................................................... 79

3.2.1     Overview............................................................................................................................. 79

3.2.2     Plug-In Concept................................................................................................................ 80

3.2.3     Overall Functionality...................................................................................................... 81

3.2.4     User Roles........................................................................................................................... 96

3.2.5     User Interactions with the Resource Management Portal.................................... 99

3.3        Implementation.................................................................................................................... 102

3.3.1     Introduction..................................................................................................................... 102

3.3.2     AAI Adaptor.................................................................................................................... 103

3.3.3     Resource Adaptors........................................................................................................ 104

3.3.4     Web Application with a Database Backend.......................................................... 106

3.3.5     Database Design............................................................................................................. 107

3.4        Performance Measurements............................................................................................. 109

3.4.1     Measurement Scenarios and Methods..................................................................... 109

3.4.2     Access of a Resource Information Page on  the Resource Management Portal.................. 111

3.4.3     Access of an External Resource Management  Portal Hosted Resource........ 121

3.4.4     Measurement Summary............................................................................................... 130

3.5        Discussion and Conclusions........................................................................................... 132

3.6        Outlook................................................................................................................................... 134

4      Multifunctional E-Learning Architecture............................................. 137

4.1        Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 137

4.2        Architectural Requirements............................................................................................. 138

4.3        Architectural Specifications............................................................................................. 140

4.3.1     Overview........................................................................................................................... 140

4.3.2     Overall Architecture...................................................................................................... 142

4.3.3     User Roles......................................................................................................................... 144

4.3.4     Components..................................................................................................................... 146

4.3.5     Security Issues................................................................................................................. 156

4.4        Implementation.................................................................................................................... 157

4.4.1     Course Platform.............................................................................................................. 157

4.4.2     Resource Management System................................................................................... 158

4.4.3     Laboratory Module Implementation........................................................................ 162

4.5        Discussion and Conclusions........................................................................................... 169

4.6        Outlook................................................................................................................................... 171

5      Extended Multifunctional E-Learning Architecture........................... 173

5.1        Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 173

5.2        Transformation Approach................................................................................................ 174

5.3        Architectural Specifications............................................................................................. 177

5.3.1     Overall Architecture...................................................................................................... 177

5.3.2     User Roles......................................................................................................................... 179

5.3.3     Components..................................................................................................................... 181

5.4        Discussion and Conclusions........................................................................................... 185

5.5        Outlook................................................................................................................................... 186

6      Didactics of Computer Networks Laboratories................................... 187

6.1        Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 187

6.2        Traditional Laboratories................................................................................................... 188

6.3        Didactical Structure of an   E-Learning Laboratory.................................................. 190

6.4        Usability Feedback.............................................................................................................. 196

6.5        Discussion and Conclusions........................................................................................... 198

6.6        Outlook................................................................................................................................... 200

7      Synopsis..................................................................................................... 203

7.1        Conclusions.......................................................................................................................... 203

7.2        Outlook................................................................................................................................... 206

List of Figures................................................................................................... 209

List of Tables..................................................................................................... 215

List of Abbreviations........................................................................................ 217

Bibliography...................................................................................................... 221

Appendices........................................................................................................ 229

Appendix A: Virtual Internet and Telecommunications Laboratory of Switzerland..... 229

Appendix B:  Modules of the Traditional Laboratory.............................................................. 231

Appendix C:  Modules of the E-Learning Laboratory.............................................................. 233

Curriculum Vitae.............................................................................................. 235








1       Introduction

1.1       Overview

In the presented thesis, we perform research in the areas of resource access management in the Internet, distributed architectures for laboratory-based e learning and didactics for e-learning laboratories. We propose a novel architecture for resource access management; two novel distributed e-learning architectures and a didactical framework.

The Internet has opened new possibilities in many areas of our daily life. Among others, educational institutions are involved in these changes. Educational institutions own learning resources, which they have made available in a traditional way but now, also have to be made available on the Internet. When we use the term traditional learning throughout this document, we refer to course resources as for example lectures or hands-on trainings held in universities. Hence, the Internet has opened new ways for providing these resources to the student community. The word resource in this context is a generic term, which stands for any kind of courses, lectures, seminars, or trainings.

During this process, a new term has been established: electronic-learning or in brief, e-learning. E-learning is the generic term for imparting any kind of learning resources by the Internet and a new form of distance learning. We use the term e-learning resources throughout this document for all resources users can access with web browsers.

There are two entities interacting in e-learning scenarios: The first entity consists of resource providers and tutors in elementary, secondary and high schools, colleges, and universities as well as in commercial educational institutes. The second entity consists of the students, which belong to the mentioned educational institutes. Some students use the resources as a part of their compulsory curriculum; others desire further education in the process of life long learning, some to achieve a higher grade or to improve their knowledge. Other students are handicapped persons who cannot easily travel around and persons from developing countries with a poor educational infrastructure.

For e-learning users the underlying infrastructure, such as course platforms, reservation systems, authentication systems, databases and more, grouped together in e-learning architectures, should remain almost invisible. Users only get into contact with web interfaces for using these systems. Well-designed e-learning resources offer user-friendly access management to all elements of the architecture. These e-learning resources should provide the necessary access credentials in a user-friendly way. For resource operators, well working interactions between the elements of an e-learning architecture are of fundamental nature. The diversity of the theoretically available protocols and applications in the Internet, usable for an e-learning architecture, raises questions related to the desired interoperability and user-friendliness, which scientists must further investigate.

The production and maintenance of e-learning resources is expensive and it is thus necessary to restrict access to a limited set of subscribed students. In addition to restricting access to the resources, there is also a demand for adding supplementary features. Many traditional resource providers who start activities in e-learning first try to make their existing study materials available on the Internet in a one to one transformation process, instead of applying a didactical framework designed for e-learning resources. They put the content of existing books or scripts on web pages without minimal enhancements or adaptations. This procedure does not use the didactical possibilities of e-learning and the potential for improving the teaching quality. However, it is possible to achieve good results with the application of a didactical framework, which specifies the course structure and the didactical methods.

Chapter 1.2 introduces into the basics of e-learning architectures and resource access management, necessary for the understanding of the investigated problems and approaches. Chapter 1.3 introduces into the basics of didactics in e-learning courses, considered necessary for the later discussion and understanding of the investigated problems and approaches. Chapter 1.4 presents the encountered problems together with our contributions performed in this thesis. Chapter 1.5 gives a brief outline of the thesis.


1.2       E-Learning Architectures

When considering a traditional learning resource, for example a textbook, we discover that there are many elements necessary before a student starts learning with the book. An author has to write the text, a printer to make the book, a bookshop to sell the book and a tutor to recommend the book for a lecture. Similar actors, such as the author and an illustrator but also much more technical elements are necessary for the production of an e-learning resource, which consists of a minimal technical infrastructure. We can split up this infrastructure into three parts:


Systems for resource providing

Resource providers host their resources on web servers, connected to the Internet. Depending on the resource, the web servers feature different types of services, such as for providing dynamic Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) pages [Bv45 and BC95]. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) HTML specification defines the representation format for pages with textual information and Meta information for retrieval and interchange in the Internet. Static HTML pages look identical for all users and dynamic HTML pages depend on the user’s request. The learning content of each resource must be adapted to the Internet and the available applications such as course platforms, web servers, and video servers. Learning content comprises study material and everything else used for teaching, such as interactive animations or audio broadcasts. Tutors and resource producers must have access to utilities that allow the production and operation of the learning content. Resource providers are also responsible for all other technical systems considered necessary for the operation of the resource, such as resource management systems. Resource management systems comprise the user access, resource management and a device reservation system if required. The resource content, software and hardware, has to be maintained, updated, and protected from fraud and data loss. Resource providers have to make sure that they buy enough data transport capacity from their Internet providers.

Systems for data transport

In e-learning, the Internet is typically the part of the infrastructure, which transports the resource data between resources and students and between the elements of a resource. In the strict sense, each computer or device connected to the Internet makes part of it, also the equipment for resource providing and studying. In this context, we refer to the wires, routers [Pr00] and devices between the resource servers and the students, which transport the data. Routers are devices in packet switched networks [Gp80] such as the Internet, which forward data packets to the next hop towards its destination. Internet Service Providers (ISP) supply this part of the infrastructure. Internet service providers are organizations, which sell data transport capacity and Internet services to their customers.

Systems for students and tutors

Students and tutors who use e-learning resources for their study purposes and teaching must have access to a computer with Internet connectivity. Depending on the services offered by the resource provider, the computer must be equipped with applications that allow benefiting from these services. Students have to make sure that their Internet access has enough data transport capacity to be able to use the offered services.


Architectures for Internet-based resources describe the design and the functionalities of the future implementations. Consequently, an e-learning architecture is an architecture, which describes the design and the functionalities of all the necessary elements for the operation of an e-learning resource. In other words, e-learning architectures define the data exchange between users, comprising students, tutors and administrators and the elements responsible for the operation of the course system, comprising content servers and course management system.

Figure 1‑1 shows frequently used elements of e-learning architectures whereas Table 1‑1 discusses them. Required elements are clients, which connect via the Internet to the resource elements. Clients contact servers in the technical meaning and utilize services in the technical and commercial meaning. Such clients can be users such as students, tutors, and administrators. The resource management system is another required element in the case of resources with controlled user access. It manages the user accounts for students, tutors and the resource access issues as well as the resource content servers, which provide web pages, audio streams, video streams, and communication services to the students.

One resource content server is at least required in any e-learning architecture and further resource content servers are optional. More than one resource content server is useful for load balancing, for example by geographically distributing the servers around the globe or for forming an e-learning grid, enabling a variety of resource providers to operate their respective servers at their home locations. A single resource provider, which joins such an e-learning grid contributes the own learning content to the community and gets access to the content of the grid partners. This restricts the maintenance and update processes to the own resources. An optional element in an e-learning architecture is a resource reservation system. A resource reservation system is only necessary if certain resources do not exist in sufficient quantities for all the resource students who would like to access the respective resource at the same time.





management system

User accounts are stored on resource management systems. Resource management systems control user access to connected content servers and reservation systems. The resource management system performs accounting for the user interactions with the single elements of the architecture.

Some resources use applications with a limited user access capacity. In such cases, the resource management system must contain a reservation system. Students have to pre-register (book) their sessions with the reservation system.


Students, tutors, administrators

Tutors and students access the resource management system and other elements that make part of the resource.



Learning content is stored on resource content servers. At least one resource content server is required in an e-learning architecture. The server can be a part of the resource management system, and then it is a course platform. Distributed resource content servers can provide their content via a resource management system and form one distributed resource.

required, more

Table 11: E-learning architecture elements.


Figure 11: E-learning architecture elements.

An administrator or tutor registers the students with the resource management system. The resource management system registers those students automatically with the optional resource reservation system and with the resource content servers. Each element of the architecture interacts with the other corresponding elements. Clients, in the meaning of the client/server principle [Cb96 and SRC84] connect to the resource management system, to the resource content servers and to the reservation system. The resource management system interacts with the resource content servers and with the reservation system. Resource content servers, which provide limited software or hardware resources, interact with the reservation system. Students can access resources, which provide limited hardware and software resources only upon anterior reservation.

After the introduction of the general aspects of e-learning architectures, we introduce centralized and distributed content providing architectures, respectively. Many Internet services, used to provide information to users, are physically located on servers in one central location. This is a historical consequence: at the beginning of the computer era, there was one server room per organization and it was not possible to operate servers at other locations. These are centralized architectures. Architectures, integrating servers distributed over multiple locations are distributed architectures. Such distributed architectures, for example in the case of an e-learning architecture, make use of distributed content providing servers, of the resource management system to integrate resource content from the different servers and provide it under one identity to the students. However, the resource management system has to manage the student access for all resource content partners. The resource management system can integrate distributed student registration and access procedures for the connected resource partners, for example performed with their respective administrations. In the distributed architecture, the resource management system and one resource content server are in location X with a second content server in place Y, a third in place Z, whereas in the centralized architecture all servers are in place X. The students, tutors, and administrators can be everywhere where they have Internet connectivity.


1.3       Didactics in E-Learning

Didactics is the science of guided education comprising several areas, ranging from general principles and frameworks of educating to special methods for different learning tasks [Gh96]. The didactical framework decides on how successful students finish the course. Most tutors are well educated for teaching in traditional classrooms but not for teaching with e-learning resources. The new teaching environment internationalizes the audience, which bears reasons for conflicts in cultural and social belongings.

There are many details in the design of a resource that can lead to a complete misunderstanding by the students [Ss99], for example, colors can have differing meanings from culture to culture. The design of a resource must also respect the fact that different individuals use different ways for studying [PKR00 and PKRO98]. Additionally, one should consider learning differences caused by religious, ethnic, cultural and gender diversity of students, which influence the process of collaborative activity within groups [CGLO02]. Thus, authors have to design their resources for their future audience.

An advantage in e-learning is the possibility to include instantly available optional and supplementary study material or to add pointers to such material. By these means, students who do not fit the minimal knowledge requirements for the respective resource can work through the resource all the same.

Learning without face-to-face contact is not new to humanity. Only the trend has changed towards non-face-to-face learning due to new learning technologies such as found in e-learning. Learning without face-to-face contact started with distance learning where study material consists of books, audio and video tapes, as well as radio and television broadcasts. At the beginning of the personal computer’s era in the 80s, study material was distributed on floppy disks. Floppy disks and compact disks are only helpful for persons who have access to a computer. Compact disks are powerful media for the transport of study material, unlike floppy disks with their limited storage capacity. Both types of disks permit resource designers to integrate a previously scripted interactivity into the resource content. Scripted interactivity means that the designer foresees several possible ways through a course, for example presenting different texts after a yes/no question. Such static study material looks always identical, whereas dynamic material is prepared and presented upon students previous interactions. One negative aspect of the above-mentioned methods is lack of direct interactivity between students and tutors. Students read, listen or watch the study material but cannot influence the course of the activity. In some resources, students can send back exercise solutions or essays by mail or sometimes get support by telephone.

The possibility for significantly improving interactivity started when personal computers became widespread. Students could access additional information provided on compact disks, where it was possible to include video and audio sequences, image galleries, and abundant secondary literature. However, only e-learning was a real revolution to distance learning. With the establishment of the Internet, students could connect directly to resources; work on real interactive and dynamic resource content as well as getting into contact with other e-learning students.

E-learning resource designers must implement didactical workarounds to get closer to the social environment of a traditional classroom. A traditional classroom is the typical classroom found in schools. It is a place where much more happens than just learning. Social contacts between students as well as between students and teachers are established. Many activities take place in breaks or other meetings initiated in the classroom. In a classroom, individuals do not only study, moreover they learn how to act in a social group. A virtual classroom is the name for a classroom found in e-learning resources. Not all existing e-learning resources are at the same time virtual classrooms. Virtual class rooms are e-learning resources enriched with features, which try to offer the same communication and learning methods found in traditional class rooms but adapted to e-learning. Additionally, resource designers try to include new technical and didactical methods offered by the Internet only. In virtual classrooms, social interactions found in regular classrooms merely take place because most interactions happen between students and resource servers. Usually, students visiting e-learning resources sit alone in front of a computer screen.

E-learning resources are still not as comfortable for studying as traditional courses. In e-learning resources, it is generally not possible to use text markers or to take notes and write them directly into the text. New methods have to substitute these traditional ones. In traditional learning, it is possible to do the homework almost everywhere, even taking a script and read through while sitting in a hot bath. The course material can be stored, together with all the personal notes and the exams. The day it is needed again, maybe ten years later; it is instantly and fully available. Traditional studying has many advantages and one of the most important is that we are used to it. Nevertheless, there exist not only disadvantages in e-learning. Studying online is getting increasingly popular because it offers advantages to traditional learning. E-learning tutors for example, can address a larger audience at the same time without loss of teaching quality. Particularly universities face the problem of overcrowded lecture rooms and a resulting loss of teaching quality as interactions between tutors and students get rather impossible. Significantly, in such cases, e-learning resources offer advantages for students and tutors:


  • It is possible to study independently from time and place with the only precondition that Internet access is available.
  • E-learning resources are normally open around the clock, 365 days a year.
  • E-learning resources are able to offer interactive study material where students can apply and increase their skills.
  • Students get pointers to supplementary lecture and are able to access it at once.
  • It is easy to integrate useful didactical methods, such as glossaries and discussion boards.


When studying in an online resource for the first time, students normally face a completely unusual way of studying [RPHG01]. Many times, students must learn how to use the Internet and the basic services such as the World Wide Web (WWW) or electronic mail. Students have to learn how to access a resource and how to navigate through the study material. They have to understand how to use the Internet for additional study material search and collection. Email and its features, Internet relay chat, instant messaging, discussion boards, white boards, all these methods have to be understood for studying in e-learning resources. They have to acquire social behavior in virtual communities such as in discussion boards or in chat rooms. Students who already own experiences using the Internet have advantages compared to others. Nevertheless, e-learning resource providers cannot expect that the students already know how to use the course material and should always explain the study methods in use. Resource providers should also link to related study topics, especially to the basics of the study topic and to resources, which provide supplementary information. A problem for educators is that younger students are used to quickly changing and superficial presentations such as found in video games or broadcasts in television channels [Mm98]. Even if these students are able to read a text up to the last line, they have problems with memorizing and understanding the message. Unfortunately, e-learning allows these abstract-minded students to do the same and to distract themselves much more by quickly clicking through the study material or surfing to other sites. E-learning resources should integrate learning control mechanisms, for example in form of understanding questions and essay tasks, distributed through the study material.

Tutors and resource designers have to understand the differences between traditional and e-learning. They have to replace their traditional methods by the respective counterparts for e-learning and integrate new ones, which are only available in e-learning. In particular, they have to consider the shift from face-to-face contact to machine directed contacts. In most cases, resource designers are not identical with tutors. The reason for this separation lies in the complexity of designing and implementing multifaceted e-learning resources. This work division can be potentially difficult as resource designers must perfectly understand the study matter and perfectly understand didactics. Consequently, a designer can only be a person, who is didactically educated and has a deep knowledge of the study topic. Alternatively, a didactical framework can enable topic professionals to implement e-learning resources in a qualitatively high standard.

Concluding the didactical introduction, one should always remember that human beings are creatures of rituals, ritualized behavior, and habits [SK90]. When we keep in mind these facts, it is not surprising to see that many students and tutors do not like their first contact with the new learning methods in the virtual classrooms.


1.4       Contributions

The introduced basics of e-learning architectures represent the environment in which we investigated the problems regarding interconnecting of geographically distributed resource providers with a geographically distributed architecture for hands-on trainings oriented computer networks laboratories. The prerequisite of the geographically distributed laboratories excludes the use of existing architectures for centralized resource provisioning. The integration of laboratories with limited hands-on training equipment requires the integration of a reservation system into the course management system. Users have to access the elements of such a distributed architecture and the expensive e-learning resources protected with a resource management system. Such a user access system should address the possibility of providing facultative user access and resource management to web-based resources. This system should also ease the integration of the resources in higher-level user access management systems. We investigated the authentication and authorization as well as interconnection related questions posed by these problems and developed three different novel architectures, a novel architecture for resource access management and two novel distributed e-learning architectures; as such architectures did not exist at the beginning of this thesis. The prototypical implementation of the e-learning computer networks laboratory raised teaching related questions, which we addressed with a novel didactical framework for hands-on training oriented e-learning resources.

This thesis is going to address the following problem areas:

  • How is it possible to enhance web-based e-learning resources with user and resource management functionalities as well as on demand communication and accounting features?
  • How is it possible to connect resources to higher-level user management systems in an easy procedure?
  • How is it possible to interconnect geographically distributed e-learning resources, such as computer networks laboratories with limited hands-on training equipment, for forming a common e-learning resource?
  • How can didactically unskilled e-learning computer networks laboratories designers implement a didactically structured state-of-the-art course and achieve a better teaching quality than in traditional laboratories?


In this thesis, we present an architecture, which solves the issues raised when connecting web-based resources to higher-level user management systems, such as authentication and authorization infrastructures. The architecture allows connecting of all types of resources with no system changes to higher-level user management systems. The architecture proposes a resource management portal and we call it resource management portal architecture. This architecture also introduces a concept, by which it is possible to protect and enhance resources with user and resource management functionalities, which base on a resource adapter concept. A special emphasis of the investigation lies on the adaptor concept, by which this broker can receive user information from higher-level user management systems and release information to resources. The user management concept also shows how to collect supplementary user information and how to manage automatically the resource access based on the collected user information. We further present a concept for user and resource accounting as well as a plug-in concept for adding communication tools to the resource management portal. We used a prototypical implementation of the architecture to prove the approaches and for scalability tests.

We present a distributed architecture for interconnecting all elements, necessary in an e-learning resource with geographically distributed laboratories, which we call multifunctional e-learning architecture. We also discuss the combination of this distributed architecture with the resource management portal architecture and the resulting shift of authentication tasks to higher-level user management systems. We call this combined architecture extended multifunctional e-learning architecture. We propose a concept for forming a grid with distributed e-learning laboratories, allowing the exchange of user authentication and authorization information. One element of this grid represents a resource management system with an integrated laboratory reservation system. A second element of this grid represents a laboratory portal server, comprising security functionalities for protecting the laboratory from Internet threads and a concept for safe forwarding laboratory users to the chosen laboratory devices as well as methods for resetting laboratory devices. In the case of the extended architecture, the third element of this grid is the resource management portal, which integrates the grid with the higher-level user management system. We discuss how to use the resource management portal for user registration in the resource management system and the course platform by means of the adaptor concept. We implemented a prototypical hands-on training e-learning laboratory with a lab bed consisting of two commercial routers and three Linux hosts to prove the laboratory portal server’s concept. We used the prototypical implementation of the architecture with an attached course platform and several geographically distributed laboratories to prove its functionality and tested it with students.

In this thesis we also presents a didactical framework, comprising of well-known didactical teaching methods but grouped together in a novel way for educating students in hands-on trainings oriented e-learning resources. This framework contains a proposed course structure for e-learning laboratories with a focus on hands-on trainings. We investigated the learning styles of students in a traditional computer networks laboratory by observing the students at work and with the analysis of feedback forms. Based upon that information we present a didactical framework for the electronic version of the laboratory. We could investigate the effects of the framework in a field test with real students in the prototypical implementation of the course. The analyzed user feedback reports an improved association of the newly acquired with existing knowledge and a higher sustainability of the learning material.


1.5       Outline

This document comprises five main Chapters. Chapter 2 presents and evaluates related technologies for their use in our own architectural solutions. We focus on authentication infrastructures, authentication and authorization infrastructures and on related technologies for a secured data transport.

Chapter 3 discusses the investigated issues and the subsequent design of the resource management portal architecture and its prototypical implementation, which can be operated autonomously and additionally act as a broker between higher-level user management systems and resources. We also investigate scalability with performance stress measurements performed with the portal’s prototypical implementation. We further show how to connect resources and user management systems to the resource management portal in a time and cost effective way as well as the advantages the resource management portal provides for the participating organizations, resource providers, and users.

Chapter 4 discusses investigated and addressed issues of the first distributed e-learning architecture we have designed and the prototypical implementation of the architecture. We called the architecture multifunctional e-learning architecture. It enables students to access geographically distributed hands-on trainings-oriented e-learning resources. This architecture resembles a computational grid as various distributed resources are aggregated together, forming the e-learning resource. We tested the concept of the architecture with the prototypical implementation of a first hands-on training laboratory by means of the learning module IP Security.

Chapter 5 discusses the motivation and the addressed issues, which led to the combination of the multifunctional e-learning architecture with the resource management portal architecture, called extended multifunctional e-learning architecture. This distributed architecture was prototypically implemented and evaluated.

Chapter 6 discusses the didactical aspects of e-learning and the developed framework for improving the quality of e-learning. The Chapter starts with an analysis of the exemplar traditional computer networks laboratory of our institution and presents the prototypical implementation and evaluations of the framework with the e-learning version of the computer networks laboratory.

In Chapter 7 we conclude the work in a global way.



2       Related Work:
Discussion and Evaluation

This Chapter discusses and evaluates the related work and technologies with their potential alternatives, applied in the resource management portal architecture and both, the multifunctional e-learning architecture and its extended version. We discuss the applied technologies in the presented architectures in more detail and extent than related but not selected ones. An evaluation follows each technology discussion and each discussed group of technologies ends with a comparison of the evaluations and recommendations about the use in our architectures.

Chapter 2.1 not only introduces basic terms in resource access but also shows the motivation for the application of such technologies in e-learning resources.

Chapter 2.2 discusses authentication infrastructures. These infrastructures serve to protect resources from undesired user access. Each type of technology provides different advantages for the resource users and the resource owners.

Chapter 2.3 is devoted to the discussion of secure data transport in the Internet, which is necessary for the exchange of confidential user data at the e-learning resource access and during a resource visit.

Chapter 2.4 discusses different authentication and authorization infrastructures. We discuss and evaluate these technologies, especially related to their implementation problematic, their user data protection and their current development and deployment state.

Chapter 2.5 is an evaluation summary of the related technologies and recommends the technologies to be used in our architectures.

Chapter 2.6 discusses computer networks laboratories.

2.1       Introduction

The first section of the introduction discusses basic terms used when talking about resource access control systems. We subsequently discuss the relation between resource access and protection of resources, especially in the case of e-learning resources. A conclusion of this discussion is that those methods already used at the beginning of the Internet do not always scale with large resource user communities or security demands encountered nowadays. In the subsequent section, we introduce the asymmetric encryption principle, encountered in many security technologies of today’s Internet. The introduction ends with a comparison and evaluation of these asymmetric technologies related to our own architectures.

We start the discussion about resource access issues with the introduction of terms related to the access of resources on the Internet:



Authentication is the process of determining whether someone is really the person he or she claims to be.


Authorization is the process of giving someone permission to do something.


Accounting is the process, which measures the resources a user consumes during his or her session. Accounting performs authorization control, billing, trend analysis, and capacity planning activities.

Single sign-on (SSO)

Single sign-on [Cj02] is the term used for mechanisms permitting a user to authenticate with his or her user credentials only once in order to access multiple resources.

User Credentials

User credentials consist of information used by a user to authenticate with a resource.


All the time when a resource should provide their content to authorized persons only and when confidential data transfers the Internet, it is necessary to intercept access control systems, as well as to encrypt the transferred data. E-learning resources, whose providers do not intend to provide the content free of charge, have to protect access with an access control system. In this way, unauthorized persons cannot access these resources. Because of this circumstance, most e-learning architectures comprise systems, which protect the resources from undesired user access. The main reasons for this restricted access pattern for e-learning resources lie in the expensiveness of the learning content production, the high technical operation costs, the technical and didactical maintenance expenses along with the update processes, and particularly in the cost intensive user support.

Access to e-learning resources should be as user-friendly as possible. The user friendliest access procedure of course is achieved by a welcome message, informing about who is authorized to access the resource and no further access control system. However, without technical means to enforce access control, subscribers and non-subscribers access those unprotected resources, declaring to be open only for their subscribers.

Many possibilities exist to protect Internet resources from unauthorized access. The correct selection of an access control mechanism depends on the desired security level. Historically seen, access control systems, which do not scale for large user communities or fine-grained access control, protected resources first. By issuing a user name and a password to the users for example, the administration of a large user community causes a lot of work for the registration procedure and the user help desk, especially for forgotten user names and passwords. Because of this reason, for example libraries used and still use another access control system, based on IP numbers [Dc88]. However, all these access control systems have severe drawbacks as listed below:


  • With IP-based access control, the administration of the resulting IP number access lists is time consuming and hardly manageable for a high number of users.
  • With IP-based access control, there exists no administrative control to see, which user accessed the resource as the logs list IP numbers and not user names. Even IP numbers associated to single users could not help as some users may share IP numbers.
  • With IP-based access control, it is hardly impossible to evaluate statistically the user behavior and to implement payment systems due to the same reasons.
  • With IP-based access control, users traveling around and connecting from foreign places have always to ask for an entry of their actual IP number or host name in the access lists.
  • Many users connect via gateways with the Network Address Translation (NAT) protocol. Those users use internal IP numbers and appear all with the IP number used by the NAT device. In this way, many hosts can have the same IP on the Internet.
  • Many users having an IP number retrieve this number from a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server. This DHCP server issues IP numbers from a predefined IP range. In this way, users have no guarantee to receive always the same IP number.


Other access control systems help to overcome the above-mentioned drawbacks. They result to be more flexible, user friendly and administrable. The name for access control systems, which only authenticate users, is authentication infrastructures. The name for systems, which additionally authorize the authenticated users, is Authentication and Authorization Infrastructures (AAI). The term authentication and authorization infrastructure is not an expression for one special type of authentication and authorization infrastructure. It is a generic term for all infrastructures including user authentication and authorization.

It is necessary to differentiate (i.e. authorize) users’ access rights in a resource and not only to give or not give access (i.e. authenticate) a user. In e-learning resources for example, students can in no way have access to areas reserved for tutors. The term authentication and authorization infrastructure does not define where authentication and authorization take place. It is possible that the authorization process is combined with the authentication process or not. It is also possible that both processes are independent from each other. Some authentication and authorization infrastructures provide the possibility to split up authorization by giving users the possibility to decide how much personal information they want to release to a selected resource and by giving resources the possibility to decide if the users have provided enough information to access the resource.

We can broadly distinguish two major groups of resources in relation to access credentials. In one group, the resource provider only issues user credentials for the own resource. A commercial e-learning course provider, an Internet bookshop, an Internet bank or an Internet music store, working independently from other enterprises for example, maintain each an own user database. Advantages for the resource owners are that nobody else knows their customers and that those customers are fully transparent in their behavior in the resource.

In the other group, a group of resource providers issues user credentials for the group of their resources. Universities with many e-learning resources, multinational enterprises with many internal and external resources or universities from one country, which want to open their resources for all students of this country, for example prefer to issue one set of user credential per user and maintaining each user only in one database.

Because of the historical development of the Internet and of the resources, most users access resources with credentials only valid for the respective resource. This results in long lists of user credentials that users have to worry. The better way for everyone is thus, when resource providers issue user credentials valid for a set of resources. All involved parties benefit from such solutions, for example applied to e-learning resources:


  • Only one administration desk exists for student accounts, which are valid in many resources. The administration issues user credentials only once per user.
  • Resource providers do not have to care about user registration, administration and the user credential issuing processes, but only about subscribe or unsubscribe registered users to their resources.
  • Users benefit from user credentials that work with various resources.


The major conclusions here are that resource providers and resource users greatly benefit if not each resource but groups of resources issue user credentials. Moreover, user privacy is easier to maintain, if users can decide about the released information towards a resource. A consequence of these conclusions is the intention to realize architectures, which form computational grids, where users can access distributed resources and maintain user privacy. In such grids, users may originate from different organizations and places as well as access resources belonging to different organizations. Grids can provide seamless resource provisioning from many distributed resources to users. Such grids must comprise authentication, authorization, resource discovery and access mechanisms. In that way, for example a university can provide e-learning content located on different hosts to their students. The later presented distributed architectures for computer networks laboratories with geographically distributed laboratories are examples of such computational grids.

Famous representatives of computational grids solve ambitious computational jobs such as calculations of scientific or technical nature [FK98]. In many of these famous grids, most computers offering computational power to the grid belong to individuals who let their computers share not self-used computational power and contribute to the common goal of the respective grid. Grid resource users such as universities profit from the resources offered free of charge. Some grids resemble computer clusters with up to several thousand members and can compete with super computers. There exist many different computational grids [Sj03]. One of the most famous grids is seti@home, the grid used to search for extraterrestrial intelligence [ABDG97]. The Eurogrid is a grid infrastructure developed by another organization, which builds the base for several grids such as the Bio Grid, the Meteo Grid, or the Café Grid [ES01]. The mentioned grids process computational tasks in a distributed environment. The tasks consist of parts of bigger tasks. In our distributed architectures, a user interacts directly with one node of the e-learning grid and performs his or her tasks there. The tasks in our grid consist of hands-on trainings performed on the grid partners.

In some grids, participating users have to install client software on their computers. In other grids, no client software installation is necessary. The requirement for clients to install special software to be able to participate in a grid brings the burden of maintaining this software for the clients’ operating systems. Our architectures do not require clients to install own software and the prototypical implementations can be accessed with web browsers.

In grids, which solve computational tasks, servers distribute units of the entire computation tasks to the clients and collect the results. Under the many existing grids are grids that compute sensitive data and consequently have to use data encryption technologies for the data transfer in the Internet. For such types of grids, the Grid Security Infrastructure [BEFK00], which is a component of the Globus Toolkit [FK97b], is the de-facto security standard. In those grids, users delegate to the server the right to act for the user for initiating and monitoring this user’s operation on grid resources. To overcome these job delegation problems in the grid security infrastructure with standard web security protocols, a group proposed a solution based on web proxies. In our distributed architectures, sensitive data consists of the users’ actions on the distributed laboratories and of the user data transferred with the course platform. We do not forward sensitive data from one grid node, consisting of a laboratory, to another and thus apply encryption mechanisms such as secure sockets layer or secure shell.

Common to resource access control systems and data encryption technologies is the need for encryption keys. There exist symmetric keys, where identical keys serve for data encryption and decryption and asymmetric keys, where different keys serve to encrypt and decrypt data. In symmetric data encryption, both parties have to know the key. The key has to reach both parties in a safe way. This is not always possible and especially not over the Internet. This problem can be resolved by using asymmetric data encryption. In this technology, one of the keys is publicly available, for example on the Internet and used to encrypt data for the publisher. Only the publisher can then encrypt the respective data with the second key. A negative aspect of asymmetric encryption is the higher computational demand for encryption and decryption of data and thus there exist systems, where an asymmetric key serves to encrypt the symmetric key, which serves to encrypt the payload.


2.2       Authentication Issues

We start the discussion of authentication issues with the presentation of public key infrastructures. Public key infrastructures build a key element in encrypted data transport and in most authentication systems. Subsequently we discuss a state-of-the-art resource access infrastructure, which only performs user authentication and not authorization.

2.2.1   Public Key Infrastructures

Whenever we electronically exchange data, for example over the Internet, the equipment transforms the data in a well-defined number of ciphers. Such a well-defined number of ciphers can represent any kind of data and also electronic user credentials and electronic keys. It is possible to compute values from these well-defined cipher blocks itself. By means of these values, it is possible to verify if the cipher blocks changed on their way on their way or not. These cipher blocks and the way they are generated have well defined terms in the area of cryptography [Kb93]. We define these terms below:


Public Key

A public key is a value, for effectively encrypt messages and verify digital signatures issued by the corresponding private key. The public key may be publicly available, as it does not contain secret information. All secret information is stored within the corresponding private key.

Private Key

A private key is a value - known only to the owner - used to decrypt messages encrypted by the corresponding public key, issue digital signatures, which may be verified, by the corresponding public key, and compute the corresponding public key. The private key must not be publicly available and be kept private.


Together, a private and a public key form a key pair. It is only possible to decrypted messages, encrypted with the public key, with the corresponding private key.


Certificate Authority (CA)

The Certificate Authority is an authority in a network that issues, verifies, revokes, and manages security credentials and public keys for message encryption and signature verification.

Registration Authority (RA)

A Registration Authority is an authority, which verifies the certificate issuing procedure of the certificate authority by a policy. Registration authorities are the gatekeepers to the certificate authorities. The registration authority policy may be very strict and demand a personal show up of a user or very lenient up to issuing certificates to whom applies without verifying the identities.

Digital Certificate

A digital certificate consists of the public key and the identity of an entity, rendered unforgeable by digitally signing the entire information with the private key of the issuing certificate authority.

Certificate Revocation List (CRL)

A certificate revocation list is a collection of revoked digital certificates. Revoked certificates are no longer valid. Users query the list is to verify if the digital certificate in question is still valid.

Public Key Infrastructures (PKI)

A public key infrastructure is a system of digital certificates and certificate authorities that verify and authenticate the validity of each involved party.

Cross Certification

Cross certification means that certificate authority 1 signs the public key of certificate authority 2 with its private key and vice versa. In other words, certificate authority 1 certifies the root certificates of certificate authority 2 and vice versa.


The technical challenge is to achieve at least the same reliability level in the Internet as we in our daily life. A feasible way to achieve high security standards is the use of public key infrastructures [HFPS99]. The name public key infrastructure is used because certificate authorities issue digital certificates by signing public keys. Most of today’s issued certificates base on the X.509 Standard [X.509]. Public key infrastructures have become the de facto standard for establishing reliability over electronic networks.

The next Chapters present the major types of certificate authorities in use in today’s Internet, beginning with the single certificate authority model, the hierarchical certificate authority model, the cross certification authority model and ending with applications with trust lists.

Single Certificate Authority

The single certificate authority model is the most idealistic of the presented models. It is idealistic because it is impossible to have only one certificate authority worldwide, due to scalability and political reasons. In this model, each person gets a private key from the single existing certificate authority, in a secure out-of-band manner, for example in a personal hand-over of the private key. The same authority also signs the corresponding public key and stores this certificate in a certificate directory. The same authority also maintains a list with revoked certificates. Figure 2‑1 depicts a prototype of such a public key infrastructure. It consists of a certificate authority, a registration authority, one or more directories with the certificates and a certificate management system, containing a certificate revocation list.


Figure 21: Single certificate authority.

Figure 2‑1 also depicts the steps necessary when user A wants to certify his or her private key with a certificate authority and how user B obtains the respective public key for the encryption of a message to user A:


1)       User A applies for a public key certificate by the registration authority.

2)       User A complies with the registration authority’s policy and the registration authority allows the certificate authority to issue the certificate.

3)       The certificate authority signs user A’s public key and issues the certificate to user A as well as stores a copy in the certificate directory which is publicly accessible.

4)       User B wants to send a secret message to user A and needs to encrypt the message with user A’s public key. User B gets the public key from the certificate directory.

5)       User B queries the certificate revocation list.

6)       Only user A’s private key can decrypt such a message encrypted by user A’s public key.


A major problem with public key certificates is that nobody knows at first glance if they are still valid, revoked, or falsified. As in the single certificate authority model only one certificate authority exists, the process of verifying the actual state of a public key is relatively simple because only one certificate revocation list has to be maintained and queried by the users. Figure 2‑2 shows how user D may verify user C’s certificate issued by certificate authority X:


1)       User D queries the certificate directory and the certificate revocation list of certificate authority X to inquire if the certificate is still valid or revoked.

2)       User D requests user C’s certificate authority X’s public key which is publicly accessible.

3)       User D is now able verify the signature on user C’s public key certificate and learns if user C’s public key was issued by the certification authority X or not.


Figure 22: Certificate lookup with one certificate authority.

Hierarchical Certificate Authorities

In the hierarchical certificate authorities’ model, one root certificate authority signs the public keys of its sub certificate authorities and not public keys from each user as in the single certificate authority model. Each sub certificate authority can have one or more sub certificate authorities. In that way, it is possible to generate tree like structures with many sub certificate authorities. All certificate authorities could also sign user certificates but normally only the leaves of the tree do that. Figure 2‑3 shows the hierarchical model with one root certificate authority and two sub certificate authorities. The private key of the root certificate authority signs the public key certificates of certificate authority 1 and 2. User A’s and user B’s public key certificates are signed by their respective certificate authority. Everybody may validate these users’ public key certificates with the public key of the root certificate authority.


Figure 23: Hierarchical certificate authorities.

Cross Certificate Authorities

In the real world, many root certification authorities exist and certificate verification is a time consuming task impossible to execute for the majority of users in the Internet. To ease certificate verifications, some certificate authorities cross certify their root certificates.

The advantage of cross certification for users is that they can assume certificates reliable if that certificate authority’s public key is also signed by their own certificate authority. A certificate authority that signs another certificate authority’s public key is the root certificate authority and the other, the sub certificate authority. If a sub certificate authority signs other certificate authorities’ public keys and those do the same with other certificate authorities, they generate cross certification chains.

Figure 2‑4 shows certificate authority 1 and 2 that cross certify their certificates. Certificate authority 1 uses its root private key to sign the root public key of certificate authority 2. The thereby signed public key becomes now certificate authority 2’s public key certificate. Certificate authority 2 does the same but vice versa. Certificate authority 1’s public key can now be used to verify certificate authority 1’s issued public key certificate but also to verify certificate authority 2’s issued public key certificate and vice versa. User A’s key pair consists of a private key and public key which is signed by certificate authority 1’s public key, resulting in user A’s public key certificate. The same happens for user B with certificate authority 2. User A’s certificate allows to User B to verify the validity of this certificate and vice versa.


Figure 24: Cross certification with two certificate authorities.

Applications with Trust Lists

All users may store trust worthy public key certificates in applications, which possess the trust list feature. The acceptance and storage of these certificates demands a certain understanding from users as well as the ability to read the policy conditions, which can already be a problem due to an unknown language. Applications featuring pre-configured trust lists containing public key certificates of those root certificate authorities, which spent time and money and conform to the policies for the list integration make the installation procedure for end users obsolete.

Most web browsers, feature trust lists with pre-stored root certificates from many different certificate authorities. Figure 2‑5 shows user, A which uses a web browser.


Figure 25: Trust lists.

In this web browser, root certificate authorities 1 to 4 have already inserted their root public keys. User A could remove unwanted keys of the list or additionally add new keys. User A now opens a web site, which makes use of encrypted data. The web site owner owns a public key certificate from root certificate authority 2. User A may now validate this certificate by means of the built in root certificate of certificate authority 2. If the web site owner does not belong to a pre-added certificate authority, the user has to decide if he or she wants to accept and install the new certificate and trust the new certificate authority.

Public Key Infrastructure in Grid Computing

At least one of the global grid projects, the Grid Security Infrastructure, uses the above-discussed PKI technologies for the data transmission between its servers and clients. As discussed, in public key infrastructures messages can be decrypted only with the respective private key. This is a problem in the area of mass computing such as in the Grid area as clients send calculation jobs to a network of linked computers unable to decrypt the data because they do not have the users’ private key. To overcome this problem, grid security infrastructure makes use of delegated proxies acting on behalf of users and resources. A delegated proxy is a proxy acting on behalf of the anterior proxy. Such proxies do not use the original long-lived certificates but their own short-lived ones. The advantage of those self-signed certificates lies in their short lifetime and the resulting loss of danger for involved keys in automated processing. These proxies can communicate without involving the real user. [NTW01] describes an implementation of such a proxy chain in detail.

Evaluation of the Different Models

After the discussion of the different public key infrastructure models, we discuss and evaluate their advantages and disadvantage, for the use in the later discussed architectures.

Single Certificate Authority

It is an unrealistic assumption that one day, only one certificate authority would exist worldwide, and that each user gets his or her signed public key certificate directly from there. This root certificate authority would have immense power and be able to control all certificate holders. For an e-learning architecture, the single certificate authority model is interesting in an isolated environment. It enables the operator of such an environment to issue own certificates for server-to-server traffic and for the users. Users would have to accept and import the server certificates in their applications such as web browsers, the first time they get into contact with encrypted data of this certificate authority. Certificate authorities often issue the server certificates are over the Internet, an issuing process with a potential for data interception by attackers.

Hierarchical Certificate Authority

The hierarchical certificate authority model delegates responsibility to sub certificate authorities. All sub certificate authorities have to comply with the policies of all their upper certificate authorities but may issue policies that are more limited. The root certificate authority is still very powerful. This model is interesting, if for example a country sets up an official root certificate authority and organizations within this country operate sub certificate authorities. The advantage over the single certificate authority model lies in the delegation of reliability and administrational work to a root certificate authority, which manages law and financial issues. Due to the larger user community in the hierarchical model, the possibility that root keys of such root certificate authorities find their way in applications such as web browser is much higher than in the single certificate authority model. Another advantage is that an organization may set up two certificate authorities with different policies under the same root certificate authority, one for server certificates, and another for user certificates.

Cross Certificate Authority

Cross certification is a useful workaround, which allows relating certificate authorities of the single and hierarchical model and make root certificates of one certificate authority accepted by more users. However cross certification complexity increases with the number of partners. With each joining certificate authority, it is more difficult to keep track of the certificate network, especially if considering that certification chains can intersect. In big cross-certified networks, reliability may easily get lost and the advantages of public key infrastructures go along.

Applications with Trust Lists

Trust lists provide a high comfort to end users. Due to the pre-added public keys to users’ applications such as web browsers, no further user interaction is necessary when transferring encrypted data with the resource servers. If root certificates are not integrated in users’ applications, users get used to accept certificates and skip warning messages. A negative aspect is that users do not know most certificates in the trust lists of their applications (e.g. in web browsers). Integration of root certificates into applications is time consuming and expensive but alleviates e-learning resource users from the task of certificate installations in their applications.

Comparison and Recommendations

The features of each of the three evaluated public key infrastructures are condensed and compared in Table 2‑1. Features provided are marked as X, features provided under certain conditions as (X).



certificate authority

Hierarchical certificate authority


One root certificate authority




Several root certificate authorities




One registration policy




Several registration policies




One certificate realm




Several certificate realms




Delegable certificate realms




Different trust standards




Provides full authority to resource owners in whole certificate realm




Provides full authority to resource owners in own certificate realm




Single and hierarchical certificate authorities linkable without loosing independency




Useful if server to server traffic is encrypted as no user applications have to be adapted




Lower costs for certificate integration in user applications




One certificate revocation list




Several certificate revocation lists




Table 21: Comparison of PKI models.

Evaluation recommendation:

We do not recommend using a single certificate authority for server-to-server traffic encryption and no end user applications can get into contact with the issued certificates without having to install the certificates manually or without spending a high amount of money for the certificate integration into applications such as web browsers. We recommend using a hierarchical certificate authority model in the role of a sub certificate authority with control over its own certificate realm. The costs for the integration of root certificates in user applications should be lower than in the single certificate model due to the larger user community participating in the costs. Cross-certified certificate authorities are interesting enhancements to the single and hierarchical certificate authority models. However, cross certifying many certificate authorities results in a loss of trustworthiness in the trust network. We recommend using end user applications with trust lists in any case with traffic between end users and servers.

2.2.2   Authentication with Kerberos

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) developed Kerberos [CT94]. The name Kerberos originates from Greek mythology, where Kerberos is the name of the three-headed dog that guards the entrance to Hades. Kerberos is a network authentication protocol, designed to provide strong authentication for client/server applications by using secret key cryptography. Secret key cryptography is a synonym for symmetric key cryptography and thus in secret key cryptography, the same key serves to encrypt and decrypt data, in contrast to public key cryptography, where a public and a secret key are necessary. In Kerberos, client and server applications must be Kerberos enabled. The main components in Kerberos are the Authentication Server (AS) and the Ticket Granting Server (TGS). These servers together with a database form a Key Distribution Center (KDC). Kerberos bases on keys for user authentication (kU) and resource access (kR) as shown in Figure 2‑6. All resources together with the key distribution center form a Kerberos realm. Up to Kerberos version 4, it was necessary to establish a shared secret between all involved parties. This limited the inter-realm connectivity as it was hardly possible to establish the same shared secret over multiple realms, especially due to security risks in the case of corruption of the shared secret. From version 5 on, Kerberos is more scalable because it is possible to arrange hierarchically different Kerberos realms. Each of these realms has its own authentication server and ticket-granting server. It is also possible to use public key cryptography additionally to the shared secret of the secret key cryptography.

Figure 2‑6 shows the involved parties in a Kerberos system. Both, the user and the service on the resource are required to have keys registered with the authentication server. The user U that is located at his or her computer wants to access the Kerberos protected resource R:


1)       The user logs-in to the computer and provides his or her user name and password together with his or her key U (kU) for authentication with the authentication server.

2)       The Kerberos client installed on the computer sends a request for these credentials to the authentication server. The request is contains the user name U to be authenticated, the current time, the desired expiration time of the authentication ticket and a random number.

3)       The authentication server checks if U is in its database and if it is the server sends back to messages to the client: message A contains the client/ticket-granting server session key. This message is encrypted with the secret kU of the user. Message B contains the client identity, the client’s network address, the ticket expiration time a random number and the client/ticket-granting ticket session key. This message is encrypted with the secret key of the ticket-granting server. Another name is Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT).

4)       The client now decrypts message A and with the client/ticket granting ticket session key, the user can now request a ticket from the ticket-granting server with two messages. Message C contains message B and the identity of the resource R. Message D contains the client’s identity, and a timestamp. This message is encrypted with the client/ticket granting ticket session key. The client itself cannot decrypt message B, which is encrypted with the ticket granting servers’ secret key.

5)       Upon receiving messages C and , the ticket granting server decrypts message D with the client/ticket granting server session key and sends two messages to the client: message E contains the client’s identity, the client’s network address, the ticket expiration date and a client/resource session key, encrypted with the resource’s secret key kR. Message F contains the client/resource session key, encrypted with the client/ticket granting server session key.

6)       The client sends these credentials to the resource R for accessing the requested service. Message G contains message E and is encrypted with the resource’s secret key. Message H contains message D, encrypted with the client/resource’s session key. The resource now receives and decrypts the messages with its own kR and the service provisioning starts.

7)       The resource signals back its decision to the user U.


Figure 26: Kerberos authentication.

Figure 2‑7 shows a user of Kerberos realm A accessing a resource in Kerberos realm B. The user has keys registered with the authentication server of realm A, the resource with the authentication server of realm B. The user of realm A accesses the computer and wants to access the Kerberos protected resource:


1)       The user logs-in to the computer and provides his or her user name and password together with his or her key U (kU) for authentication with the authentication server of his or her Kerberos realm A.

2)       The Kerberos client installed on the computer sends a request for these credentials to the authentication server of realm A. The request is contains the user name U to be authenticated, the current time, the desired expiration time of the authentication ticket and a random number.

3)       The authentication server checks if U is in its database and if it is the server sends back to messages to the client: message A contains the client/ticket-granting server session key and also the key distribution center URL of realm B. This message is encrypted with the secret kU of the user. Message B contains the client identity, the client’s network address, the ticket expiration time a random number and the client/ticket-granting ticket session key. This message is encrypted with the secret key of the ticket-granting server. Another name is Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT).

4)       The Kerberos client installed on the computer this time sends an authentication request for the user to the authentication server of realm B, together with the credentials of realm A, consisting of the decrypted message A. With the client/ticket granting ticket session key, the user can now request a ticket from the ticket-granting server with two messages. Message C contains message B and the identity of the resource R. Message D contains the client’s identity, and a timestamp. This message is encrypted with the client/ticket granting ticket session key. The client itself cannot decrypt message B, which is encrypted with the ticket granting servers’ secret key.

5)       Upon receiving messages C and , the ticket granting server of realm B decrypts message D with the client/ticket granting server session key and sends two messages to the client: message E contains the client’s identity, the client’s network address, the ticket expiration date and a client/resource session key, encrypted with the resource’s secret key kR. Message F contains the client/resource session key, encrypted with the client/ticket granting server session key.

6)       These credentials can be sent to the resource for accessing the requested service in the other Kerberos realm. The resource now receives the ticket and the service accepts or rejects the ticket.

7)       The client sends these credentials to the resource R for accessing the requested service in the other Kerberos realm. Message G contains message E and is encrypted with the resource’s secret key. Message H contains message D, encrypted with the client/resource’s session key. The resource now receives and decrypts the messages with its own kR and the service provisioning starts.

8)       The resource signals back its decision to the user U.


Figure 27: Kerberos inter-realm connectivity.

Evaluation of Kerberos

Kerberos is a widely deployed authentication infrastructure but not an authorization infrastructure. Client software for the most used applications and server software exist for Microsoft Windows, Linux, and UNIX operating systems. Only resources with many users such as commercial course platform [GSS96 and GS97] for example are Kerberos enabled. Smaller resources are not Kerberos enabled. Even with the improvements realized in Kerberos version 5, some limitations remain and an inter-realm shared secret or a public key infrastructure certification are necessary. Inter-realm connections may result in long certification chains, as an accessed resource in a foreign realm has to trace back the user’s realm via the next realms in between. Therefore, Kerberos does not scale for large user groups, which do not belong to a limited number of organizations. A disadvantage of Kerberos is that it is not designed for user authorization. It is only indirectly possible to authorize users. The only possibility to authorize users in Kerberos is by issuing authentication tickets, related to access rights defined in additional databases. This kind of authorization causes high administrational overhead, because each user’s authorization state, based on these additional authentication ticket has to be stored in a database belonging to the e-learning courses resource management system. Nowadays, it is easier to handle user authorization if it bases on user information attributes.


User information Attribute

An attribute is a property of something. There exists pre-defined attributes with corresponding values. A user information attribute for a user name is such a pre-defined attribute in conjunction with the respective user value.


Table 2‑2 lists the advantages and disadvantages found in Kerberos:




·          Secure authentication infrastructure.

·          Broadly deployed.

·          Natively supported in Microsoft operating systems Windows 2000 and XP.

·          Supported in UNIX derivatives.

·          Pure authentication infrastructure, authorization must be based on authenticated identities.

·          Inter-realm resource access is complicated to realize.

·          Only organizations, which operate a key distribution center for their users can participate

Table 22: Advantages and disadvantages of Kerberos.


Evaluation recommendation: We do not recommend using Kerberos for the below described portal and e-learning architectures. Kerberos is principally an authentication infrastructure and misses the authorization part, important for e-learning resources such as the computer networks laboratory. Kerberos especially lacks the feature of user authorization based on user information attributes.



2.3       Secure Data Transport

This Chapter discusses and evaluates related technologies for the secure data transport between servers and servers as well as servers and end users.

2.3.1   Internet Protocol Security

Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) [SBDG02] is a technology for securing data transport between servers as well as between servers and users in the Internet on IP level. This makes IPSec an interesting potential technology to for securing traffic in e-learning architectures. Furthermore, IPSec is the main topic of one of the below presented e-learning module implementations in the computer networks laboratory. We therefore discuss IPSec in detail. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standardized IP version 6 (IPv6) [DH98 and Bt99] to solve pending problems such as address shortage of the current version of the IP protocol (IPv4). A spin-off development of this process was the IP security architecture, which introduces per-packet security features. While delays in the IP version 6 deployment occurred, the security architecture was adapted to the current IP version (IPv4). A key motivation for this adaptation was that Internet protocol security comprises all security mechanisms needed to implement a Virtual Private Network (VPN).


Virtual private network

A virtual private network is an encrypted data link, allowing the use of public networks for sending private data.


The Internet security architecture comprises of a family of protocols. IPSec describes IP packet header extensions and packet trailers, which provide security functions. We present the Authentication Header (AH), Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP), Security Associations (SA), and Internet Key Exchange (IKE) in more detail. The per-packet security functions originate from two protocols: The authentication header [KA98a], which provides packet integrity and authenticity and the encapsulating security payload [KA98b], which provides privacy through encryption. Authentication header and encapsulating security payload are independent protocols, applicable separately or combined. A reason for the separation of the security mechanisms was that there exist countries with restrictive regulations for encrypted communication. In such countries, IPSec can be deployed solely using authentication header because authentication mechanisms are free unlike payload encryption. The set of authentication header and encapsulating security payload is also required in order to guarantee interoperability between different IPSec implementations. Both protocols’ specifications do not include cryptographic algorithms. Hence, it is simple to add a new encryption algorithm to IPSec. Both authentication header and encapsulating security payload assume the presence of an encryption key known to the involved parties. This key may be installed manually. A better and more scalable approach is to use the third protocol of the IPSec family: the Internet key exchange protocol [HC98].

Security Association and Security Policy Database

At some point in the network, both authentication header and encapsulating security payload protocols perform a transformation to IP packets. The IPSec compliant nodes always form sender/receiver pairs where the sender performs the transformation and the receiver reverses it. The security association describes the relation between sender and receiver. Nota bene that the security association describes just one transformation and its inverse. Concatenated security associations describe concatenated authentication header and encapsulating security payload transformations. Security associations may be seen as descriptions of established IPSec connections. Both IPSec peering machines store representations of security associations. An IPSec security association specifies important settings:


  • The mode of the authentication algorithm used in the authentication header and the respective keys.
  • The encapsulating security payload encryption algorithm mode plus the respective keys.
  • The presence or absence of any cryptographic key synchronization used to determine the identical transaction key used in the selected encryption algorithm.
  • The frequency for the exchange of those keys.
  • The authentication algorithm and authentication mode applied in encapsulating security payload plus the respective keys.
  • The key’s lifetime.
  • The own lifetime.
  • The source address.
  • The sensitivity level descriptor, a security level indicator.


A security association is uniquely identified by a triple consisting of a Security Parameter Index (SPI) (a 32-bit number), the destination IP address, and the IPSec protocol in use (authentication header or encapsulating security payload). The sending party writes the security parameter index into the appropriate field of the IP protocol extension. The receiver uses this information to identify the correct security association. The receiver is able to invert the transformation and to restore the original packet. Each IPSec compliant machine may be involved in an arbitrary number of security associations.

Accordingly, a security association is a management construct used to enforce a security policy in the IPSec environment. The policy specifications are stored locally in every IPSec node’s Security Policy Database (SPD), consulted each time when processing inbound and outbound IP traffic, including non-IPSec traffic. The security policy database contains different entries for inbound and outbound traffic. The security policy database determines if traffic must be encrypted or can remain as clear text, or if traffic must be discarded. If traffic is encrypted, the security policy database must point to the respective security association by a selector, a set of IP and upper layer protocol field values to map traffic to a policy.

Transport and Tunnel Mode

Both, encapsulating security payload and authentication header have two modes: the transport mode and the tunnel mode. In the transport mode, only the payload and a part of the IP header get encrypted and authenticated. It extends the IP headers by adding additional fields. The original IP header remains the same before and after encryption. Figure 2‑8 shows an IP packet after applying the authentication header protocol. The authentication header adds information between the original IP header and the TCP/UDP/ICMP header. Figure 2‑9 shows an IP packet after applying the encapsulating security payload protocol. After the original IP header, the encapsulating security payload header is inserted and at the tail, an encapsulating security payload trailer 1and an encapsulating security payload authentication are added.


Figure 28: IP packet after applying AH in transport mode.


Figure 29: IP packet after applying ESP in transport mode.


The tunnel mode is ideal for implementing a virtual private network tunnel between Internet access routers as access routers can be equipped with special hardware, which encrypts and decrypts data faster than end systems without the respective hardware. Equipping many end systems with this type of hardware is more expensive than equipping few access routers. Figure 2‑10 shows an IP packet after applying the encapsulating security payload protocol in tunnel mode. The packet begins with a new IP header containing the addresses of the IPSec tunnel end points followed by an encapsulating security payload header. Then, the original IP packet follows and at the tail, an encapsulating security payload trailer and an encapsulating security payload authentication added.


Figure 210: IP packet after applying ESP in tunnel mode.

The new IP header may be secured using authentication header. The tunnel mode allows passing non-routable IP addresses or other network protocols through a public network as the addresses of the inner header are hidden. Hiding the original network topology also provides privacy.

The Internet Key Exchange Protocol

If two parties would like to communicate using IPSec, they need to negotiate the parameters in the security association. If the parameters have to be established manually, the process is time consuming and assumes that the involved parties possess required knowledge. The Internet key exchange protocol allows two nodes to automatically and securely set up and renew the required security associations. Internet key exchange uses the Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) [MSST98] to exchange messages. The Internet security association and key management protocol provides a framework for authentication and key exchange but does not define a particular key exchange scheme. Internet key exchange uses parts of the two key exchange schemes Oakley [Oh98] and Secure Key Exchange Mechanism (SKEME) [Kf96].

Internet key exchange operates in two phases. In phase 1, the two peers establish a secure authenticated communication channel (also called ISAKMP security association). In phase 2, security associations can be established on behalf of other services (most prominently IPSec security associations). Phase 2 exchanges require an existing Internet security association and key management protocol security association. One Internet security association and key management protocol security association can protect several phase 2 exchanges and a phase 2 exchange can negotiate several security associations on behalf of other services. The Internet security association and key management protocol security association is bi-directional and the following attributes are used by Internet key exchange and negotiated as part of the Internet security association and key management protocol security association: encryption algorithm, hash algorithm, authentication method, and initial parameters for the Diffie-Hellman algorithm [Sb96].

2.3.2   Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer

The Secure Sockets Layer Protocol (SSL) developed by Netscape [FKK96] or the standardized version Transport Layer Security (TLS) [DA99] are designed to provide privacy and data integrity between two communicating applications (i.e. a client and a server) by using public key cryptography as described in Chapter 2.2.1 for example together with RSA or DSS [RSA78 and GJKR96]. TLS 1.0 and SSL 3.0 do not interoperate although TLS is an enhancement of SSL [Ra00]. The protocols are also designed to authenticate the server, and optionally the client. SSL/TLS require a reliable transport protocol (e.g. TCP [Pj81]) for data transport.

One advantage of SSL/TLS protocols is that it is application protocol independent. This makes secure sockets layer a base technology for applications used in the e-learning architecture. An application level protocol, such as the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) [FGMF99], the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) [PR85], and Telnet [PR83] can layer on top of the SSL/TLS protocols transparently as shown in Figure 2‑11. SSL/TLS protocols can negotiate an encryption algorithm and a session key as well as authenticate a server before the application protocol transmits or receives its first byte of data. SSL/TLS support the use of X.509 digital certificates from the server so that, if necessary, a user can authenticate the sender.


Figure 211: SSL/TLS principle.

All application protocol data is encrypted before transportation, be it HTTP, Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) [LLM97], Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) [YHK95] or others thereby ensuring privacy. Connections provided by SSL/TLS protocols are private, authenticated, and reliable. All messages are encrypted using secret key cryptography for example with DES, 3DES or RC4 [DES, Tw79, TK97] with a session key that is defined at the beginning with an initial handshake. A session key is a cryptographic key valid only for one communication session. The server endpoint of the conversation is always authenticated, while the client endpoint authentication is optionally. The protocol includes a message integrity check using a Message Authentication Code (MAC) for detecting packet alteration between client and server. The MAC is calculated using secure one-way hash functions for example with SHA or MD5 [SHA, Rr92].

Secure Tunnel

The Secure tunnel or Stunnel [VMC02] is an application, which uses secure sockets layer to encrypt and tunnel TCP connection between the IP ports of two networked computers. Doing so, non-secure sockets layer aware applications’ traffic can be encrypted without changing their program code. A Stunnel server provides two functionalities: First, it receives unencrypted traffic, encrypts the traffic, and sends it to the Stunnel client over the Internet. Secondly, it receives encrypted traffic, decrypts the traffic, and then sends it over the Internet to another program residing on the same computer. Stunnel may be used for encrypting server-to-server traffic in the e-learning architecture.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer

Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer (HTTPS) or HTTP over SSL [BFF96] is used for encrypted transport of web pages over secure sockets layer. Most web browsers (Netscape, Explorer, Mozilla, Opera, Safari, etc.) support HTTPS without any additional software installation on the client side. HTTPS encrypts and decrypts user page requests and the returned pages. HTTPS connections are often used for submitting private information such as credit-card numbers and personal details. Web servers such as Apache and Microsoft Internet Information Server can be equipped with SSL/TLS modules. HTTPS may be used for a secured transport of web pages of the e-learning architecture.

2.3.3   Secure Shell

During a long time, Telnet served for remote access to computers. Although still in use, it is no longer popular due to its unencrypted data transport. In addition, user name and password pass Internet in clear text. The Telnet successor’s name is Secure Shell (SSH) [Yt96]. SSH provides secure login, file transfer, and TCP/IP connections over a public insecure network such as the Internet. It uses cryptographic authentication, automatic session encryption, and integrity protection for transferred data. The available SSH clients provide least the same functionalities as Telnet does. SSH supports the use of public key cryptography. SSH may be used for the client connection to the resource servers and laboratory devices of the e-learning architecture.



2.3.4   Evaluation of the Different Transport Technologies

Evaluation of Internet Protocol Security

IPSec is a potential candidate for the encryption of server-to-server traffic. Unfortunately, the implementations of the Internet key exchange protocol is not so advanced as necessary to use it for server to end system encryption and most IPSec tunnels must be set up manually. This is a major disadvantage as nobody can expect users to set up complicated tunnel configurations before attending an e-learning resource. IPSec is the choice for securely transporting traffic from whole sub networks behind access routers to other network areas.

Evaluation of Secure Sockets Layer

SSL/TLS is an option for securing the network traffic from different applications. SSL/TLS is able to encrypt the traffic between servers and servers and clients. An advantage of SSL/TSL is that public key infrastructures may be used for issuing encryption keys. Particularly applications with pre-configured trust lists in combination with root certificate authorities, which have stored their root certificates in these trust lists, facilitate the user access to the e-learning resources.

Stunnel bases on SSL/TLS and provides a safe data transport over public wires. It is an encryption technology, which is deployable within minutes and provides the advantage of tunneling traffic from unmodified applications’ IP number port to IP number port.

HTTPS bases on SSL/TLS and supported by most existing web browsers. It is user-friendly, as users do not have to install additional software to retrieve and send encrypted web pages.

Evaluation of Secure Shell

Secure shell is an application for directly connecting clients to hosts and having the same working environment as with a Telnet shell. The advantage of secure shell is that it encrypts all the traffic. It is possible to use a public key infrastructure for issuing encryption keys. Secure shell implementations exist in many variations, also as Java applets. It is essential for a computer networks laboratory that students can connect to the laboratory devices such as routers and hosts in the same way they would do this locally. Secure shell provides this possibility. The existing Java version additionally fulfills the requirement of no additional software installation on client side.


Comparison and Recommendations

The features of each of the three evaluated secure data transport technologies are condensed and compared in Table 2‑3. Features provided are marked as X, features provided under certain conditions as (X).



IP security


Secure shell

Standardized protocols




Tunnels data traffic from IP number to IP number




Tunnels data traffic from IP number port to IP number port




Use of PKI issued keys possible




End user friendly set up




Available for most operating systems




Widely deployed




If public key certificate is not pre- stored to the trust lists of the applications, users have first to accept/import the certificate.




Table 23: Comparison of Transport Technologies.

Evaluation recommendation:

We recommend using IP security protocols for the encryption of the server-to-server traffic in the e-learning architecture as the complexity for the set up of these connections can be justified by the high security level achieved. For non-static server IP numbers or in the case simpler set up procedures and less security is necessary, we recommend using an SSL/TLS based encryption method such as Stunnel. We recommend using the SSL/TLS based HTTPS encryption for the web page transport between resource servers and students, tutors and administrators. We recommend using SSH for the encrypted data transfer between resources of the e-learning architecture, which exceed shell access, such as the laboratory devices of the computer networks laboratory.


2.4       Authentication and Authorization

This Chapter starts with the discussion of the lightweight directory access protocol, the authentication and authorization infrastructure, which builds the base of the resource management system in both of the multifunctional e-learning architectures. Subsequently we discuss Shibboleth, the authentication and authorization infrastructure chosen by the Swiss universities [Gc03]. Although Shibboleth is the pre-selected architecture for the Swiss universities and the prototypical implementation of the e-learning computer networks laboratory belongs to a Swiss university, we discuss, evaluate, and compare potential competitors. After Shibboleth, we discuss another interesting authentication and authorization infrastructure with similarities to Shibboleth, the Spanish authentication and authorization infrastructure PAPI. We then discuss the remote authentication dial-in user service RADIUS and Diameter, its further development. We also discuss the Liberty Alliance project, a standardization alliance, which intends to group existing standards and protocols together and to provide a single sign-on system similar to Shibboleth, but with accounting and charging in mind. We also discuss the Microsoft passport project, the trigger for the formation of the liberty alliance. We conclude this sub Chapter with a comparison of all the infrastructures and recommendations for their use in our architectures.

2.4.1   Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

In Chapters 4 and 5, we describe a multifunctional e-learning architecture and its extended version. The preconditions to a technology for the implementation of such architecture are integrated authentication and authorization mechanisms, as well as the possibility to use it for laboratory device reservations. We have chosen the lightweight directory access protocol, because it fulfills these preconditions. LDAP is also extendable in several directions, it allows, for example, to use standardized user information attributes but also to define own user information attributes. Furthermore, it is possible to subordinate an architecture based on the lightweight directory access protocol to other authentication and authorization infrastructures. In this Chapter, we discuss the technical features of the lightweight directory access protocol, optimized for fast read access to databases for clients, such as the geographically distributed laboratories of the computer networks laboratory. These laboratories connect to the Internet with laboratory portals, which act as brokers between the laboratory devices and the users as well as the resource management system. The laboratory portals frequently read out the reservation status of the hands-on trainings in the database, whereas user account changes and bookings in the database occur less frequently. Initially, the design of the lightweight directory access protocol described how clients access X.500 directories, without incorporating all the functionalities of the Directory Access Protocol (DAP). In the meantime, the further developed lightweight directory access protocol is a client/server protocol for accessing existing X.500 directories but also a standalone directory server. Because of the further development, there exist LDAP clients and LDAP servers now. LDAP clients send a protocol request, which describes the requested operation on the server. LDAP servers function as a replacement of the X.500 servers and are responsible for performing the necessary operations on the directory database. Upon completion of the necessary operations, the server provides the directory information to the clients.

Attribute Types and Object Classes

In X.500 and LDAP directories, information is stored as values related to attributes, i.e. attribute/value pairs. The same syntax of attribute-value pairs is also valid for X.509 certificates, where the same standardized attributes are used. Each dataset in an LDAP directory starts with the attribute distinguished name (dn), which can be considered as the most important attribute at all.

A distinguished name uniquely identifies an entry within the hierarchical directory. The dn consists of the entry's name plus the path (list of entry names) back to the top of the tree. Figure 2‑12 shows the principle of an LDAP tree with some attributes taken from Table 2‑4. There is always an origin at the bottom of the trunk. Each distinguished name starts at a leave, going back from branch to branch until reaching the trunk.

Figure 212: LDAP tree.

Each dn must be unique and can only exist once in an LDAP directory. A dn is the key to find its corresponding entry within the tree-like directory structure. From right to left, a dn contains all the entry's names leading from the top level to the desired entry. The dn


dn: sn=Steinemann,cn=Marc Steinemann,o=Universität Bern,c=CH


means that the person Marc Steinemann with the surname Marc belongs to the organization University of Bern, which is located in Switzerland (CH). The top level in the directory of this example is the country. The next sub level is the organization, then the common name. Trees can split up, for example, Switzerland can have multiple organization entries, or organizations can have multiple sub trees for their units (ou: organizational unit). Shows a selection of standardized attributes:







distinguished name


common name






organizational unit

Table 24: Set of standardized LDAP attributes.

Attribute types more precisely specify attribute/value pairs. An attribute type defines the data representation format and the order of the associated values. Additionally, an attribute type allows specifying whether an attribute consists of one single value or of a set of values. An object class specifies a collection of attributes. An object class specifies the collection of attributes available to specify a data set. There are two groups of attributes. The first group specifies required attributes in order to specify a valid data set; the second group lists additional attributes, which can characterize the data set. A data set can belong to more than one object class if it provides all the required attributers specified in the concerned object classes. Data sets must belong to at least one object class.

Schema Files

The different available object classes and attribute types are stored in schema files. There exist standard schema files like core.schema that defines the LDAP schema items specified in RFC 2251 – 2256 and cosine.schema describes items specified in RFC 1274. These essential schema files include the most common object classes and attributes. The specification for the attribute name looks as Figure 2‑13 shows:


attributetype (
        NAME 'hostname'
DESC 'Hostname of the machine where the file is stored'
        EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
        ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch
        SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
            SYNTAX )

Figure 213: Attribute definition schema.

The attribute is specified by a unique number expressed as a number in the Abstract Syntax Notification number 1 (ASN.1) code [TNF97] and the attribute’s name. The parameter DESC describes the abstract number in a human understandable form. EQUALITY specifies if the attribute is case sensitive or insensitive. This is a quite important decision, especially for a directory where persons frequently search for names and do not want to repeat each search with all possible writings of the name. ORDERING specifies if the attribute values have to obey a certain order and SUBSTR specifies if the substrings of the attribute are case sensitive. SYNTAX specifies the type of value.

Figure 2‑14 shows the specification for the object class globus (this is not a real existing object class):


objectclass (
        NAME 'globus'
        DESC 'describes the Globus'
        SUP top
        MUST sn $ cn )
        MAY o $ ou $ c

Figure 214: Object class definition schema.

Each specified object class is defined by an ASN.1 number followed by the parameter NAME and the name of the object class. SUP specifies the parent object class from which the current object class inherits specifications. STRUCTURAL prevents a dataset to belong to more than one structural object class. It helps for example, to prevent that a dataset can represent a person and an organization at the same time. MUST specifies the attributes a dataset must contain and MAY specifies the attributes a dataset may contain.

Importing and Modifying Data

Principally, we can enter LDAP data in two ways: The first is to enter the data in the command line, each by each. The second is to write an LDAP import file (ldif). There exist tools with graphical user interfaces, which use the first method to add, modify, and delete data.

An ldif file to add a dataset for Marc Steinemann at University of Bern looks as Figure 2‑15 shows:



dn: c=CH

objectclass: top

objectclass: country

c: CH


dn: o=Universität Bern,c=CH

objectclass: organization

o: Universität Bern


dn: cn=Marc Steinemann,o=Universität Bern,c=CH

objectclass: person

cn: Marc Steinemann

sn: Steinemann

Figure 215: Example ldif file.


It is possible to alias already existing directory entries to other locations in the directory. The advantage of aliasing entries lies in the fact that the data update process is much easier because only one copy of a data set exists.


dn: cn=Marc Steinemann,ou=IAM,o=Universität Bern,c=CH

objectclass: alias

aliasedobjectname: cn=Marc Steinemann,ou=RVS,o=Universität Bern,c=CH

Figure 216: Alias entry.

Figure 2‑16 shows an alias entry for Marc Steinemann who works at the department IAM in the University of Bern. Now he starts to work at department RVS and the administrator of department RVS aliases to the initial dataset. After the dn the object class defines that this entry is an alias. The object class alias has a required attribute called aliasdobjectname, which adds the data of the original dn to itself.


LDAP gives the possibility to refer to other LDAP directories. With such referrals, it is possible to include directory branches of one server into the directory tree of another server. The sub tree of the second server refers with a link in the root server (i.e. the server that is linking to the other server). The functionality of a referral is similar to the one of an alias with the difference that it does not link within a directory but between directories.

Figure 2‑17 shows two datasets in two different directory servers, each for an own branch of the same organization:


dn: o=Universität Bern,c=CH

objectclass: organization

o: Universitä Bern


dn: ou=FirstFloor,o=Universität Bern,c=CH

objectclass: organizationalunit

ou: FirstFloor


dn: cn=Marc Steinemann,ou=Phil. Nat,o=Univesität Bern,c=CH

objectclass: person

cn: Marc Steinemann

sn: Steinemann



dn: o=Universität Bern,c=CH

objectclass: organization

o: UniversitätBern


dn: ou=ThirdFloor,o=Universität Bern,c=CH

objectclass: organizationalunit

ou: ThirdFloor


dn: cn=Attila Weyland,ou=Phil. Nat,o=Univesität Bern,c=CH

objectclass: person

cn: Attila Weyland

sn: Weyland

Figure 217: Two directories for two branches.

Figure 2‑18 shows the necessary entry in the directory server of the branch FirstFloor to include (refer) the directory sub tree of branch ThirdFloor into its own:


dn: ou=ThirdFloor,o=Universität Bern,c=CH

objectclass: referral

objectclass: extesibleobject

ref: ldaps://ldaps.thirdfloor.universityofbern.ch/ou=ThirdFloor,o=UniversityOfBern,c=CH

Figure 218: Referral entry.


The referral entry contains the object class’s referral and extensible object. The attribute ref contains the URL of the referred directory and the distinguished name of the branch to be included. Figure 2‑19 shows an example of a referral lookup. A user enters a search string into the LDAP client, which starts the database lookup in the LDAP server A. The server A has a referral configured and thus links a branch of LDAP server B into its own tree. In this way, server A returns the entry found in LDAP server B to the client.


Figure 219: UML sequence diagram for a referral lookup.

Evaluation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

LDAP directory servers exist as open source implementations and may be used for combinations of user and device management functions. With LDAPS exists a secure sockets layer enhanced implementation for encrypted data transport over the Internet. LDAP provides the possibility to operate distributed laboratory portals and resource content servers as well as authentication and authorization of students, tutors, and administrators. Few user account changes and reservation actions take place but many read outs from laboratory portals and resource content servers. LDAP does not scale in cases with multiple linked LDAP directories, as the access policy is set up per data entry and directory, resulting in a high administrational overhead. LDAP directories are adaptable to receive user database entries from other user databases, such as for example from our institution’s user databases or other authentication and authorization infrastructures, called root infrastructure. A root infrastructure is hierarchically on top of the sub or subordinate infrastructure. For example, a countrywide authentication infrastructure acts as the root infrastructure if it adds user accounts to another authentication infrastructure, for example belonging to one of several universities within the country. The terms root and sub have an identical meaning as in the context of public key infrastructures. Consequently, a multifunctional e-learning architecture based on LDAP could become a subordinate system in the framework of a broadly deployed user management system. Table 2‑5 lists the advantages and disadvantages of LDAP:




·          Standardized protocol.

·          Broadly deployed.

·          Fits the preconditions for an environment with distributed content providing servers.

·          Possible to integrate a public key infrastructure.

·          Fast readouts optimized database is.

·          LDAP is available as LDAPS, a version that uses SSL-encrypted data transport.

·          Possible to realize a laboratory device reservation system.

·          Possible to refer LDAP directories.

·          Root directories can feed an LDAP directory.

·          The access policy definitions for referred LDAP directories are very complicated and hardly manageable in the case of a large directory.


Table 25: Advantages and disadvantages of LDAP.

Evaluation recommendation: As already anticipated in the introduction, we recommend using LDAP for the multifunctional e-learning architecture discussed in Chapter 4 and the extended version in Chapter 5, because authentication, authorization and device reservation functions can be realized, together with the possibility to define user information attributes and to subordinate LDAP to other authentication and authorization infrastructures.

2.4.2   Shibboleth

The name of Internet2’s authentication and authorization infrastructure initiative is project Shibboleth [Shibboleth and CE02]. The term Shibboleth originates from Hebrew. It served to differentiate group members from non-group members by a word, phrase, or habit, only known to querying group. Shibboleth is an authentication and authorization infrastructure architecture for web-based services. Shibboleth is a joint project of Internet2 and the Middleware Architecture Committee for Education (MACE). It aims to develop an architecture for a standards-based vendor-independent web access control infrastructure, which can operate across institutional boundaries. Shibboleth targets at educational use without integrating charging and accounting schemes. Shibboleth provides single sign-on functionality without providing a single log-out mechanism. Shibboleth specifications and software for target site (resource) as well as origin sites (home organization) is freely available. Shibboleth allows federated user administration. In federated user administration, it is possible to delegate the user management to the users’ home organizations, residing in different administrational areas, which administrate and maintain a database with their own users and participate in the authentication and authorization infrastructure. Shibboleth also provides resource access based on user information attributes and active privacy management for users. It uses the simple object access protocol and the security assertion markup language for the message and assertion formats as well as for the protocol bindings. We now define regularly used terms:



The term assertion in computer sciences defines a declaration about a specific user or object.


A federation in the context of authentication and authorization infrastructures is a union of autonomous organizations, agreeing in technical and legal aspects to enable user information exchange within the federation and sometimes within different federations also.


A handle in computer sciences is a unique sequence of data used to identify a certain action or transaction.


The adjective opaque describes an object whose content is not visible, be it through an intransparent surface or through encryption.

SOAP in Shibboleth

The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) [CDKM02] is an XML-based framework for web services. SOAP specifies how to encode an HTTP header and an XML file, so that a program in one computer can call a program in another computer and transfer information. SOAP also specifies how the called program can return a response. SOAP is similar to Sun’s Remote Object Invocation (RMI) as with SOAP, a client can invoke a program on a server and get the subsequent response back

SAML in Shibboleth

The Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) [SAML] is an XML-based framework for web services. A SAML assertion is a statement about a user in the SAML framework. There are three different types: authentication assertions, user information attribute assertions, and authorization decision assertions. Bindings in the SAML framework specify how a SAML request maps into transport protocols, for example into SOAP or HTTP. The Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) [Oasis] security services technical committee developed the security assertions markup language. The security assertions markup language provides interoperability between entities for web access management and especially for providing single sign-on capabilities. In the security assertions markup language environment, users should be able to sign on at one web site and access other security assertions markup language-enabled web sites without having to login again. The user credentials should be transferred automatically from site to site.


A Shibboleth-based authentication and authorization infrastructure consists of the following components:


  • Shibboleth Indexical Reference Establisher (SHIRE)

The SHIRE is a module loaded into the same web server, which provides the protected resource. The Shibboleth indexical reference establisher intercepts the first HTTP request a user sends to a Shibboleth protected resource and associates it with a handle. Later, the Shibboleth indexical reference establisher provides the Shibboleth Attribute Requestor (SHAR) with the fully qualified domain name of the user’s origin site, together with the location and binding information, necessary to contact the appropriate Attribute Authority (AA) for user information attributes.

  • Where Are You From service (WAYF)

The where are you from service is a service located somewhere in the Internet, used to discover the user's origin site. The where are you from service possesses full information about connected home organizations.

  • Handle Service

The handle service supplements the unique sequence of data issued by the Shibboleth attribute requestor. The attribute handle gets back to the Shibboleth indexical reference establisher only after the respective user has successfully authenticated with its home organization.

  • Authentication System

There is no preliminary authentication method foreseen. Home organizations select their authentication method.

  • Shibboleth Attribute Requestor (SHAR)

The Shibboleth attribute requestor is a module, loaded into the same web server, which provides the protected resource. The Shibboleth attribute requestor receives a user handle from the Shibboleth indexical reference establisher and sends an attribute query message to the attribute authority. The Shibboleth attribute requestor passes the received attributes to the resource manager, which provides them to the protected resource.

  • Attribute Authority

The attribute authority is an origin site component responding to attribute query messages of the Shibboleth attribute requestor. It provides the means for users and administrators to specify their Attribute Release Policy (ARP), acquires and maintains information about SHAR/target associations for the purposes of managing the attribute release policy and enforces the privacy precautions inherent in the attribute release policy. The attribute release policy is a rule set, defining the user information attributes that can be released to a resource.


The main parts of Shibboleth and shoes how a user gets a handle to access a resource are depicted in Figure 2‑20. We have slightly adapted Figure 2‑20 and the description, taken from the above-mentioned architecture draft, to our discussion.


Figure 220: Shibboleth architecture.

In Shibboleth, users access the web resources with a web browser and are then HTTP-redirected to the respective Shibboleth services and back. The web redirections use the HTTP command 302 “Temporary Redirect”, which was originally invented for the temporary redirection to a resource residing under a different URI. Technically, HTTP-redirections work by putting the temporary URI in the location response header field of a HTTP response. The user’s web browser must then perform a HTTP GET with the received URI. The steps of accessing a Shibboleth protected resource are as follows (Steps 2 to 6 are HTTP browser redirects, happening together with the described actions of step 2 to 6):


1)       A user accesses the Shibboleth protected resource B by contacting the URL of the web server, which runs on resource B. The Shibboleth indexical reference establisher intercepts the HTTP request, associating it with a handle suitable for attribute requests by the Shibboleth attribute requestor. The handle is called Attribute Query Handle (AQH).

2)       The Shibboleth indexical reference establisher redirects the user to the where are you from service. The user manually selects his or her home organization in the list, presented by the where are you from (WAYF) service. Passed together with the redirect to the where are you from service are the handle acceptance URL and the user’s initially desired target URL as parameters. The handle acceptance URL is the URL, where the Shibboleth indexical reference establisher expects the attribute query handle from the Handle Service (HS). Parameters are URL encoded with the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) generic syntax [BFIM98].

3)       The where are you from service redirects the user to the user’s home organization’s handle service together with the Shibboleth indexical reference establisher parameters, effectively acting as a proxy for the Shibboleth indexical reference establisher. The handle service makes sure that the user is authenticated.

4)       The handle service sends back an opaque handle associated with the user’s attribute authority’s location to the Shibboleth indexical reference establisher's "handle acceptance URL" by means of an HTML form posting conforming to the SAML Browser/POST profile [SAMLBind]. The user's desired target URL is passed as an additional parameter. Impersonation countermeasure information is presented as well. The target URL is the URL to which the user's web browser is going to be redirected after the handle has been accepted. The SAML response form element contains a SAML protocol response, wrapped around an authentication assertion, i.e. a base64-encoded XML instance document. The Shibboleth indexical reference establisher, upon reception of the HTTPS request at the handle acceptance URL, examines the in the form of a web browser/POST incoming submission. The Shibboleth indexical reference establisher then sends the extracted user data to another module loaded in the protected resource’s web server, called Shibboleth attribute requestor. The Shibboleth attribute requestor receives the user’s HTTP request URL, method, headers, an attribute query handle, all authority binding information sent by the handle service and the domain name of the organization that issued the handle.

5)       The Shibboleth attribute requestor sends an Attribute Query Message (AQM) to the attribute authority. The query message uses the SAML syntax, embedded in a SOAP header.

6)       The Shibboleth attribute requestor receives an Attribute Response Message (ARM). Upon evaluation of the attribute response message, the Shibboleth attribute requestor sends the acquired attributes on to the resource manager (RM) that writes them into a file and grants or not access to the protected resource, depending on the resource’s Attribute Acceptance Policy (AAP). The attribute acceptance policy is the rule set defining the attributes a resource requires for granting access to a user.


Starting with the Shibboleth implementation version 1.3, it is possible to interconnect multiple Shibboleth federations. A Shibboleth federation is a community, which agrees upon certain common issues. In a Shibboleth federation, it is necessary to specify and define typical things such as the user information attributes. It is necessary to define which of the attributes are mandatory or recommended and to specify the format of additional attributes. It is necessary to specify the certificate authorities accepted within and among the federations. Within a federation, it is necessary to organize legal issues as a federation establishes common reliability among all its members and the resources. For the interconnection of different Shibboleth federations, it is necessary to deal with the same issues again, but on an inter-federation level. From a technical point of view, the user information attribute definition and the certificate authority acceptance policy are the most important issues, whereas from the users’ point of view the data protection issues invoked by the transfer of user information across federation borders is the most important issue.

2.4.3   Point of Access to Providers of Information

Point of Access to Providers of Information (PAPI) [CL01] is the authentication and authorization infrastructure mainly used by Spanish libraries. The Spanish national research network provider RedIRIS [Rediris] has developed PAPI. PAPI is a system for providing access control to restricted web-based information resources across the Internet, independent from IP number origin and open for mobile users. It intends to keep authentication as an issue local to the user’s home organization, while leaving full control over the resources to the information providers. The authentication mechanisms allow each home organization to use its own authentication schema, maintaining user privacy, and offering information providers the attributes required for access control decisions. Moreover, access control mechanisms are transparent to the user and compatible with the most commonly employed web browsers, i.e., Mozilla, Netscape, Internet Explorer, Lynx, and any operating system.

A PAPI-based authentication and authorization infrastructure consists of the following components:


  • Authentication server

The authentication server authenticates users from their respective home organization. There is no preliminary authentication method foreseen. Home organizations select their authentication method. The authentication server has full knowledge about each user’s rights in the PAPI environment. Users receive list of accessible resources.

  • Point of Access to resources (PoA)

Points of access to resources are the gatekeepers to the PAPI protected resources. They act as a proxy and authenticate each web page request.


Figure 2‑21 depicts PAPI’s main parts and shows how a user accesses a PAPI-protected resource. Figure 2‑21 and the description originate from the above-mentioned architecture document. We have slightly adapted both to our discussion. All security assertions are placed into cookies. The single steps described below show the security measures taken in this process. The resource provider grants access based on visitor’s public attributes. PAPI guarantees user privacy by a unique user code and only the respective home organization is able to relate personal information to this code.


Figure 221: PAPI architecture.

The steps of accessing a resource are as follows:


1)       A user sends his or her authentication data to the respective home organization’s authentication server.

2)       Upon a successful authentication, the authentication server sends back a list of temporarily signed URL of allowed points of access to resources for the respective user. Each URL contains a user code, the authentication server, the expiration time and the sign time.

3)       The user accesses a point of access to resources, which hosts the desired resource. He or she issues a HTTP-request and sends two cookies to the point of access to resources. The first cookie, the Hcookie contains the user code (a unique user identifier), the authentication server, the expiration time and a random block. The second cookie, the Lcookie contains the user code, the authentication server, and the creation time.

4)       The points of access to resources stores the user information contained in the cookies in its database.

5)       The points of access to resources then perform a HTTP-request to the desired resource’s web server.

6)       The resource sends back the web page to the points of access to resources.

7)       New cookies are generated.

8)       The web page together with new H and L cookies are served to the user.


2.4.4   Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service

Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) [Rc00], nowadays also called remote network access security in an open systems environment. It is a system for authenticating and authorizing users in access networks, i.e. telephone networks, cell phone networks, modem pools and in the Internet as well as for providing Point to Point Protocol (PPP) [Sw94] and terminal server access. RADIUS furthermore offers accounting. IETF published the RADIUS Request For Comments (RFC) document in 1997.

RADIUS bases on the client/server model. Clients pass user information to the server and vice-versa. RADIUS servers manage users’ connection requests and authenticate them, return configuration information to the client and execute accounting functions. RADIUS servers can also be the linking unit to other RADIUS servers or other authentication infrastructures. RADIUS traffic is encrypted with a shared secret, never sent over the network.

A user that accesses a network performs the steps shown in Figure 2‑22:


1)       A user logs in into a network by providing a user name and a password.

2)       The network access server being the RADIUS client passes the user information to the RADIUS server. The server authenticates the user based on the information stored in the user database and reads out client configuration data as well as authorization information.

3)       The server returns all the configuration parameters to the RADIUS client and the user can access the desired service.


Figure 222: RADIUS protected network access.


2.4.5   Diameter

Over time, with the growth of the Internet and the introduction of new access technologies, including wireless networks, Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), Mobile IP and Ethernet, routers and network access servers (NAS) have increased in complexity and density, putting new demands on Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) protocols.

Diameter [CLGZ03] is a response to these new demands. Diameter is a further development of RADIUS. The Diameter base protocol specifies the components each Diameter implementation must include. These specifications include the message format, the message transport mechanism, the error messages, and the security services of the Diameter protocol. The applications are on top of the base protocol.

One of most important enhancements in Diameter is authorization based on user information attributes. Another important enhancement is the simplified collaboration between different administrative domains.

Additionally to RADIUS, Diameter was also enhanced in the following areas: error notification, extensibility through addition of new commands and attribute/value pairs, basic services necessary for applications, such as handling of user sessions.

A user that accesses a network performs the steps shown in Figure 2‑23:


1)       A user logs in into a network by providing a user name and a password.

2)       The network access server that is the Diameter client passes the user information to the Diameter server in an authentication and authorization request. The server authenticates the user based on the information stored in the database and reads out client configuration data, as well as authorization information.

3)       The server returns all the configuration parameters in an authentication and authorization response to the Diameter client

4)       The Diameter client sends an accounting message for the user and the respective service to the server.

5)       The server replies with a confirmation message and the accounting phase starts.

6)       When the user terminates the session, the Diameter client sends an accounting termination request to the server.

7)       The server replies with a confirmation message and terminates the accounting session.


Figure 223: Diameter protected network access.

2.4.6   Liberty Alliance

The project with the name Liberty Alliance [Wt03 and LH02] started in 2001 and aims to provide open standards for a trust network with an emphasis on commercialization. Liberty Alliance is a response to Microsoft’s Passport infrastructure but based on open standards and implemented into the products of the Liberty Alliance compliant partners. Liberty Alliance provides the necessary technical and legal specifications, required for the interoperation of the infrastructure partners within and among the Liberty Alliance federations. Liberty Alliance does not provide a framework for charging and accounting yet but wants to provide this at a later stage. Liberty Alliance resembles Shibboleth in many aspects and we thus compare the features of both in the discussion of the Liberty Alliance. A main difference is that in Shibboleth users go to resources directly and are then intercepted by Shibboleth, redirected for authentication and access the resource, whereas in Liberty Alliance, users go to a web portal belonging to an identity provider and authenticate first. After authentication, users can federate their account, which means that they authorize their identity provider to share their identity to partners of this identity provider. This resembles customer loyalty programs and emphasis the commercial orientation of the Liberty Alliance. It is well imaginable that an airline maintains such a portal and operates the identity provider. The airline then cooperates with hotels and car rentals. The own customers cannot only federate their identity with these allies but they also get softly pushed to use these services due to two reasons: They find the allied enterprises on the portal of their identity provider, the airline. Moreover, they can easily use their services by federating their accounts. Liberty Alliance like Shibboleth exchanges user identity information through pre-existing protocols and languages. Both use SOAP [BEKL00] for exchanging application data and invoking programs on remote servers. Like Shibboleth, Liberty Alliance also uses the XML subset SAML. Shibboleth and Liberty Alliance use the authentication assertion, stating that a user U was authenticated at time T by means M. Internet2, Shibboleth’s home organization, is a member of the Liberty Alliance. Table 2‑6 compares Shibboleth with Liberty Alliance:




Liberty Alliance

Target audience

University students, educational use

Paying customers, commercial use

Active privacy management



Login and Authentication

Single Sign-On with any authentication method chosen by the home organization

Single Sign-On with any authentication method chosen by the identity provider

Single Sign-Out

No, the authentication cookie’s lifetime determines the session end, no real logout with the resources

Yes, the logout at the identity provider terminates the sessions with the service providers

Protocols for authentication and authorization information exchange



Fully disclosed architecture specifications




Shibboleth issues open source Shibboleth software and provides it for download

No, Liberty Alliance does not implement provide any software. Liberty Alliance compliant partners adapt their products

Identity providers



Federations (trust circles)



Number of federations

One per country

Many, related to identity providers

Federation interoperability

Yes, with technical and legal agreements

Yes, with technical and legal agreements

Benefit for user

Easy resource access in the whole country, flexibility

Easy resource access with all partner resources of the identity provider

Table 26: Comparison of Shibboleth and Liberty Alliance features.

The Liberty Alliance’s goal lies in the design of an architectural framework, which allows developing and delivering specifications, to enable federated network identity management. The Liberty Alliance federated network identity architecture comprises four modules. The slightly modified Figure 2‑24 originates from the Liberty Alliance architecture [LA03]. It depicts the four modules:


  • Liberty Identity Federation Framework (ID-FF)

The Liberty identity federation framework is designed to work with heterogeneous platforms and with all kinds of network devices.

  • Liberty Identity Services Interfaces Specifications (ID-SIS)

Liberty Identity services interface specifications are a collection of specifications for interoperable services built on top of modules 1, 2, and 3.

  • Liberty Identity Web Services Framework (ID-WSF)

The Liberty identity web Services framework defines a framework for creating, discovering, and applying identity services built on modules 1 and 2.

  • Adopting and Extending Other Industry Standards

Liberty Alliance's architecture depends on standards and specifications created within OASIS, W3C, and IETF. Module 2 integrates existing industry standards into the architecture.


Figure 224: Liberty Alliance architecture.

Figure 2‑25 depicts the UML sequence diagram of the Liberty Alliance mechanisms. A user first authenticates with the identity provider, called home organization in the Shibboleth environment. The user receives an authentication cookie and accesses the web site of a service provider, called resource in Shibboleth. The service provider accepts the authentication cookie and asks for an account federation. With the account federation, the service provider asks the user for the permission to use the user identity residing with the identity provider. The user clears the federation request. He or she is subsequently redirected to the identity provider, in a similar way as it happens in Shibboleth with the Shibboleth indexical reference establisher. The user sends an assertion request in a SAML compliant format to his or her identity provider. The identity provider grants the assertion and the redirects the user back to the service provider. The service provider now requests user information attributes by the attribute provider, which is normally located by the identify provider, in a SOAP/SAML compliant format. The user still has to agree upon the attribute release towards the service provider, similar to the process with the attribute authority found in Shibboleth. After receiving the attributes, the service provider starts the service.


Figure 225: UML sequence diagram of the Liberty Alliance mechanisms.

2.4.7   Microsoft Passport

Microsoft .NET Passport [Passport] features one central database where all sensitive system data is stored. Only one company administrates this root server and has access to the stored data of all affiliated organizations. Standards are not open and thus make the system insecure compared to open source systems where the code is freely available and anybody can verify it. Users cannot define their information release policy for each resource they visit. Several severe security issues have been discovered in the past.

The Microsoft Passport architecture comprises three entities:


  • Passport Nexus is the name of the root entity. This server stores the configuration information and the mapping data for all participating servers in the Passport environment.
  • Passport servers are the entities that issue passports to their respective users. Users have to register with a Passport server that then stores their user data in a database. Each Passport server provides a cookie to the user’s browser.
  • The Passport manager entity runs at each resource site and reads the user cookies. Passport managers can retrieve additional user information by the respective Passport server.

2.4.8   Evaluation and Comparison of Authentication and Authorization Infrastructures


Shibboleth allows distributed user management by the respective home organizations and the connection of web-based resources, with a resource access policy fully based on user information attributes. Participating home organizations and resources agree on a common federation policy and use commonly accepted public key certificates for the traffic encryption. Resources do never see user credentials as users always authenticate with their home organizations. Home organizations and users can decide which user information attributes are released to resources and by this, actively influence the authorization process. Resources authorize users by hand of the finally received user information attributes. The user data management is transparent to users and user privacy guaranteed. Organizations joining a Shibboleth implementation have to deploy the origin site installation, which connects their user directory with the infrastructure. Major disadvantages are the missing accounting and charging mechanisms and the not yet fully implemented architecture, which at least now does not provide users with full authority about their user information attributes.


The PAPI architecture allows the integration of distributed user management and of distributed content providing resources. User privacy is nevertheless an issue in the PAPI architecture. Authentication servers need to know each resource a user is allowed to access. Particularly when having a large number of resources this cannot scale, as the administrational work would be immense to maintain these lists.


In RADIUS, authorization does not base on user information attributes but on a database, which stores authorization data per user and resource. The maintenance of this database is labor consuming for large user communities with many users and resources. It gets more complicated, if users and resources belong to several organizations and administrational domains. The RADIUS architecture allows having a root server and delegate authority to subordinate servers, such as the domain name service [AL94] does. Nevertheless, this assumes that all involved parties agree with the service policy and with the operators of the involved servers. This is not a realistic scenario, as sensitive user information is visible for many user unrelated parties and it is impossible to guarantee user privacy. Another negative aspect is that users provide credentials to the resources, which operate the RADIUS client, and the resources forward the credentials to the RADIUS servers. Malicious resources can easily catch the user credentials. Another difficulty is the inter-realm connection when it is impossible to connect the realms in tree like schemes, but instead in a way similar to cross certification in public key cryptography.


Diameter is an enhancement of RADIUS with interesting new features. Particularly the user information attributes based authorization makes Diameter a promising architecture, although it is not yet clear if users can selectively release user information attributes per resource. User information attributes bring their benefits to users only, if users can selectively control who receives them. Diameter is a very recent development and implementations are rare. Up to now, only few applications exist in the telecommunication industry. Diameter has overcome the drawbacks existing in RADIUS, to this time at least theoretically. As the telecom industry pushes Diameter, implementations in this area will show up in future. We assume that Diameter will reach a higher popularity than RADIUS did.

Liberty Alliance

Liberty Alliance is still in the architectural defining phase and not all the necessary documents for the implementation are ready. Liberty Alliance announced to release the specification documents in mid 2004 but not all the documents were ready. Each Liberty Alliance partner has to implementation the specifications in the own equipment. A finished open source implementation does not yet exist. The principles of the architecture are interesting and make it a serious option for future authentication and authorization networks with accounting support.


Microsoft’s architecture is an interesting architecture but unfortunately gives too much power to one single enterprise. It is impossible to guarantee user privacy and data protection. This prevents Passport to be a serious candidate for our architectures, although we could implement interfaces towards Passport if necessary in a later phase.


Comparison and Recommendations

The features of each of the six evaluated secure data transport technologies are condensed and compared in Table 2‑7. Features provided are marked as X, features provided under certain conditions as (X):







Liberty Alliance


User information attribute-based authorization







Easy inclusion of organizations possessing a user database







Multi domain interoperability natively supported.







Authentication remains with users’ home organizations.







Open source based







User privacy guaranteed







Allows integration of a public key infrastructure.







Accounting supported







Federated user management














Supported by telecom industry







Supported by industry







Designed for roaming users







Easy inter-realm connections







Home organization specifies accessible resources per user







Resources must be adapted







Not yet fully implemented







User controls information attribute release per resource







Known for security problems







Centralized architecture







Table 27: Comparison of authentication and authorization technologies.


Evaluation recommendation: Our recommendation result is the similar to the inter-university working group in Switzerland. We recommend using Shibboleth as authentication and authorization infrastructure. It is largely deployed and provides features, such as user information attributes-based authorization. Shibboleth allows home organizations to join this infrastructure by linking an existing user database to a Shibboleth origin site installation. We do not recommend using PAPI because the architecture does not use user information attribute-based authorization and because it is impossible to guarantee user privacy. We do not recommend RADIUS as a base infrastructure for authentication and authorization, as the service does not support user information attribute-based authorization and due to the open inter-realm connection problems. We recommend keeping an eye on Diameter, as the protocol seems to address all important authentication, authorization and accounting questions, implemented on the network level, as well as mobility issues future Internet users and resource providers could like to have. We do not recommend using Liberty Alliance because the development is not yet in an advanced state. Liberty Alliance is a project to keep in mind for the future because it should do what Shibboleth does but also integrate commercial aspects. We do not recommend using Microsoft Passport, as the architecture as well as the code development are not open source and done by one company. The past it was not possible to guarantee user privacy. Microsoft Passport does not address user information attribute-based authorization.


2.5       Summary

The best authentication and authorization infrastructure in a multifunctional e-learning architecture is the lightweight directory access protocol. It offers user authentication, user authorization, and laboratory device authorization; functionalities required in architectures with a central resource management system in combination with a reservation system and geographically distributed content servers. An advantage of the lightweight directory access protocol is the possibility to add users automatically to the database by a root user management system. We recommend using the lightweight directory access protocol for the multifunctional e-learning architecture.

Secure Sockets Layer is a technology for the encryption of application traffic in a simpler manner than with IP Security. We recommend using secure sockets layer technology for HTTPS and encrypting web pages between clients and servers, especially because users profit from encrypted traffic and do not have to configure or install extra software. We recommend using secure sockets layer also for Stunnel. Stunnel links are set up fast and protect data sent from one IP number port to another.

IP Security is a technology with advantages if used for transferring encrypted data from server to server. We recommend using IP Security for the encryption of all server traffic in the e-learning architecture. If the implementation of IP Sec is not feasible, we recommend using Stunnel.

Secure Shell is an application that provides the same functionalities as Telnet shells do but with the enhancement of encrypting the traffic. We recommend using secure shells for the access to laboratory devices.

For the extended multifunctional e-learning architecture, we recommend using Shibboleth as the root authentication and authorization infrastructure. We also recommend shifting authentication from the lightweight directory access protocol to Shibboleth.

Although Kerberos is a state-of-the-art authentication infrastructure, it does not contain authorization functionality required for user access and laboratory device reservations. The Kerberos inter realm connectivity with the key management, also with integrated public key infrastructures, is not as simple to integrate in an e-learning architecture such as possible with the lightweight directory access protocol or with Shibboleth.

Two technologies were not yet ready in the time this work was performed. Diameter and Liberty Alliance are potential candidates for the future, which could replace Shibboleth. Liberty Alliance does not produce own software and limits its activities to the specification of technical and legal frameworks. Liberty Alliance thus will never release a Liberty Alliance conforming infrastructure as code ready for the implementation. Nevertheless, it is hypothetically possible that Shibboleth developers make Shibboleth compatible to Liberty Alliance specifications. It would also be necessary for the Shibboleth federations to adapt their federation specifications to the Liberty Alliance specifications.

It is important to keep an eye on the environment in which an e-learning architecture has to run. The best e-learning architecture is useless if not supported by home organizations and resource providers. A consequence is that there might exist better technological solutions or self-developments, but it would be necessary to operate them in a solo attempt.

It is vague to make a prognosis as all infrastructures are further developed and new evaluations will have be necessary all the time we have to address new questions regarding required architectural extensions or changes.


2.6       Computer Networks Laboratories

For a better understanding of the e-learning version and the designed architecture, we present the technical settings of an exemplar traditional computer networks laboratory as found at our university. Subsequently we present other e-learning laboratories.

2.6.1   Traditional Laboratory Architecture

Before we can address technical and didactical questions of an e-learning laboratory, we have to understand traditional computer networks laboratories. We investigated the in-house laboratory located at our institution. Computer networks laboratories with similar set ups exist in most organizations involved in the education of computer science students. Students meet on-site at the laboratory if they have to perform hands-on trainings. In our case, the laboratory consists of a laboratory server and six laboratory clients as shown in Figure 2‑26. The laboratory server bootstraps the hosts and else remains disconnected during the hands-on trainings. In such a setting, two groups can work independently from each other.

Figure 226: Layout of the traditional laboratory.


The laboratory server hosts preconfigured hard disc images with the necessary software for each host and exercise module. This setting allows a fast and clean re-initialization of the hosts after each training. For the laboratory client installation, we use a tool called Fully Automatic Installation (FAI) [GLR99]. FAI is a non-interactive system for installing Debian GNU/Linux on networked machines. FAI was adapted for the SUN Sparc architecture at our institute.

Each student group can work on three hosts and inter connect hosts with repeaters and switches. There is also a set of two commercial routers. We use the routers in modules about static and Routing Information Protocol (RIP)-based routing and about virtual private networks.

Appendix B lists the available modules of the traditional laboratory.

2.6.2   E-Learning Laboratories

Our distributed e-learning architectures address access questions related to distributed content providing comprising laboratories with real network equipment but operated at geographically distributed locations. Our prototypically implemented e-learning computer networks laboratory course consists of theory chapters, exercises, hands-on trainings on real network devices and simulation tasks in a modular course framework. This is a new approach for forming an e-learning grid. The below discussed computer networks laboratories all offer some but not all of the functionalities our discussed architecture and prototypical implementations provide. Other computer networks laboratories do not integrate work on real devices but on emulations or simulations only. Not all laboratories are full courses with theory and exercises integrated. Others open the laboratory devices to the entire classes during a certain time interval.

One User Name and Password Courses

We call courses one user name and password courses, when a user name and password is necessary for student access to the e-learning laboratories but all students use the same user credentials. Such an approach is feasible with a centralized and a distributed architecture. The main limitation is that there must be more available laboratory equipment and laboratory facilities than students who want to access them or students have to respect laboratory access schedules voluntarily.

A disadvantage of this approach is that tutors never know who exactly accesses the laboratory hardware and performs which exercise. It is not possible to make personalized accounting and charging. Subscribed students can perform the exercises but an automated and personalized evaluation is impossible. In this approach, it is not possible to exclude the possibility of multiple logins of students to laboratories with the negative impact of interfering with running exercises of other students. There is also the possibility that students distribute their credentials and non-paying users work in the laboratories.

The “Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V.” (VDE), operates such a computer networks laboratory, which gives access for whole classes with one identical user name and password only. The technical University of Chemnitz initially developed this course. The name of the course: “Internet: Vom Basiswissen zum Netzmanagement.”, in English: “Internet: from basic knowledge to network management”. In that course, students learn basic knowledge about the Internet and network management. The course designers did not especially adapt theory and exercises to the Internet and integrate new teaching methods. All documents we have seen in the publicly available part were static documents. We could visit the course in 2002.

Nevertheless, the course fulfilled the requirements of the commercial operators and students. There is no scientific publication referencing this course with the exception of one from us and in 2005, the course page was no longer available.


This teaching approach is better suited for blended learning, where students regularly meet in traditional lectures than for e-learning. We think that complete e-learning courses should comprise interactive theory, exercises, and hands-on trainings and allow an automatic and individual evaluation, accounting and charging of the students.

Personalized Courses with Centralized Architecture

We call courses personalized courses with centralized architecture when each user accesses the course with own credentials. In this approach, it is possible to perform accounting and charging for each individual user. The course system can automatically evaluate student tasks and tutors investigate each step of each user if desired. Students can book laboratories and do not interfere with other students during the hands-on trainings. The centralized course architecture simplifies the protection from Internet threads as no course management data between geographically distributed course servers crosses the Internet.

Former Mentor Technologies from the United States operated such an e-learning laboratory. Elementk bought Mentor Technologies and integrated the course in their own portfolio. There is no scientific publication available which discusses this course architecture with the exception of an own publication. Mentor Technologies has never communicated any details about the technical solutions behind the course. The only details communicated during a live demonstration in 2002 are that they operate the laboratories at one location and use real equipment not emulations and simulations. Mentor Technologies used the same commercial routers as we do in the IP Security module of our computer networks laboratories.

During the live demonstration in 2002, we saw that Mentor Technologies operates a state-of-the-art course system, which comprises a resource management system and a laboratory reservation system. The courses offered theory, exercises, and hands-on trainings on real network equipment. The course content was especially adapted to the Internet and enriched with interactive animations. Students could always contact tutors for live support.

Students accessed their course via a proprietary web interface s in the form of a Java applet. This web interface embedded communication features to the tutors, comprising audio and text chat.


The e-learning approach Mentor Technologies used is very interesting. We miss the possibility to provide the content from geographically distributed locations for forming an e-learning grid. The main disadvantage we see in this approach is the non-disclosure of the architectural and technical background. We can only learn from what we have seen in the live demonstration and consider it as input in the conceptual discussion of our own approaches.

Personalized Laboratories with Distributed Architecture

We call laboratories personalized laboratories with distributed architecture when several laboratories at geographically distributed locations are organized in one entity. There exist laboratories with resource operators distributed all over the world. It is possible to use such laboratories in students’ education.

The main users, in particular of the large entities comprising several hundred laboratories are designed for researchers and engineers. The main advantage is the possibility to create overlay networks with real equipment and traffic routes through the Internet for performing measurements under real life conditions.

In such entities, it is necessary to control access to the distributed equipment. A reservation system must allocate resources to the users. It is also essential to reset the configuration of the laboratories for each new user.

PlanetLab [PACR02] is one of those entities, forming a global grid for real life measurements. Universities can join PlanetLab by providing a minimal number and quality of computers and Internet connectivity as well as a reset device for the computers. PlanetLab’s resource management system is then responsible for the resource allocation to the users. Several universities use PlanetLab additionally for hand-on trainings for their students. The book resources and let students perform predefined exercises.


The approach with personalized laboratories in a distributed architecture is interesting, in particular in the case of PlanetLab. Features such as resource allocation, root access to nodes and the reset possibility for the devices must be a part of a state-of-the-art e-learning computer networks laboratory. We do not recommend the use PlanetLab itself for the laboratories as administrative control for these devices is with PlanetLab. PlanetLab exclusively provides nodes and no other network equipment. This would limit a common computer networks laboratory, where for example also routers, switches, and wLAN base stations make part of the exercises.

Personalized Laboratories with Emulated Nodes

We call laboratories personalized laboratories with emulated nodes when it is possible to grant access to single users and all the nodes are emulated. An advantage of emulated laboratories is that several nodes can run on one physical machine. In such cases, it is essential that the nodes do not influence the other nodes, for example in the consumption of CPU and memory capacity. In such laboratories, nodes must often used to emulate routers and other network equipment. The use of emulations on powerful computers provides immediately a high number of configurable devices for measurement or educational purposes. Resource owners may save money with the administrators and maintenance of emulations in a centralized system.

There exist several federated, huge network laboratories built on the EmuLab [WLSR02] technology. Within the project "EmuLab Classic”, they offer access to several hundred computers to do network emulation and experimentation. Universities are able to request the resources for experiments and get full access to a certain number of nodes. Users access the laboratory devices through secure shell clients or web interfaces. It is possible to use the computer nodes as edge nodes and running arbitrary programs, simulated routers, traffic-shaping nodes, or traffic generators. While an experiment is running, the acting users can exclusively use the assigned machines, including root access.


A difference to our approach is that EmuLab emulates hardware and does not provide access to real devices. Emulations do rarely contain all the functionalities of sophisticated devices such as computers and nodes represent. An update of emulated devices, for example to a new firmware version requires adaptation of the software whereas in laboratories with real devices it is possible to update the firmware in a short time or to exchange the device. Once emulations are implemented, much more users can work on them compared to expensive real devices.





3       Resource Management Portal

This Chapter discusses and presents the design, the concepts, the architecture, and the prototypical implementation of a resource management portal. The motivation for creating the resource management portal originates in the difficulty of connecting e-learning resources to user access infrastructures and the costs caused by maintaining these resources connected. The resource management portal acts as a broker between various types of user access infrastructures on one side and each type of protected resources on the other side by representing a single point of access for resource users and administrators. The resource management portal includes many additional features discussed in detail below. The resource management portal is capable to work as a standalone user and resource management portal too, by providing a local user login interface. The resource management portal is also the additional unit used to enhance the autonomous multifunctional e-learning architecture discussed in Chapter 4 to the extended multifunctional e-learning architecture discussed in Chapter 5.

3.1       Components and Interactions

The term authentication and authorization infrastructure is used for the mechanisms and protocols used to link all home organizations, resources and users together. Authentication and authorization infrastructures are middleware and should remain mostly invisible to users. There are few opportunities where users get into contact with web interfaces, for example to specify their information release policy. The authentication and authorization infrastructure must obey to the local data protection laws.

An authentication and authorization infrastructure architecture environment with non-AAI-enabled and AAI-enabled resources most likely consists of the elements shown in Figure 3‑1. Additionally to the typical elements, the Figure also depicts non-AAI-enabled but resource management portal-enabled resources behind the resource management portal.


Figure 31: Typical AAI environment with the resource management portal.


  • Home Organizations (HO) are universities or other entities, where potential resource users such as students and staff members are registered. Home organizations perform user registration and comply with the authentication and authorization infrastructure policy, defining the rule set with the common standards for users and resources. Such a rule can for example define the nomenclature of the unique user identity, which home organizations have to generate for each user. In the case of Shibboleth, this attribute is in the form of encrypted characters @HomeOrganization.ch (i.e. fg98wessed@unibe.ch). Home organizations maintain the databases with the data of the registered persons. The database must have an interface to the authentication and authorization infrastructure. Home organizations only authenticate their own members.
  • Users possess at least one account at their respective home organization. Home organizations exclusively authenticate their users. A user may be a member of more than one home organization and have more than one role in a certain home organization, for example as student and tutor in different units of the home organization. Users obey the home organizations policy, which itself is conforming to the authentication and authorization infrastructure policy. Through the attribute release policy, users determine which personal data the home organization can to release to resources.
  • Resources are web-based resources or services offered by providers to users of the authentication and authorization infrastructure. Resources belong either to the group of AAI-enabled or non-AAI-enabled ones.
  • AAI-enabled resources connect directly to the authentication and authorization infrastructure. They have specific interfaces to the authentication and authorization infrastructure. Based on users’ attribute release policy and resources’ Attribute Acceptance Policy (AAP), users are able to access resources. This is a case of user authorization executed by the users and by the resource owners. Only users providing the required attributes can access the resource. Enabling resources for authentication and authorization infrastructures is expensive and time consuming. Since each authentication and authorization infrastructure is unique, it is necessary to re-implement resource interfaces for each kind of authentication and authorization infrastructure and resource.
  • It is impossible to connect non-AAI-enabled resources to authentication and authorization infrastructure directly as they lack the specific interfaces to the authentication and authorization infrastructure. Therefore, authentication and authorization infrastructure users cannot access those resources and take profit from AAI-related benefits such as Single Sign-On (SSO) or attribute release and acceptance policies.
  • The portal is a broker between the authentication and authorization infrastructure and the hosted resources. The hosted resources must be adapted to the portal but have not to be re-adapted to each update or change of the authentication and authorization infrastructure.


Authentication and authorization infrastructures provide advantages for all involved parties. The integration of the resource management portal as a broker makes it possible to provide those advantages also to non-AAI-enabled resources and to provide enhanced user and resource management features:


  • The advantages of connecting resources to authentication and authorization infrastructures lie in the decreased administrational overhead and the reliable user information in the form of user information attributes provided by the user’s home organization. Resources define their access policy based upon required user information attributes instead of user identities. Further internal resource user management, such as internal resource access levels or user roles remain a resource internal issue unaffected by the authentication and authorization infrastructure.
  • The advantage for home organizations lies in the immediate increase of accessible resources for their members. Authentication and authorization infrastructure users belong to their respective home organizations and have to agree with the local subscription policy. Home organizations define their information release policy to protect their members’ privacy on the one hand and on the other hand to enable members to access resources. Resource providers reduce administrational overhead, as they do not have to manually verify and subscribe foreign persons to their own AAI-connected resources.
  • The advantage for users lies in a simplified resource access procedure. No on-site or mail registration procedure is needed. It is a precondition in authentication and authorization infrastructures that user information released by home organizations is reliable and accepted by the resource providers. The privacy sphere is guaranteed in two ways: First, users still authenticate with their own home organizations and never with resources. Secondly, users determine which user information attributes about themselves are released to the resource they want to access.


Figure 3‑2 shows a resource owner’s site. The resource management portal has pluggable interfaces to each type of connected authentication and authorization infrastructure and resource. The authentication and authorization infrastructure interface is responsible for the resource owner’s site connection to the authentication and authorization infrastructure. If users, belonging to such an authentication and authorization infrastructure-connected home organization, access resources hosted by the resource management portal, the resource management portal receives user information attributes from the authentication and authorization infrastructure interface and stores them in its database. Users who successfully subscribe to a resource management portal hosted resource agree with the transfer of selected user attributes to the resource on demand of the resource. The resource may store user data in its own database or relay on the resource management portal’s database. It is possible that the resource sends back user information to the resource management portal. Beside the access management, the resource management portal provides enhanced user management. The portal allows resources to ask users directly for additional information and enables users to manage self-provisioned user information. The portal further contains basic and enhanced e-community interaction tools (community interaction tools designed for the Internet), which can be added in a modular way.


Figure 32: The resource management portal at a resource provider’s site.

Figure 3‑3 shows the interaction diagram for users connecting to the resource management portal. We discuss the two cases separately. Both end with the common HTTP-redirection to the resource:


  • In the first case, a user with a local account on the portal connects to the portal. He or she must provide the credentials and upon a successful authentication accesses the portal.
  • In the second case, a user with an account from a home organization, connected to the same authentication and authorization infrastructure as the resource management portal, connects to the portal. It depends on the authentication and authorization infrastructure if users are HTTP-redirected to their home organization for authentication or if the portal integrates the authentication mechanisms locally and if user information attributes are supported. In the case of Kerberos the portal would be Kerberos-enabled and users be authenticated by the key distribution center. In the case of RADIUS, the portal would act as a RADIUS client and contact the RADIUS server to authenticate and authorize the user. In the case of PAPI, the user would get a list of resources he or she is authorized to access upon a prior authentication with the home organization. In the case of Shibboleth and most probably also of Diameter, the user is immediately HTTP-redirected to the authentication system of the respective home organization. Upon a successful authentication, the user is HTTP-redirected back to the portal and the home organization may release user information attributes by means of the authentication and authorization infrastructure to the portal.


After choosing a subscribed resource, the user is HTTP-redirected to the resource. The interface, which redirects the user to the resource, may also send user information stored in the resource management portal’s database to the resource.


Figure 33: Interaction diagram for connecting users.


Figure 3‑4 depicts the interactions happening in authentication and authorization infrastructures such as Shibboleth, when resources request user information attributes from users. User A, belonging to a home organization with the name institution Y tries to access resource X. A’s home organization as well as the resource X belong to the same authentication and authorization infrastructure. Upon the first contact with the resource, the resource redirects user A for authentication to the home organization institution Y. Upon a successful authentication, the resource X requests user information attributes about A from institution Y. Institution Y stores those user information attributes for all their users. Institution Y now checks A’s user information attributes release policy for the resource X and then checks if these attributes lie within the home organization’s attributes release policy. The home organization then releases those attributes matching both release policies to the resource X. Resource X receives those attributes and compares them with the own attribute acceptance policy, describing which information attributes are required so that user A can access the resource. If A’s home organization provides the requested attributes, he or she can access the resource X.


Figure 34: Attributes release and request.


3.2       Architectural Specifications

3.2.1   Overview

This Chapter describes the resource management portal’s design and architecture. After a short listing of key features, the portal provides for user, resource, and community interaction, we present the plug-in concept and discuss the overall functionality of the resource management portal. We then present the proposed user roles on the portal and the possible user interactions with the resource management portal.


Resource Management Portal Architecture’s Key Features

The portal provides many features for resource and user management. The list below represents a summary of the key features:

  • Hosting of one or multiple resources.
  • Resource-related management functions.
  • Resources can be visible or invisible on the resource list.
  • Resources can be open or closed for subscription.
  • Resources can be set open for all or subscribers put on a waiting list where tutors can manually grant or deny access.
  • Resource can be suspended.
  • Resources can be deleted from resource management portal.
  • Users can be blocked out from resources.
  • Users can be notified about status changes by Short Message Service (SMS) or Email.
  • Tutors can notify their users by Short Message Service or Email.
  • Additional community interaction features can be added on a modular base, such as chat.
  • Attribute request policy can be set individually for each resource.
  • Attribute release policy can be set individually by each user and for each resource.
  • Missing attributes according to the resource’s attribute request policy can be requested from the user.
  • User provided information appears as `user provided` in the database.


3.2.2   Plug-In Concept

The authentication and authorization infrastructures as well as the resources must be pluggable into pre-defined interfaces. With such an interface concept, it is possible to implement rapidly new interfaces. The advantage of this plug-in concept lies in the possibility to reuse the interfaces. Once an interface (called resource adaptor in the context of the resource management portal) is available, other similar resources can reuse a resource adaptor or adapt it accordingly to their own needs. Figure 3‑5 depicts the interfaces as plugs and connectors, which have to fit to each other. Technically, application programming interfaces represent the interface on the resource management portal On the left side three authentication and authorization infrastructures are depicted, each of them with an own interface. On the right side, we see four example resources. In this case, each of the resources uses a different resource adaptor.


Figure 35: Resource management portal with interfaces to AAI and resources.

The resource management portal itself must become an authentication and authorization infrastructure-enabled resource towards each of the plugged authentication and authorization infrastructures, and a user, resource, and community interaction portal towards resource owners and users. Figure 3‑6 depicts this broker function with the plug-ins towards a resource and an authentication and authorization infrastructure as well as the two different roles the resource management portal plays.


Figure 36: The resource management portal’s environment.

3.2.3   Overall Functionality

This Chapter aims to put the resource management portal and its various modules into context with its interacting neighboring systems. It visualizes and describes the user information attribute flow from home organizations towards the resource management portal and its hosted resources, describes the interfaces towards authentication and authorization infrastructures and the chosen adaptor concept. We present the concept for the interfaces to resources, called resource adaptors and address the concept of the interfaces for enhanced community interaction features, pluggable into the portal. We also discuss accounting aspects of the resource management portal and authorization issues sometimes raised with certain resource types.

Broker Functionality

Figure 3‑7 shows the functional parts of the resource management portal. On the left side we see the interfaces for the authentication and authorization infrastructures, which could be more than one at a time and from directly connecting users. The connecting unit links the interfaces to three user areas. Connecting users can access the resource management portal’s areas depending on their defined user role described below. On the right side, we see the interfaces to a set of hosted resources. There is no minimum or maximum number for hosted resources. Resource and portal owners must design each of the interfaces, either to an authentication or authorization infrastructure or to a resource individually but can reuse the adaptors again whenever the same type of authentication and authorization infrastructure or resource is reconnected. The resource management portal’s database stores collected data such as user information attributes or user provided information.


Figure 37: The functional parts of the resource management portal.


User Information Attributes’ Flow

Figure 3‑8 shows the user information attributes’ flow from a home organization through the authentication and authorization infrastructure to the resource provider for a resource hosted by the resource management portal. Reliable user-specific information attributes originate from the user’s home organization or as non-reliable user information attributes by the user on the resource management portal itself. The resource management portal stores all gathered user data (the user information attributes) in its own database and, upon a successful user subscription to a resource, may store the respective user data set into the resource’s database. The resource may also query the resource management portal’s database directly in the case the resource does not maintain an own database. The resource’s database may be used for read and write access by the resource and by the resource management portal, if required. If the resource management portal for example adds a user to a resource’s database, it can check if the user already exists and then add the user to the requested part of the resource instead of generating a completely new user profile on the resource.


Figure 38: Resource management portal architecture’s user information attributes flow.

Attributes flow from the home organizations through the authentication or authorization infrastructure to the resources, the reverse is not foreseen, although one could imagine it. A reverse attribute flow from resources to home organizations is for example necessary for a financial accounting or for a reporting of students’ work results. It is also possible to retrieve attributes from the resource management portal by the home organizations through special users who poll the resource management portal for resources’ data they may access.

Figure 3‑9 depicts the resource management portal’s configuration flow chart in the form of an UML activity diagram. Figure 3‑10 shows the same but as an UML sequence diagram. An unknown person enters on the top left side and first authenticates with his or her home organization. The now authenticated person, called user Bob hereafter on, gets to the web interface for resource selection on the resource management portal. The web interface lists resources, which are unsubscribed, subscribed, or pending for subscription. In a next step, the resource management portal checks for all needed data (authorization) depending on the resource’s attribute acceptance policy. If there are missing attributes (in other words, attributes which are not delivered by the home organization), the user is directed to the resource management portal’s web interface for collecting user data.

Missing user attributes collected on the resource management portal are clearly marked as non-reliable attributes. If the attributes satisfy the resource’s attribute request policy, the resource management portal checks if the user is a new or existing subscriber of the resource. In the case of a new subscriber, the resource management portal verifies if there is a waiting list for the subscribed resource. The portal redirects already subscribed resource users with granted access and new resource users accessing resources without waiting lists the resource. The portal prepares user data for new subscribers of resources without waiting list and stores it in the respective database. For resources with waiting list, subscribers get to the waiting list, where an administrator has to deblock them. Upon deblocking user data, the resource management portal database is updated and the status of the deblocked resource changed on the resource list of the respective subscriber. Those subscribers login again later and follow the already described way for previously subscribed users. The administrator logs-in and gets to the administrator interface where he or she accepts or rejects pending subscription requests of the waiting list.



Figure 39: UML activity diagram for resource management portal configuration flows.


Figure 310: UML sequence diagram for the resource management configuration flows.


Interfaces to AAI (AAI Adaptors)

The resource management portal’s interface to the authentication and authorization infrastructure receives user information attributes from the authentication and authorization infrastructure. Each type of authentication and authorization infrastructure provides attributes in a different way. Figure 3‑11 shows the principle of the attribute flow towards the resource management portal. In the case of Shibboleth, the web server receives SAML encoded user information attributes from the user’s home organization and writes them into a file, which is accessible by resources. In this case, the authentication and authorization infrastructure adaptor reads-out the file and imports the data into the portal’s database. In PAPI’s case, PAPI encrypts and sends user information attributes via cookies to the web server, where the authentication and authorization infrastructure adaptor reads-out user information data. The resource management portal’s pages are .htaccess access protected. The term “.htaccess” stands for a file which indicates who is able or not to access a file or folder in the web server’s directory. If the resource receives the requested user information attributes, the respective user can access the portal’s pages.

Figure 311: Interfaces to AAI.

In Figure 3‑11 the resource management portal is connected to two different authentication and authorization infrastructures. The authentication and authorization infrastructure selector gives the users the possibility to choose their proper authentication and authorization infrastructure. The situation of having more than one specific authentication and authorization infrastructure connected to the resource management portal opens resource owners the possibility to distribute their content to more than one user community, without having to invest a lot of money for resource adaptations.

Interfaces to Resources

We call interfaces to resources resource adaptors in the context of the resource management portal. There is no general way to connect external resources to the resource management portal because each resource has its own authentication and authorization system and security properties, which have to be adapted to portal.

One goal of the resource management portal is to integrate easily new resources. Therefore, an implementation of the resource management portal must offer an application-programming interface with at least the possibilities to:


  • Read-out user data from the resource management portal database.
  • Write user data into the resource management portal database.
  • Read resource data from the resource management portal database.
  • Write resource data into the resource management portal database.
  • Display a help text to a specific resource adaptor.
  • Create a resource specific database on the resource management portal, accessible by the resource.


In general, the resource management portal HTTP-redirects users to the resource and provides the requested user information to the resource as shown in Figure 3‑12. Figure 3‑12 shows different resources, which require different types of resource adapters. Only if resources use identical authentication and authorization systems, resource adapters it is possible to reuse them without changes. A recommended user redirection to a resource sends opaque user information to the resource, decipherable only by the resource.


Figure 312: Interface to resource.

As there are many different resource adaptors imaginable, we present a selection of possible scenarios with the corresponding resource adaptors. The selection is not complete and each presented scenario is extensible in many different aspects. Suppose for each case that user Bob accesses the resource management portal and chooses to access the resource Vanilla. Bob is a subscribed and accepted user of this resource. Bob’s home organization has provided all the necessary user information attributes to the resource management portal necessary to access the resource Vanilla.


Scenario 1: Simple user redirection.

Resource vanilla does not need any information about Bob, and therefore, Bob is only HTTP-redirected to Vanilla as depicted in Figure 3‑13. The UML activity and sequence diagrams show, how a user selects a subscribed resource and is redirected to the resource. Figure 3‑9 depicts the details in case the user has not yet subscribed to the resource. This is the simplest type of a resource adaptor and only listed for the sake of completeness as such a resource does not really need an authentication and authorization infrastructure or the resource management portal.

Figure 313: UML activity and sequence diagrams for access to unprotected resource.


Scenario 2: User redirection with cookie containing user name and password.

Resource X wants to restrict access to authentication and authorization infrastructure users but keep a user name and password-based access procedure. Figure 3‑14 depicts the UML activity diagram and Figure 3‑15 the UML sequence diagram for this scenario. User A possesses an encrypted and time stamped cookie with a limited validation length containing A’s user identity (uid) and password. The resource management portal generates the password and A does not know it to prevent a direct login to the resource. A direct login to the resource would take off admission control and accounting functions from the resource management portal. The portal has to store user name and password into the resource’s database before it redirects A to resource X. X checks whether the cookie is valid and the user exists in its database. This scenario is interesting for existing resources, which cannot be re-programmed and/or must remain with user name and password access control mechanism.


Figure 314: UML activity diagram for access to cookie protected resource.

Figure 315: UML sequence diagram for access to cookie protected resource.


Scenario 3: User redirection with the generation and display of user name and password to the user.

Figure 3‑16 depicts the UML activity diagram and Figure 3‑17 the UML sequence diagram of scenario 3. The resource management portal generates a user for the resource X and first stores the user name and password in the resource’s database. Secondly, it displays them to A in the form of an image, additionally to the recommended SSL or HTTPS transmission for security reasons (it is easier to scan and process traffic for passwords if it is in clear text). A is now HTTP-redirected to X and has to provide user name and password. We recommend using this scenario for one time logins only as A could login directly to the resource if user name and password remain valid after the first session.


Figure 316: UML activity diagram for access to user name and password protected resource.


Figure 317: UML sequence diagram for access to user name and password protected resource.


Scenario 4: User redirection with URL Get/Post or a cookie plus additional attributes together with a shared secret.

Figure 3‑18 depicts the UML activity diagram and Figure 3‑19 the UML sequence diagram for scenario 4. The resource management portal prepares the resource access credentials for user A. The portal stores this information in a cookie and writes it into A’s browser or adds the credentials to the URL in the HTTP-redirection step by the Get/Post method. The information is encrypted with a shared secret known by the resource management portal and resource X. When A accesses X, X verifies the shared secret and if it is A’s first access stores A’s user information in its database. In this way, user A can access the resource through the portal with an HTTP-redirection or if he or she knows the resource’s URL directly.


Figure 318: UML activity diagram for the access to resource by means of a shared secret.


Figure 319: UML sequence diagram for the access to resource by means of a shared secret.


Resource management portal administrators see a list of built-in resource adaptors in the resource configuration screen. It is possible to choose each of the built-in resource adaptors for the integration of new resources or exchange against other resource adaptors whenever needed. Each resource adaptor displays an input mask for the required information to the administrator. A resource adaptor has a unique name and displays additional information about its functionality. The adaptors display further information about the integration procedure of the resource to which the resource adaptor fits.

Interfaces to Community Interaction Features

Community interaction features are web-based software components, which allow a community to interact and communicate. There are synchronous and asynchronous community interaction features. Figure 3‑20 illustrates the difference between both kinds of features. Synchronous features, such as video conferencing, serve for direct communication. All actors of the community in the Figure thus interact with the same feature to the same time (t1). Asynchronous features, such as discussion boards, provide time shifted communication. The different actors of the community in the Figure thus interact at different times (t1…t5) with the different existing features. Those features thereby act as containers of exchanged information.

Figure 320: Synchronous versus asynchronous community interactions.

We now present a set of useful asynchronous and synchronous community interaction features, able to fulfill tasks of features missed in hosted resources or replace them. Synchronous features give tutors and students the possibility to interact instantly together. The advantage lies in the spontaneous nature of these features, which encourage direct communication and prevent users from exchanging only well-prepared material as if it happens in asynchronous features such as discussion boards. Examples of synchronous features are video/audio conferencing, chat, instant messaging, and white boards. Asynchronous features give tutors and course subscribers the possibility to communicate in a time-shifted manner and thereby to carefully prepare their statements, as involved persons do not have to be online simultaneously. Examples of asynchronous features are discussion boards, calendars, pointers to web pages, group announcements, frequently asked questions, meeting tools, Email, and short message service.

The resource management portal includes basic community interaction features for the management of users and hosted resources. Basic community interaction features are necessary for the needed operations on users and resources and include for example the building of resource lists or the user notification functions. However, the resource management portal can do more than just managing resources and users; it can offer enhanced features such as discussion boards or chat. The most important point is that those resources are personalized and fully manageable by portal administrators [Bg04].

One goal of the resource management portal is to integrate easily new community management features. An implementation of the resource management portal must offer an application-programming interface with at least the possibilities to:


  • Read user data from the resource management portal database.
  • Write user data into the resource management portal database.
  • Read resource data from the resource management portal database.
  • Write resource data into the resource management portal database.


Figure 3‑21 shows the resource management portal, here connected to Shibboleth as authentication and authorization infrastructure, together with a document repository as connected resource. This Figure also shows that community interaction features follow the same plug-in concept as resource adaptors do. In the case that a resource owner would like to add a news board to his or her resource, without changing the resource platform, which does not foresee a news board, he asks the resource management portal administrator to add a news board to the portal and the news board is ready to use.

Figure 321: Community interaction features.


Administrators see a list of built-in community management features on the ‘My Resources’ page. It is possible to activate, reactivate, or deactivate each built-in community management feature independently for each resource. Each community management feature has a unique name and displays additional information about its functionality.


The resource management portal is the entry point to the hosted resources and all users must access the resource management portal before they can access the resources. This position of the resource management portal makes it a predestined place for accounting.

The term accounting has different meanings in different areas. We limit our definition of accounting to the requirements o f information and communications technologies. Accounting in this area comprises the task of logging user and system activities for security, billing, trend analysis, and auditing purposes.

A possibility would have been to adapt existing accounting systems to the resource management portal. Systems, which contain accounting and much more functionalities are for example Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS) [Fc93], or the Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS). All these existing solutions bring more functionality and are thus too powerful for the accounting requirements of the resource management portal.

The purpose of the accounting support on the resource management portal is the data collection concerning the user actions done on the resource management portal and not on the resources. These basic accounting functionalities allow users of the resource management portal to visualize the user behavior and to use the data for billing purposes and trend analysis. To achieve this type of accounting we decided to design a proprietary accounting schema.

A user activity in the resource management portal now starts two processes, one results in the execution of the user request and the other stores the relevant accounting data in a database. The accounting data must be stored in the resource management portal’s database and no further installation or configuration of external tools must be necessary. We have decided to log all user actions done on the resource management portal, split up into the existing user roles, discussed in Chapter 3.2.4 Actions users can perform on the portal are for example: login, logout, change password, subscribe to a resource and unsubscribe to a resource.

The users can visualize stored accounting data. Each user can visualize its own data or the data of the users belonging to his or her administrational area. The resource management portal administrator for example can visualize the accounting data of all users.

Authorization Issues with Hierarchical Resources

The resource management portal must know which database attributes a resource requires to handle correctly users accessing it. This is a problem in “black box” resources where the internal functionality of the resource is not documented. The resource management portal is hence not able the generate user accounts in such resources split up in different user roles. It is necessary to administrate such resources additionally and it can be necessary for example to change manually the user roles within the resource after the resource management portal has generated an account.

User Bob for example, future tutor of the resource, is authenticated by its home organization, which provides all the necessary user information attributes to enter the resource with different access levels as shown in Figure 3‑22. This resource is a “black box” resource and Bob’s account is generated as a default account with the authorization to access level 1. At this level, Bob cannot select different sub areas with higher restrictions without that an administrator of this resource would manually upgrade his access levels to those corresponding to a tutor. In an AAI-enabled resource, this would be no problem at all, as the user information attributes could Bob identify as a tutor and the resource account automatically be set to tutor by the resource itself.


Figure 322: Several authorization levels in resources.

3.2.4   User Roles

Each user accessing the resource management portal can act in different roles. We propose to implement at least three different user roles. These user roles are not related to any other user roles described in this document and only belong to the resource management portal. The users on the resource management portal can be students accessing a hosted resource or administrators administrating the portal. Additionally to these two user roles, we see the need for a third user role: the administrator of one specific hosted resource, which does not need to configure the entire portal and must not interfere with other resources hosted on the portal. This leads to the three proposed user role: The super user is the resource management portal administrator and allowed to configure everything on the resource management portal. The second user role is the resource administrator. He or she acts as owner of resources hosted on the resource management portal. The third user role is the resource user, sometimes simply called ‘user’. These are persons accessing resources hosted on the resource management portal.

When users access the resource management portal, the authentication and authorization infrastructure provides a set of reliable user attributes. Those attributes serve to relate a user to a user role. In rare cases, users access the resource management portal through the built-in direct access interface. In this case, a portal administrator has to define manually their user rights during the creation of the respective account.


We list the three proposed user roles below, together with their specific functions:


User role 1: Resource users

Resource users are persons accessing the resource management portal with the intention to access a hosted resource, for example students. Their functionalities must be limited to subscribing and accessing subscribed resources, community interaction tools, and visualization of own accounting data as well as administrating their own user data stored on the portal. In detail, resource users are able to:


  • List all resources visible to them.
  • List the set of already subscribed resources.
  • List the set of resources with pending subscription requests.
  • Subscribe to and unsubscribe from resources.
  • View their attributes the AAI has released to the resource management portal.
  • Enter additional required information (attributes) for specific resources.
  • Administrate their stored data.
  • Define which attributes are released to which resource.
  • Access community interaction features belonging to the subscribed resources.
  • View own accounting data.
  • Close their account on the resource management portal.


User role 2: Resource administrators

Resource administrators are administrators of one or more hosted resources on the resource management portal, for example tutors or resource providers. Resource administrators may add or delete and fully manage their resources and users belonging to these resources. In detail, resource administrators are able to:


  • Add and delete resources.
  • Own one or more resources.
  • Define how the resource is integrated into the resource management portal by choosing the resource adaptor.
  • Define which way users are redirected to the resource.
  • Define which attributes a resource user must provide for getting access to the resource.
  • Specify additional (not yet existing) user information attributes on the portal.
  • Define the resource’s attribute acceptance policy.
  • List their resources.
  • List subscribed users of these resources.
  • View the information their users provided to the resource management portal.
  • Differentiate between AAI and user provided attributes.
  • Access the pending subscription list of a resource.
  • Accept or reject subscription requests.
  • Delete users at any time from a resource.
  • Suspend a user from a resource.
  • Suspend a resource.
  • Release a notification messages to users.
  • Make resources visible or invisible.
  • Open or close resources for subscription.
  • Interlace subscription to a manual selection.
  • Add or delete users to the resource management portal.
  • View accounting data about their resources.
  • Add and delete community interaction features prior installed by the portal administrator to their resources.


User role 3: Resource management portal administrator

Resource management portal administrators are able to do anything resource administrators and resource users can do. Additionally, resource management portal administrators are able to:


  • Appoint resource administrators.
  • Initialize the resource management portal.
  • Add or remove resources.
  • Add or remove resource administrators.
  • Add or remove local users.
  • Specify short message service gateway.
  • Specify Email gateway.
  • Install and remove community interaction features.
  • View global accounting data.
  • Export accounting data.
  • Integrate new resource adaptors.


3.2.5   User Interactions with the Resource
Management Portal

In this Chapter, we present four out of many possible time/action (interaction) diagrams for users of the resource management portal.

The first interaction diagram shows a user who logs-in to the resource management portal as depicted in Figure 3‑23. Bob would like to login to the resource management portal and so he opens a web browser where he enters the resource management portal’s URL as shown in step 1. The resource management portal’s AAI-enabled web server recognizes an unauthenticated user without credentials and redirects this user in step 2 to the respective AAI services. The AAI services together with Bob’s help redirect him to his home organization, where the authentication process takes place. After Bob has been equipped with credentials and security assertions in an opaque handle, he is redirected again, this time back to the resource management portal as shown in step 3. The resource management portal’s AAI components accept Bob and let him access the entry page. The login process is now completed. Step 4 anticipates a possible action Bob takes: he accesses a protected resource and is hence redirected to it. Steps 2 and 3 are AAI-type specific.


Figure 323: Redirection processes to get to a resource.


Resource providers who would like to open their protected resources without having to maintain an own user administration have the possibility to adapt their resource to each type of authentication and authorization infrastructure in question or to adapt their resource only once to the resource management portal. The resource management portal administrator adds the resource owner to the resource management portal users in the role of a resource administrator.

Figure 3‑24 shows the UML use case diagram for the process of hosting a new protected resource to the resource management portal. The resource owner applies for the hosting of the resource on the portal with the resource management portal administrator. The portal administrator approves or rejects the application. In the case of an approval, the resource owner becomes a resource administrator on the portal and thereby gets the possibility to add his or her resource to the resource management portal. The portal administrator manages the resource adaptors and if necessary, installs a new adaptor for the new resource. Upon a successful installation, the resource owner configures his or her resource and opens it for subscription. The newly added resource is advertised at the resource management portal’s entry page as recently added resource. The resource administrator manages the now operational resource. In case the resource owner decides to enable access control for the resource, he or she has to admit access to each applying user. Misbehaving users have to be unsubscribed or their access suspended, for example if they do not pay their utilization fee. If the resource administrator needs local user accounts for users without AAI accounts, the portal administrator registers these users upon request locally.


Figure 324: UML use case diagram for resource hosting.


Figure 3‑25 shows the UML use case diagram for the interactions between user Bob and the resource management portal when Bob tries to subscribe to a resource. In a first step, Bob has to access the resource management portal and go through the above described authentication process. After that, he gets to the resource management portal’s entry page and can access a list of all hosted resources. Bob now chooses a resource and after reading the information about the resource and its owner, decides to subscribe to the resource in the form of a resource subscription request. The resource management portal now requests missing user information attributes resulting from the difference between the user’s attribute release policy and the resource owner’s attribute acceptance policy. If the resource is open and freely accessible to all authentication and authorization infrastructure users, he now is redirected to the resource. If there is a list for pending subscriptions, Bob has to wait until a resource administrator accepts or rejects his subscription request. Upon this action, Bob receives a status change message by Email or short message service. The resource administrator comes to a decision and accepts or rejects the user. It is possible to reject a subscribed user later and to temporarily suspend or resume a user.

Figure 325: UML use case diagram for resource subscription.


3.3       Implementation

3.3.1   Introduction

This Chapter discusses the prototypically implemented resource management portal architecture. It describes the implemented adaptors for authentication and authorization infrastructures and resources as well as the database design and the web interfaces. At the end of our work, we gave the code to an organization for an ongoing and professional code management. We have chosen to write the implementation in PHP and to use a MySQL database. We published the code under the General Public License (GPL).

Figure 3‑26 shows the entry page for a resource management portal user in the portal version 0.9.3. All already subscribed resources appear on top whereas the recently added resources are below. The navigation tools are on the left side.


Figure 326: Resource management portal’s web interface.


3.3.2   AAI Adaptor

The prototypical implementation of the resource management portal comprises an adaptor to Shibboleth as a particular authentication and authorization infrastructure. However, it is possible to connect most authentication and authorization infrastructure to the resource management portal, if they fulfill two preconditions:


1)       The authentication and authorization infrastructure must HTTP-redirect users to a redirect target consisting of an entry point in the resource management portal.

2)       For an administrative-friendly functioning, the request for accessing the resource management portal must be accompanied by a set of user information attributes. The only necessary user information attribute is the unique user name @ home organization. Other user information attributes must be specifically mapped to resource management portal internal attributes.


The only implemented adaptor to an authentication and authorization infrastructure is to Shibboleth. For a successful combination of the resource management portal with Shibboleth, it is necessary to install the Shibboleth target site code on the same server as the resource management portal resides. In addition, the web application container such as Apache in our case, which hosts the resource management portal, must be integrated with the Shibboleth target site software accordingly to the Shibboleth installation guide.

It is necessary to configure the web application container such that users must authenticate with Shibboleth when they access one of these entry points. Usually, web application containers offer multiple configuration options to restrict access to a specific page. If Apache is the web application container, the respective configuration entries go to the common Apache configuration file (httpd.conf) or in an access control file written to the directory, which has to be protected (.htaccess). The resource management portal’s software package ships with sample .htaccess files in the directories, containing the two entry points, which look similar to the example in Figure 3‑27:



#.htaccess - sample access control file for Resource management portal entry point

#enable Shibboleth authentication


AuthType shibboleth

ShibExportAssertion On

require valid-user


Figure 327: Resource management portals’ sample .htaccess file.

Users authenticated in the Swiss Shibboleth implementation have a unique identity provided in the attribute swissEduPersonUniqueID (encrypted user name @ home organization). A set of additional 24 attributes has been defined, six of which (including swissEDUPersonUniqueID) are required. The two resource management portal entry points receive specific attribute values in HTTP headers reserved for this purpose. They map these attributes to attributes used within the resource management portal and cache them in the resource management portal’s database.

3.3.3   Resource Adaptors

In the resource management portal, a resource adaptor consists of PHP code, which is responsible for redirecting a user from the resource management portal to an external resource. The resource management portal design allows the deployment of any number of resource adaptors in a resource management portal installation, because resource adaptors conform to a kind of plug-in specification. This ensures that it is possible to disable and replace resource adaptors and that new custom adaptors can be developed and installed easily.

The developer of a resource adaptor has to implement at least an adaptor PHP page and to provide an adaptor descriptor. The adaptor PHP page is an isolated PHP page, which goes to the directory aai-portal/adapters. The page must accept a single resource identity in the request parameter rid. It must also ensure that the current session is a valid resource management portal session. Given the current user and the resource identity, the adaptor PHP page must prepare access to the remote resource and redirect the user to the target URL. The execution of an adaptor PHP page hence usually finishes with emitting a HTTP-redirect header.

The adaptor descriptor consists of a set of configuration parameters. Each resource adaptor has a unique identity and an array of name/value pairs. It is possible to configure the following properties for a resource adaptor:


  • display-name (optional):
    The adaptor’s display name to be used in web interfaces widgets like drop-down lists. If missing, the adaptor identity is used instead.
  • adaptor-file (required):
    The relative URL to the resource adaptor implementation. The URL is relative to the PORTAL_BASE_URL (as defined in the aai-portal.config file of the installation).
  • help-text (optional)
    An optional help text explaining the functionality of the resource adaptor and the resources it fits to.
  • parameters (optional):
    An optional list of resource adaptor parameters such as the shared secret or the password used to login users in the target resource.
  • Each resource adaptor may specify a list of additional resource adaptor parameters in the property 'parameters'. A resource parameter is an information item the resource owner must enter when he or she configures a resource adaptor for a specific resource.


Resource adaptor descriptors are stored in the global configuration file config/adapters.config. This configuration file declares an array of resource adaptor descriptors using standard PHP syntax; actually, the configuration file will be loaded using a call to require_once(...). Therefore, any kind of PHP literals, i.e. numeric literals like 999 or 123.45, string literals like "test" or 'test', etc. can be used. Key/value pairs have the form key => value.

The prototype implementation supports the below listed resource adaptors:

Simple HTTP-redirection

The simple HTTP-redirection adaptor redirects the user to the target URL. This adaptor is useful for integrating non-protected resources into the list of resource management portal resources. An example of such a resource could be the main site of a university where the portal is located.

HMAC-based authentication

This resource adaptor generates and writes a cookie into the user’s browser, which authenticates the user at the target resource. The resource adaptor HTTP-redirects the user. The cookie includes the unique user identity and additional user information attributes, specified in the web interface. The cookie is subjected to a keyed hash according the HMAC generation discussed in RFC 2104 (HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication). The shared secret must be known by the resource management portal as well as to the target resource. This adaptor is fine for a redirection to resources running in the same domain as the portal due to the problems caused by third party cookies.

WebCT Adaptor

This resource adaptor HTTP-redirects resource management portal users to a course home page hosted on a WebCT 4.x server. The WebCT adaptor provisions the WebCT user database and does an automatic sign on for the user. The resource adaptor verifies if a user already possess a WebCT identity in the resource managements database. If not, this identity is generated. The resource adaptor and WebCT possess two shared secrets. The resource adaptor now sends the login parameters to the WebCT application-programming interface for adding and enlisting users in the course specified in the resource adaptor settings before. The data is protected with the first shared secret. The second shared secret serves to encrypt the login data posted in the URL of the HTTP-redirection.

Computer Networks Laboratory Adaptor

This resource adaptor adds resource management portal users to the resource management system’s LDAP database and HTTP-redirects resource management portal users to pages such as the scheduling system or a laboratory portal. The resource adaptor possess read and write access in the LDAP database, i.e. a user name and a password to perform the mutations.

Computer Networks Laboratory Adaptor and WebCT Adaptor

A combination of the before described WebCT and computer networks laboratory adaptors is also integrated. The combination of these two resource adaptors allows logging-in students to the WebCT course and directly connecting out from there to the scheduling system or laboratory portals.

3.3.4   Web Application with a Database Backend

The resource management portal potentially offers access to resources for users who originate from different language regions. The resource management portal should adapt user interfaces to the language attribute users provide via the authentication and authorization infrastructure and otherwise offer the possibility to switch manually between languages. We propose to use the I18N internationalization scheme [I18N and Ws98].

Figure 3‑28 show a system diagram of the resource management portal. The resource management portal is a web application with web interfaces for users and administrators and a database.

Figure 328: Resource management portal’s system diagram.


3.3.5   Database Design

The resource management portal’s database consists of nine SQL tables:

User: The user table holds the unique user id (User_uid) which must be provided by the authentication and authorization infrastructure or by the process adding local users. Each entry must have a privilege level from the UserPrivilege table.

Accounting: The accounting table holds the accounting data for each user.

UserPrivilege: The UserPrivilege table has three standard entries, a normal user privilege (student), a resource administrator privilege, and a portal administration privilege. It serves to distinguish normal users from administrators.

Attribute: This table holds the attribute value for one specific attribute. Each user can have any number of attributes and each attribute must have exactly one AttributeType.

AttributeType: Each attribute value must have a type. These types are stored in this table and it is initialized with the standard authentication and authorization infrastructure attributes but it can also be extended by custom, string encoded attribute types.

Resource: The resource table stores the properties for each resource. Each resource entry must have exactly one user with at least resource administrator privilege.

Policy: This table defines which AttributeTypes are necessary for each resource; technically, it is a relation between the resource and the AttributeType table.

ResourceAdapterParam: This table holds configuration parameters for resource adaptors.

Subscription: The subscription table connects a user table entry to a resource. Like the policy table it is a relation between two other tables, user and resource. It holds some additional data like access control information.


Figure 3‑29 shows a diagram depicting the resource management portal’s database schema.


Figure 329: UML class diagram for the resource management portal’s database.


3.4       Performance Measurements

The main goal of the measurements presented and discussed in this section is to provide an approximate user access rate (how many users in a certain time) to a resource management portal installation on a certain type of hardware, related to CPU and RAM capacity. A further goal is to find out, which of the applications limit this rate, the Apache web server, the MySQL database or any other. We do not intend to measure any login delays caused by eventually connected authentication and authorization infrastructures, as we are not interested in the performance of third party systems such as Shibboleth. Therefore, we use the resource management portal’s local web interfaces for login procedures.

3.4.1   Measurement Scenarios and Methods

The measurement testbed consisted of two different resource management portal installations (only one was in use at once), five clients, and a web server, as depicted in Figure 3‑30. We installed the two resource management portals on a Pentium 2 300 MHz with 512 Mega Bytes of RAM and on a Celeron 1 GHz with 256 Mega Bytes of RAM machines.

We used the resource management portal software version 0.9.5 for both of the installations. The resource web page of the external web resource, hosted on the resource management portal and used in the second part of the measurements run on a Pentium 4, 2.8 GHz with 2 Giga Bytes of RAM machine and the served web page had the size of 122 Bytes. All servers were running Red Hat Linux version 7.2 with and out of the box configuration.

We installed the performance measurement tool JMeter version 2.0.1 [Hr01] on five Pentium 3 800 MHz with 384 Mega Bytes of RAM machines, running Windows 2000, and used to generate and analyze HTTP-requests to the resource management portals’ web server. It is possible to write measurement scripts for JMeter. JMeter can thus perform multiple queries and actions on web server, id est, it can retrieve web pages, login if necessary by sending user name and password, retrieve and send cookies and more. The performed measurements each consisted of single measurement events. A measurement event for example is a login into the resource management portal and a HTTP-redirection to the external web pages. Each JMeter client processed only one event at once and proceeded to the next only after finishing the fore one. With five clients, a maximum of five events can simultaneously be running.

To make the measurements closer to real life scenarios, we performed two different measurements. In both, we used all the five client machines to generate simultaneous HTTP-requests to the resource management portal. In the first measurement series they logged-in and retrieved an internal resource information page whereas in the second series they logged-in and accessed an HTTP-redirection link to the resource’s web server. Two kinds of measurements have been performed in each of the two settings. In the first, the five clients generated as many HTTP-requests as possible. This stress measurement was used to calculate the maximal event rate of accesses per second. In the second, the five clients increased the HTTP-request rate successively, starting with a low rate. They should access the portal a certain times per minute but used more than a minute per step if the portal was too slow. This measurement ended up in a stress measurement too.

Figure 330: Performance measurement testbed.

On the resource management portal, we logged the CPU and memory load for the Apache web server, the MySQL database and the system. For this purpose we started the program top [FS02] and logged the statistics comprising of CPU load per process and memory usage every 5 seconds.

The hardware selection is of crucial nature in the succeeded stress measurements. We thus installed both resource management portals on the slowest machines used in the testbed and the clients and the resource’s web server on faster machines. Thereby it is possible to guarantee that the JMeter clients can load the resource management portal up to its maximum capacity. The fastest machine used was the resource’s web server. This machine should not bring a delay in the measurements and thus only served the smallest possible HTTP page. Additionally, five querying JMeter clients increase the events rate by five and guarantee that the resource management portal’s limits can be reached. In the case where we measured the user redirection to the resource’s web server, we used the simple HTTP-redirection adaptor, which is the simplest and thus the fastest one of all imaginable adaptors. The adaptor only makes a lookup in the database for the redirection URL. With this adaptor, we can exclude redirection delays due to access operations on the resource’s web server.

3.4.2   Access of a Resource Information Page on
the Resource Management Portal

In this measurement, the resource management portal’s capacity of letting users log-in and accessing an internal resource information page, belonging to a resource hosted on the portal, was measured. Such an information page belongs to each resource hosted on the portal and shows a short resource description and the owner of the resource, together with an Email address for more information. The measurement consisted of the following steps:


1)       For each of the five client machines, a unique resource management portal user was generated.

2)       Each client user then accessed the resource management portal.

3)       The user logged-in through the local user web interface.

4)       The clients received a cookie with the log-in information.

5)       The users retrieved the resource’s information page on the portal itself.


Full Access Stress Measurement

In the first measurement of this experiment, the five users accessed the portal at full query capacity for measuring the maximum access rate in events per seconds. An event consists of the log-in to the portal and the retrieval of the internal resource information page, resulting in two requests.

Figure 3‑31 and Figure 3‑32 show the access rate charts of the 300 MHz and 1 GHz portals, respectively. 0.53 and 1.84 events as well as rates of 1.06 and 3.68 requests per second could be achieved. Both graphs show constant rates over the full measuring time. As each client can only send the next request when the prior one was finished, we expected this behaviour. Nevertheless, this measurement revealed the maximum access rates possible in this setting. We used these results for a comparison of the achieved rates in the experiments of with increasing access rates.

Figure 331: Full access, 300 MHz, internal page.

Figure 332: Full access, 1 GHz, internal page.

Figure 3‑33 and Figure 3‑34 show the CPU usage of the 300 MHz and 1 GHz portals, respectively. They oscillated around 95 to 100%, the user around 90 to 95 % and the system around 5 to 8%, and around 94 to 100%, the user around 81 to 87% and the system around 13 to 18%, respectively. In both portals, the CPU was fully busy during the measurements. Also in both portals, the user processes took the remaining CPU power, which was not used by the system. The higher system CPU usage in the faster portal is due to the higher access rates, which required more system power, for example for managing the network interface and the input output system.

Figure 333: CPU load full access, 300 MHz, internal page.

Figure 334: CPU load full access, 1 GHz, internal page.

Figure 3‑35 and Figure 3‑36 show the CPU load for the Apache and the MySQL daemons, which oscillated around 59 to 64% and 0 to 7 %, and 75 to 82% and 0 to 2%, respectively. Both portals show that the MySQL database consumes few CPU power but also that the Apache daemon claims as much power as possible. Already here we can see that we could improve the access rates by improving the Apache configuration instead of using the out of the box settings. The dynamic PHP web pages are prepared in the Apache und thus consume the CPU power.


Figure 335: Apache & MySQL CPU load full access, 300 MHz, internal page.

Figure 336: Apache & MySQL CPU load full access, 1 GHz, internal page.

Figure 3‑37 and Figure 3‑38 show the memory load during the measurement. The 300 MHz machine used 304.3 MB at the beginning and remained at around 305.7 MB from sample 157 on. The 1 GHz machine used 180.9 MB at the beginning and remained at around 192.6 MB from sample 113 on. The slight increase of memory consumption is due to a reallocation of the memory during the measurement. As above discussed, the faster portal consumes more CPU power and also more memory for coping with the higher access rates.




Figure 337: Memory load full access, 300 MHz, internal page.

Figure 338: Memory load full access, 1 GHz, internal page.


Increasing Access Stress Measurement

In the second experiment, the access traffic was increased, starting with 50 accesses and then increasing to 75, 100, 500 and 1,000 accesses in 60 seconds, each. If possible, the accesses should have been performed in 60 seconds; else, the next level was begun only after finishing the prior. The maximum capacity was reached when the rate met the rate of the full access measurement discussed before. Different to the prior ones, these measurements showed how many events can be performed per minute and showed the respective process and memory load during the increasing load.

Figure 3‑39 and Figure 3‑40 show the charts of the 300 MHz and 1 GHz portal, respectively. The graphs show a slight bend at the beginning, indicating a lower access rate due to the slow starting JMeter client queries. During the measurement, both portals reach their maximum capacity, which is exactly the same as in the full access measurements.

Figure 339: Increasing access, 300 MHz, internal page.

Figure 340: Increasing access, 1 GHz, internal page.

Figure 3‑41 and Figure 3‑42 magnify the first part of the graphs in Figure 3‑39 and Figure 3‑40, respectively. The graphs show where the portal’s events rate capacity was exceeded and the requests were queued. At the beginning of the graphs, each client request was fully processed before a new one arrived. With time, the clients’ access rates have been increased as mentioned initially and the portals could no more process all the queries from the five JMeter clients within the specified time span. The slower portals capacity exceeds in the second access level, whereas the faster portal reallocates system resources and manages to increase its capacity. The maximum access rate of the faster portal is only reached in the third access level of the measurement series.

Figure 341: Detail of increasing access, 300 MHz, internal page.

Figure 342: Detail of increasing access, 1 GHz, internal page.

Figure 3‑43 and Figure 3‑44 show the CPU usage during the first part of the measurements of the 300 MHz and 1 GHz portal, respectively. They oscillated around 51 to 68% for the user and 3 to 5% for the system during the 5 first events and took 65 seconds on the 300 MHz machine. In step 6, the CPU usage increased to the same load as found in the measurement with full access. On the 1 GHz machine, the CPU usage oscillated around 10 to 19% for the user and 0 to 5% for the system during event 1 to 3, around 18 to 30% for the user and 4 to 6% for the system during event 5 to 10, around 39 to 59% for the user and 5 to 8% for the system during event 11 to 18, around 32 to 47% for the user and 6 to 9% for the system during event 19 to 25, around 76 to 78% for the user and 12 to 16% for the system during event 26 to 51, and increased to the same CPU load as in the full access in step 52. Both graphs show how the system idle decreases, whereas user and system CPU power increase. The peaks show the access events of the five JMeter clients, which have been started synchronously. The increase of the system power consumption also shows that not only user processes are responsible for the processing of the requests but also the IO system.


Figure 343: CPU load of detail of increasing access, 300 MHz, internal page.

Figure 344: CPU load of detail of increasing access, 1 GHz, internal page.

Figure 3‑45 and Figure 3‑46 show the CPU load for the Apache and MySQL daemons in this first part of the measurements of the 300 MHz and 1 GHz portal, respectively. They oscillated around 34 to 44% for the Apache and around 0 to 5% for the MySQL daemon during the first 5 events on the 300 MHz machine. In step 6 the CPU load increased to the same rate as in the full access measurement. On the 1 GHz machine, the CPU usage oscillated around 9 to 16% for the Apache and 0 to 1% for the MySQL daemon during event 1 to 3, around 15 to 26% for the Apache and 0 to 1% for the MySQL daemon during event 5 to 10, around 22 to 33% for the Apache and 0 to 1% for the MySQL daemon during event 11 to 18, around 34 to 38% for the Apache and 0 to 1% for the MySQL daemon during event 19 to 25, around 70 to 75% for the Apache and 0 to 1% for the MySQL daemon during event 26 to 51, and increased to the same CPU load as in the full access in step 52. Particularly in the slower portal the coincidence of system MySQL and Apache daemon CPU usage is well visible. Each event made over the web interface resulted in a lookup for the user data and a lookup for the resource information page.


Figure 345: Apache & MySQL CPU load of detail of increasing access, 300 MHz, internal page.

Figure 346: Apache & MySQL CPU load of detail of increasing access, 1 GHz, internal page.


Figure 3‑47 and Figure 3‑48 show the memory load during the measurement. The 300 MHz machine used 305.7 MB at the beginning and remained at around 307.6 MB from sample 176 on. The 1 GHz machine used 150.3 MB at the beginning and remained at around 163.7 MB from sample 161 on. Again, both machines reallocated their system resources and adapted them to the actual requirements. For improving the portals capacity they should be configured as web servers and not be used with out of the box settings.




Figure 347: Memory load of increasing access with 300 MHz, internal page.

Figure 348: Memory load of increasing access with 1 GHz, internal page.



3.4.3   Access of an External Resource Management
Portal Hosted Resource

In this measurement, the portal’s capacity of letting users log-in and HTTP-redirecting to a resource’s web server was measured. Each of the five client machines used a unique resource management portal user. The resource’s web server was located in the same Intranet as the portal and the clients as shown in Figure 3‑30.

This measurement is close the real life scenarios, where users login to the resource management portal and then directly click on a subscribed resource for accessing it. This HTTP-redirection URL was provided by the simplest resource adaptor, which redirects users to web sites with no access control mechanisms. The measurement consisted of the following steps:


1)       For each of the five client machines, a unique resource management portal user was generated.

2)       The users accessed the resource management portal, logged-in through the local user web interface.

3)       The clients received a cookie with the log-in information.

4)       The users then accessed a resource’s HTTP-redirection URL on the portal itself.

5)       The clients retrieved the resource’s web page.


Full Access Stress Measurement

In the first measurement, the five users accessed the portal at full capacity for measuring the maximum access rate in events per seconds. This is the same procedure as described in above. An event consists of the login to the portal and the HTTP-redirection to the resource’s web site, resulting in a total of two requests.

Figure 3‑49 and Figure 3‑50 show the access rate charts of the 300 MHz and 1 GHz portal, respectively. 1.06 and .3.42 events as well as rates of 2.12 and 6.84 requests per second could be achieved. These maximum events are higher as in the measurements with an internal page access (0.53 and 1.84; 1.06 and 3.68). This is a result of the HTTP-redirection in the second step of the access procedure. Instead of retrieving the internal resource information page, which also requires a database lookup, the user gets directly redirected to the resource’s web server. Figure 3‑50 shows a regression, which is not 1 but 0.9995. The single values of this measurement show that the access rates increases with time before it stabilizes again. IT is not clear what caused this irregularity as the test bed settings were identical with the other three access rate measurements.


Figure 349: Full access with 300 MHz, external page.


Figure 350: Full access with 1 GHz, external page.

Figure 3‑51 and Figure 3‑52 show the CPU usage during the measurements of the 300 MHz and 1 GHz portal, respectively. They oscillated around 93 to 100%, the user around 90 to 96% and the system around 3 to 10%, and around 94 to 100%, the user around 81 to 87% and the system around 13 to 18%. The CPU was used at its maximum capacity. This shows that the portals were both operating at their maximum capacity and also excludes the possibility that the resource’s web server is the bottle neck in this measurement. The slight higher system CPU load of the faster portal is a result of the higher access rate, which requires more power for the system’s IO system.


Figure 351: CPU load during full access with 300 MHz, external page.

Figure 352: CPU load during full access with 1 GHz, external page.

Figure 3‑53 and Figure 3‑54 show the CPU load of the Apache and MySQL daemons of the 300 MHz and 1 GHz portal, respectively. They oscillated around 56 to 64% and 0 to 7 %, and 75 to 83% and 0 to 2%, respectively. The Apache daemon uses the main part of the CPU load whereas the database lookup consumes little power. This is almost the same division as in the same measurement in Chapter 3.4.2 (59 to 64% and 0 to 7%; 75 to 82% and 0 to 2%). Instead of providing an internal resource information page, the portal in this measurement provides the HTTP-redirection link directly after the user login. This explains the same CPU load in both experiments and the higher access rates in the latter.


Figure 353: Apache & MySQL CPU load, full access with 300 MHz, external page.

Figure 354: Apache & MySQL CPU load, full access with 1 GHz, external page.

Figure 3‑55 and Figure 3‑56 show the memory load during the measurement. The 300 MHz machine used 302.5 MB at the beginning and remained at around 304.2 MB from sample 192 on. The 1’000 MHz machine used 163.8 MB at the beginning and remained at around 180.8 MB from sample 164 on. Here too we see a resource reallocation from the system during the stress measurement. This behaviour also shows that systems with more memory and CPU capacity can process more queries.





Figure 355: Memory load, full access with 300 MHz, external page.

Figure 356: Memory load, full access with 1 GHz, external page.


Increasing Access Stress Measurement

In the second part of this experiment, the access traffic was increased, starting with 50 accesses in 50 seconds and then increased to 75, 100, 500 and 1000 accesses in 60 seconds. If possible, the accesses should have been performed in 60 seconds; else, the next level was begun only after finishing the prior. The maximum capacity was reached when the rate met the rate of the full access measurement discussed above.

Figure 3‑57 and Figure 3‑58 show the charts of the 300 MHz and 1 GHz portal, respectively. 1.06 and 3.42 events as well as rates of 2.12 and 6.84 requests per second could be achieved. These are the same values as in the full access measurement. Only at the beginning a slight bend is visible. This is due to the low access rates at the beginning executed by the JMeter clients.

Figure 357: Increasing access with 300 MHz, external page.

Figure 358: Increasing access with 1 GHz, external page.

Figure 3‑59 and Figure 3‑60 show the first part of Figure 3‑57 and Figure 3‑58 where the portal’s capacity was exceeded. Compared to the access to the resource information page hosted on the portal of Chapter 3.4.2 (0.53 and 1.84; 1.06 and 3.68) the access rates are more or less doubled. The magnifications of both plots show in detail how the portals manage the access traffic and when the access rates exceed the capacity.

Figure 359: Detail of increasing access with 300 MHz, external page.

Figure 360: Detail of increasing access with 1 GHz, external page.

Figure 3‑61 and Figure 3‑62 show the CPU usage of the 300 MHz and 1 GHz portal during the first part of the measurements, which oscillate around 83 to 69% for the user and 3 to 7% for the system during the 11 first events and took 65 seconds on the 300 MHz machine. In step 12, the CPU usage increased to the same load as found in the measurement with full access. On the 1’000 MHz machine, the CPU usage oscillated around 10 to 19% for the user and 0 to 5% for the system during event 1 to 10, around 24 to 39% for the user and 4 to 8% for the system during event 11 to 25, around 33 to 41% for the user and 5 to 9% for the system during event 26 to 45, around 42 to 55% for the user and 7 to 12% for the system during event 46 to 70, and increased to the same CPU load as in the full access in step 71. The correlation of the peaks in the user and idle graphs is visible and the increase of the access rates is reflected in an increase of the system CPU usage. In the faster portal much access rates steps are visible due to its higher capacity.

Figure 361: CPU load of detail of increasing access with 300 MHz, external page.

Figure 362: CPU load during detail of increasing access with 1 GHz, external page.

Figure 3‑63 and Figure 3‑64 show the CPU load of the Apache and MySQL daemons in this first part of the measurements of the 300 MHz and 1 GHz portal. They oscillated around 42 to 52% for the Apache and around 0 to 5% for the MySQL daemon during the first 11 events on the 300 MHz machine. In step 12 the CPU load increased to the same rate as in the full access measurement. On the 1’000 MHz machine, the CPU usage oscillated around 11 to 20% for the Apache and 0 to 1% for the MySQL daemon during event 1 to 10, around 22 to 36% for the Apache and 0 to 1% for the MySQL daemon during event 11 to 25, around 32 to 38% for the Apache and 0 to 1% for the MySQL daemon during event 26 to 45, around 40 to 50% for the Apache and 0 to 1% for the MySQL daemon during event 46 to 70, and increased to the same CPU load as in the full access in step 71. The correlation between Apache and MySQL daemons is visible. It is also visible that the MySQL daemon’s peaks are slightly delayed to the Apache’s peaks. This can be explained by the fact that users first access the web server, which then uses the database for the user lookup.

Figure 363: Apache & MySQL CPU load of detail of increasing access
with 300 MHz, external page.

Figure 364: Apache & MySQL CPU load of detail of increasing access
with 1 GHz, external page.

Figure 3‑65 and Figure 3‑66 show the memory load during the measurement. The 300 MHz machine used 309.8 MB at the beginning and remained at around 311.0 MB from sample 201 on. The 1 GHz machine used 192.6 MB at the beginning and remained at around 209.1 MB from sample 216 on. As in the prior measurements a memory reallocation during the measurements can be observed. This is a normal behaviour of the system. The performance can be increased by configuring the system as a web server acting as a web front end with a database.



Figure 365: Memory load of increasing access with 300 MHz, external page.

Figure 366: Memory of increasing access with 1 GHz, external page.


3.4.4   Measurement Summary

The performance measurements showed stable event/access (one events consists of two accesses) rates in the full access measurements for both machines, the 300 MHz with 0.53 events per second / 106 accesses per second with the second access to an internal resource information page or 1.06/2.12 and 1 GHz with 1.84/3.68 with the second access to an HTTP-redirection URL leading to resource web page or 3.30 or 6.60. The faster rate for accessing the resource’s web page originate from less work load by the HTTP-redirection than by serving an internal PHP resource information page. In none of the measurements, the MySQL daemon caused much CPU load, up to 7% for the 300 MHz and 2% for the 1 GHz machine. All the available CPU power, which was not consumed by the system or MySQL daemon, was consumed by the Apache daemon.

The limitation to a maximum of five parallel client accesses prevented an endless growth of the TCP queues and the memory consumption reached a stable point in each measurement. Five clients do not reflect real life conditions where much more clients could access the system, but the clients were constantly and break less accessing the portal, which would not be the case with human users. Most e-learning resources in University of Bern have 20-200 users. Depending on the number of resources hosted on a resource management portal, it would be possible to use the 300 MHz portal productively. The 1 GHz machine was about factor 2 faster than the 300 MHz machine. This does not allow predictions for faster CPPU clock speeds as clock speed is not identical with calculation power. However, it shows that faster machines can increase the access rates.

There are potential software bottlenecks in the implementation: The web server with the dynamic PHP pages and its configuration are important, as the web server is the daemon, which consumes all the available CPU power. The same conclusions as for other web servers apply for increasing the performance [BD97]. The operating system itself could be another bottleneck. The operating system manages the CPU access, memory usage, and input/output of data.


3.5       Discussion and Conclusions

The resource management portal architecture fulfills the requirements for implementations of brokers between resources and user management systems. It is also possible to use the implementations for standalone operation. The architecture firstly focuses on the management of resources, hosted on the resource management portal. Resource owners get a palette of useful features for their hosted resources. They may open or close the resource for subscription, open or close the resource access for single users or groups of users, request user information from users and send Email or short messages to users and groups of users. These resource functionalities provide resource owners the possibility to connect before unprotected resources, for example running on an Apache web server, in few steps to the resource management portal and get a protected resource. The second focus of the architecture concerns user management. Resource users may view resource information pages and subscribe or unsubscribe to resources. Resource administrators manage their resources and grant or deny access to resource users. Portal administrators manage the resource administrators and local user accounts. All these user functionalities ease resource access for resource users. Both, user and resource management functionalities form a set of features, which are useful for the operation, and the access of resources. The architecture focuses additionally on two other areas: Inter-user communications and accounting. Inter-user communication is a necessary feature for user communities such as classes of students. Examples for such features are discussion boards or document stores. The architecture foresees that each features belongs to on hosted resource and that users of the resource management portal obtain the same roles in these features as on the portal. Accounting functionalities visualize the user behavior and build the base of billing models. The architecture foresees modular plug-ins for the connection of user management systems, resources and user communication features. With these bricks, it is possible to achieve low production costs and high reusability effects.

The succeeded implementation of the resource management portal realizes the architecture in PHP and MySQL. Using the popular programming language and database resource owners and portal operators can adapt existing or implement new resource adaptors. The plug-in concept also simplifies the integration of communication features or the enhancement of the portal code. We successfully implemented the adaptor to the user management system Shibboleth, an Internet2 initiative. We also implemented several resource adaptors, for example to the described computer networks laboratory. University of Bern operates a productive resource management portal and about 200 users have used it with the computer networks laboratory in 2004.

The performance measurements helped for estimating the required system capacity for using the resource management portal in production. We discussed the details of the measurements in the measurement section. We could confirm our expectations with those results. The web server consumes most of the system’s power for the preparation of the dynamic web pages and the database with the system together use little capacity. The software is able to manage thousands of users when installed on state-of-the-art servers, optimized for serving dynamic web pages.

We handed over the resource management portal project to SWITCH for a further development and for the maintenance of the code. This undermines the usefulness of the developed architecture and its first implementation. The portal is one of several ways to connect resources to the Swiss-authentication and authorization infrastructure Shibboleth. The document [SSBB03] discusses and presents the resource management portal architecture and the implementation.


3.6       Outlook

The resource management portal architecture and its implementation provide comfortable student and course management features but we see many ways for a possible extension of the architecture. Common to all future enhancements is that the user community must announce a demand and provide resources for the implementation.

Many small improvements could be realized and improve the overall usability of the resource management portal for resource users and administrators. The notification system works fine but a major defect is that the information flows from the portal towards users and not back. Resource users receive notifications about status changes in their subscribed resources by Email or SMS but cannot reply to them. They should be able to reply and the resource management portal should forward the reply to the corresponding resource administrator. In the architecture, it is not foreseen that resource owners delete users from their resource lists. They can accept, reject, or suspend users and the users appear in the respective state on the resource lists. The portal should automatically delete rejected users from resource lists after a predefined time. Resource owners cannot share their resources with other administrators. If the resource administrator accesses the portal with a local account, it is possible to share this account among different persons. If the resources belong to a personalized AAI account this is impossible. The administrator interfaces are not internationalized (I18N) as the resource users’ interfaces are. We have foreseen this feature in the architecture but not realized in the implementation. Future versions of the implementation should be enhanced with I18N for all user interfaces as not all resource owners speak English. Resource and user lists in the resource management portal should be enhanced by import and export functions to simplify user management. This would enable resource owners to safe subscriber lists in their own documents. It is possible to delete resource users of WebCT, which access WebCT with the WebCT resource adaptor, in the resource management portal only but not automatically in the WebCT database. This additional feature should be implemented but with the possibility to leave users in the WebCT courses if desired. Some tutors keep old courses with the subscribed students to proof student grades in the times after. We technically documented the existing resource adaptors. This is enough for experienced programmers to change or further develop them but not enough for inexperienced programmers. A detailed documentation, which includes related aspects, could be a great help.

The resource management portal could also serve as entry point for users of wireless local area networks. Each user accessing the respective network would be able to connect to the portal and provide his or her credentials. Only then, the access point would allow traffic from such a user to be routed to the Internet.

A useful but difficult to realize enhancement of the resource management portal architecture would lie in the extension with the ability to collect students’ work results from the connected resources. For that purpose, resources must prepare and provide user data in a portal accessible form. On the portal’s side an interface for resource collection could be realized, probably able to read standard database formats and able to communicate via the selected resource adaptor. The main difficulty in such a procedure is to avoid that each resource must be adapted to the resource management portal.

A further enhancement could be the extension of the architecture to integrate proxy functionality. Doing so, the portal could adapt the content to the bandwidth and device the user possesses. Elements such as image resolution, color depth and image quality could be covered. The content provision could also be adapted to charging models.

The implementation of the accounting and community interaction features has to be revised and adapted where necessary. We could not integrate the prototype version with these features into an official release. The resource management portal’s implementation bases on PHP and MySQL. It would be possible to increase the system’s performance by implementing the resource management portal in Java or Active Server Pages (ASP) in combination with a faster database. Before doing this, the one should ask if it is desired as the implementation of resource adaptors looses its simplicity provided by PHP. An implementation in Java should be realizable within six month for an experienced Java programmer. The resource management portal runs on Linux but should be implemented on Windows server too as still many institutions operate Windows servers.





4       Multifunctional E-Learning

4.1       Introduction

This Chapter presents and discusses the multifunctional e-learning architecture, which we designed and prototypically implemented. The motivation for the creation of this architecture was the possibility to connect all of the components a distributed architecture for computer networks laboratories comprises. This distributed architecture makes it possible to operate e-learning computer networks laboratories with similar possibilities for the hands-on trainings as existing in traditional computer networks laboratories. The distributed architecture comprises elements for authentication, authorization, and laboratory device reservation. The subsequent Chapters are devoted to the introduction and presentation of the architectural design and developments necessary to achieve the multifunctional e-learning architecture for the computer networks laboratory with multiple resource content providers at distributed locations. It is necessary to know the requirements prior to the creation of an architectural design. Chapter 4.2 discusses these requirements to the architecture. In Chapter 4.3 we introduce the specifications of the architecture and in Chapter 4.4 we present the implementation. In the implementation Chapter, we also discuss one of the transformed modules of the traditional laboratory, called IP Security as an example for the implementation of other modules. Chapter 4.5 concludes this Chapter and Chapter 4.6 gives an outlook.


4.2       Architectural Requirements

At the beginning of the development for the best architecture for Internet-based computer networks laboratories we had to define and specify the requirements as well as to find out the preconditions such an architecture has to fulfill. The valuable experiences we have made with the traditional laboratory helped specifying the preconditions for the laboratory device configuration in the hands-on trainings. The result is a list of requirements, to which the architecture and later its implementation have to conform:


  • Built on the Internet infrastructure

The architecture must use Internet infrastructure and protocols.

  • Use open source components

The architecture must foresee open source components for the components of the later implementation. The use of open source software is adequate to remain as vendor independent as possible. Nevertheless, it should be possible to integrate components of non-open source software if necessary, for example a commercial course platform for web page provisioning or the commercial operating systems of the client computers.

  • Slim design and able to run on low bandwidth links

The architecture must foresee an as slim designed implementation as possible and the resource management system must run on low bandwidth links. This precondition guarantees that everybody may attend the resource, students with analogous modem lines and especially people from less developed countries with poor communication infrastructures.

  • Running on all major operating systems

The architecture must not specify components for the later implementation, which run only on specific operating systems. The resource content providers as well as the students must be free in their decision of choosing an operating system. The serious background behind this requirement is that nobody would install an operating system just for attending a computer networks laboratory but anybody that is obliged to change the operating system would look for an alternative resource without this precondition.

  • Running on all major web browsers

Students and tutors must be able to access the resource with the most spread brands of web browsers. The web browser must be the only application necessary to access the resource and for working on the learning content as well as on the hands-on trainings. Supplementary software, such as interactive animations or shells to laboratory devices must run within web browsers.

  • No software installation for clients

Clients must access the course without installing additional software on their computers. The only exceptions from this rule are web browser plug-ins for example for Java or Macromedia’s Flash animations. A consequence of this requirement is that we eliminate the task of maintaining and providing software packages for several types and versions of operating systems. The requirement also opens the resource to all those students that work on computers belonging to organization with strict security limitations. Such organizations normally make it impossible to install software on their computers.

  • Resource content servers in distributed locations

The possibility to include content servers in distributed locations into the resource is a precondition and requirement to this architecture. It must be possible to build a network of university partners where each partner operates the laboratory equipment locally but contributes the content to all students of the resource.

  • Resource management system with user accounts

The architecture must integrate resource management system for the administrated of user accounts. The architecture must foresee user roles such as administrators or students. User roles represent different authorization states i.e. access privileges of users. It is common to define such roles for the users, which access an application with student and tutor functionalities, for example. The resource management system must be able to integrate automatically users from a higher-level user management system. This can be from the institution’s system alone or together with partner institutions’ systems or for example from a Swiss-wide system.

  • Hands-on trainings with third party equipment

The architecture must allow the integration of third party laboratory equipment for hands-on trainings especially in the area of computer networks. The integration is a crucial point for the computer networks laboratory resource with hands-on trainings. Without third party equipment, we cannot realize the hands-on trainings.

  • Laboratory reservation system

Due to the expensive laboratory devices a computer networks laboratory exceeds, and the fact that in most experiments with real devices only one person can work at the same time (i.e. in one timeslot), the laboratories are a bottle-neck in the resource. To achieve a better usage balance of the laboratories and make the laboratory sessions’ time more predictable for students, a reservation system must be part of the architecture.



4.3       Architectural Specifications

Chapter 4.3 discusses the specifications of the multifunctional e-learning architecture and starts with an overview. Subsequently we present the overall functionality of the architecture, discuss the possible connections between the single components and show UML activity and sequence diagrams. We then present and explain the proposed user roles used in the architecture and the single components of the architecture in detail. We also discuss security aspects.

4.3.1   Overview

The requirements and preconditions led to the specification of an architecture with the subsequently described components:


  • Administrator, tutor, student

Administrators, tutors, and students are technically seen clients of the resource servers. The resource clients access the resource infrastructure based on their authorized privileges in three different user roles. We describe the specific privileges of the user roles below.

  • Resource management system

The resource management system [SJZB02a and SZJB02] is located at one place and operates the user database as well as the laboratory portal database with the reservation system for the hands-on trainings. The resource management system has the possibility to refer further user databases allowing a distributed user management. Administrators can manually add student user accounts or a higher-level user management system can do this automatically. It is necessary to add the administrator and tutor accounts manually.

  • Laboratory portal

The laboratory portals must enable module designers to connect each kind of equipment with a computer interface to the resource system. We designed a laboratory portal server to protect the laboratory with the hands-on trainings from malicious Internet users and to provide a standardized unit towards the resource management system. The laboratory portal server interacts with the user database and with the reservation system. It interacts also with the students that access the hands-on trainings. The laboratory portal servers provide their module specific content, which does not fit into the commercial course platform directly to the students. The laboratory portal server allows students to connect with secure shells to the portal and maps these connections to the respective laboratory device.

  • Laboratory hands-on training

The hands-on training is the most important part of a hands-on trainings focused computer networks laboratory, although it is not necessarily a part of the architecture. Strictly considered, the architecture comprises the laboratory portal and not more. For the sake of completeness, we include the hands-on training in this listing. Module designers must be able to transform existing hands-on trainings from traditional courses to Internet based hands-on trainings. To achieve this, designers must connect the laboratory devices in such a way to the laboratory portal that the portal can remotely control the configuration and set up of the devices. Additionally, the devices must show their normal behavior to the students in relation to the network links from device to device and regarding the configuration access.

  • Content servers

A content server is a repository for any content, such as web pages, videos, images, audio streams and more. Content servers in our architecture provide the e-learning content and are part of the course platform described below.

  • Course platform

The course platform is contains content servers and tools necessary for e-learning resources. Such tools are quizzes, chat, discussion boards, conferencing units and more. In this way, the course platform provides the web pages with the e-learning content and for example quizzes to the students. Communication and evaluation methods are located there as well. Already in the specification phase of the architecture, it was obvious that we are going to use a commercial course platform. Our institution operates such a course platform and is responsible for updates, maintenance and user support. The institution pays for these services and we can use them free of charge. Designing an entire course platform is not in the scope the presented work. The maintenance of such an own developed course platform could not be guaranteed, especially not for small organizations with few non-paying users.


This rough architecture specification together with the technical evaluations and recommendations allowed concretizing the architecture in more detail. We have chosen the lightweight directory access protocol for the authentication and authorization tasks as well as for the reservation system. The LDAP-based multifunctional e-learning architecture provides all the features the computer networks laboratory resources require. Additionally to the lightweight directory access protocol, we selected IP security and the HTTPS protocol for a secure data transport. For the shell connections to the laboratory portals, we selected an implementation of a Java secure shell applet. We decided to use self-signed certificates with the option to integrate an own public key infrastructure at a later time or alternatively to use certificates from a third party certificate authority.


The Architecture’s Key Features

The architecture provides many features for user and resource management and allows adding various different laboratory modules. The list below represents a summary of the key features.

  • LDAP-based user management.
  • LDAP-based reservation system for the laboratory modules.
  • Secured data transfer over IP Sec and TLS/SSL.
  • Possibility to delegate user management to other LDAP directories.
  • Possibility to integrate the own LDAP directory as a sub tree into existing LDAP structures of root organizations.
  • Possibility to receive user feed from higher-level authentication and authorization infrastructures.
  • Possibility to use public key infrastructure.
  • Possibility to integrate commercial course platforms.
  • Possibility to connect almost all types of devices to the laboratory modules.
  • Open source based components, freely available and exchangeable.



4.3.2   Overall Architecture

Figure 4‑1 shows the architecture with the components and their possible connections between each other. All connections are encrypted. Connections between servers use IP security technology whereas connections between servers and end users TLS/SSL. We discuss the possible connections between the components in detail below. [Jt02] discusses parts of the presented architecture.

Figure 41: The architecture and the possible connections.

  • Public key infrastructure

The root certificate authority of the single or the sub certificate authority of the hierarchical public key infrastructure issues signed certificates, which for the installation on the LDAP server and the portal servers. The public key root certificate authority should integrate the root certificate in the trust lists of all application resource users have to use. In the case that this is impossible, users have to accept and trust the self-signed certificates of each of the resource servers upon the first connection. Direct connections to the certificate authority from resource servers or clients are not necessary. This is the reason for the missing link from certificate authority to the Internet in Figure 4‑1.

  • Higher-level user management system

The higher-level user management system writes user accounts into the LDAP directory of the resource management system. These updates occur automatically. This is a one-way connection from the higher-level user management system to the resource management system.

  • LDAP client (Administration)

An administrator connects to the resource system to administrate the user database or the module database. The administrator may connect to the central resource management systems’ directory or to a referred directory if this exists.



  • LDAP client (Student)

Students connect to the resource management system if they want to book or change a booking of a laboratory training. Students also connect to the laboratory portal servers and to the hands-on trainings behind the portals. The third server where students connect is the course platform.

  • Laboratory portal

The laboratory portal server connects to the LDAP server of the resource management system to authenticate and authorize users. Only students that have booked a timeslots for the respective laboratory module get the authorization to access the hands-on training.

  • LDAP server

If there is more than one LDAP server present, the LDAP server of the resource management system forwards the respective request to the referred directory.

  • Course platform

If the course platform could access LDAP directories there would be an additional connection to the resource management system. The commercial course platform our institution operates was not able to use such a directory and works with a proprietary database. In the now realized form, the course platform connects to the higher-level user management system that has identical entries as the directory in the resource management system. There is one advantage of this drawback: all students that get authorized to access the computer networks laboratory resource on the course platform can access the reservation system pages provided there and later the laboratory portal servers. This means that although all students from the institution exist in the directory of the resource management system, only those that also exist in the computer networks laboratory resource on the course platform get access.

4.3.3   User Roles

Many users visit the computer networks laboratory resource but not all users can have the same user privileges. Tutors must authorize students, for example to read web pages with learning content, to access quizzes and to book modules in the reservation system. Students should definitely not be able to access quiz solutions or module configuration settings of the timetable. No student should be able to delete reservations from other students. It is necessary to define user roles to prevent the use of functions, reserved for other users. These user roles are impendent from other user roles described in this document and only belong to the multifunctional e-learning architecture. Each user belongs to a user role. As already mentioned above, user roles determine different access privileges or authorization levels of a user. In the multifunctional e-learning architecture, we have foreseen five user roles. The first role is the global administrator. He or she has access to the entire reservation system and to all user accounts. The second role is the module administrator. He or she has access to the timetables concerning the own modules and to the reservation system settings on his or her laboratory portal server. The third user role is for resource users. They can view the reservation system’s timetable, reserve, and free timeslots for themselves. The fourth role is the laboratory portal user, which reads out the LDAP directory for the actual timeslots. The fifth role is for an external administrator, which can write into the LDAP directory of the resource management system. This external administrator is important in the case of an external user feed from a higher-level authentication and authorization infrastructure, such as the institutional user management system in the case of our institution. We list the five proposed user roles below, together with their specific privileges:


User role 1: Global administrator

Global administrators are the root administrators of the resource management system. They must have all possible user privileges of the system. Global administrators cannot automatically access the laboratory portal servers as they belong to other administrative authorities. Global administrators are able to:


  • Add, modify, and delete user accounts in the LDAP directory.
  • Set up the reservation system with the timetables and module entries.
  • Define module timeslot lengths for each laboratory module.
  • Add or delete module timeslots for each module.
  • Change user roles from other resource users.
  • Delete module reservations of users.
  • View the real user names of the module reservations.
  • Refer the user directory to other LDAP directories.
  • Access the course platform as an administrator.


User role 2: Module administrator

Module administrators are administrators of at least one laboratory portal server with a hands-on training. Module administrators need to have the privileges to set up the reservation system settings for the own module and verify existing reservations. Module administrators are able to:


  • Define module slot lengths for the own modules.
  • Add or delete module slots for the own modules.
  • Delete users’ module reservations of the own modules.
  • View the real user names of the own module reservations.
  • Access the course platform as an administrator.


User role 3: Resource users (for example students)

Resource users are the users that access the resource for studying. They must have enough privileges to be able to access the web pages of the course platform and upon a successful reservation of the laboratories together with the hands-on training. Resource users are able to:


  • View the timetables of all laboratory modules.
  • Book time timeslots for all laboratory modules in the timetable.
  • Modify and delete own module reservations.
  • View from other users reserved timeslots without seeing the real names.
  • Access the self-reserved modules at the respective times.
  • Access the course platform as a student.


User role 4: Laboratory portal user

The laboratory portal user belongs to the laboratory portal servers and not to a real existing person. Each laboratory portal uses a user name and password to query the reservation system for the current booking state. They do not modify anything in the reservation system. Laboratory portal users are able to:


  • Query the LDAP directory for the current module user.


User role 5: External administrator

The external administrator is, as the laboratory portal user, not a real existing user. If a higher-level user management system accesses the user directory for adding or deleting users this user is used. This user has no permissions to change the reservation table of the laboratory modules. External administrators are able to:


  • Add, modify, and delete users in the LDAP directory.


4.3.4   Components

This Chapter presents the single components of the above-described architecture in detail.

Course Platform

The course platform is a combination of a resource management system with resource content servers. We did nit develop the course platform used in the computer networks laboratory. It is an external component. Therefore, we do not discuss the mechanisms of course platforms in detail. As this component is a part of the architecture, we discuss important features. A course platform that is compliant to the autonomous multifunctional e-learning architecture accesses the LDAP server to query user authentication and authorization data according to the LDAP specifications. The course platform maintains an internal database for the storage of the personal student data such as quiz results, notes, and chat sessions.

Figure 4‑2 depicts the UML activity diagram for the course platform regarding user access and user role assigning. A person wants to login to the course platform. He or she provides the credentials, for verification in the resource management system’s database. Upon a successful authentication of the person, now called user, the course platform assigns a user role and displays the corresponding web interface. The web interfaces display resource content or course and user configuration data originating of the course platform’s database. Data collected on the web interfaces flow into the course platform’s database.


Figure 42: UML activity diagram for the course platform roles.


LDAP Server and Clients

LDAP server

The LDAP directory server is the repository for user, module, and scheduling data. The LDAP server can have a backup LDAP server or a referred LDAP server. Students access the reservation system on the server by web interfaces displayed in web browser with TLS/SSL protected connections. Administrators access the database by command line in a secure shell or by a graphical web interface such as LDAP explorer. The course platform queries the LDAP server for user accounts and roles. Laboratory portal users access the module data branch in the LDAP directory to retrieve the current user for the respective module. External administrators access the server to add, delete, and modify user data.

LDAP clients

Students access the course platform and authenticate against the LDAP server. If there is no single sign-on system installed, students authenticate against the LDAP database also when they access the reservation system’s web interfaces on the LDAP server and the portal servers for the laboratory modules. All connections to the client’s browsers are TLS/SSL-encrypted.

Administrators access the respective directories where they possess the administrative responsibility for the user data. The module administrators can define the settings of the reservation system: starting time of the first lot, the slot length, and the period where he or she wants to add lots to the timetable of the reservation system.

Interactions with the LDAP directory

The LDAP server operates the database of the LDAP directory it is thus called directory instead of database. If there is a higher-level user management system, a process must register user accounts from this database in the resource’s LDAP server directory. If there is a referring database, it must also conform to the LDAP standards and the respective data exchange policies. Persons accessing the course platform, content providing servers, the reservation system, and the laboratory portal authenticate against the LDAP server’s directory and are authorized with the information stored in the directory. Upon a successful authentication and authorization, these persons are allowed to access the course platform, the content providing servers, the reservation system, or the laboratory portal, respectively. Administrators can add, modify, and delete user accounts, and module data in the resource management system’s database. Resource content providing servers, the course platform, and the laboratory portals can read out user data, meanwhile the laboratory portal also reads out the module data, i.e. the current user and the timeslot duration. The reservation system reads out module and user data from the resource management system’s database to display the timetables with the module reservations. It writes into the resource management system’s database to set timeslots and the current users of the modules.


Laboratory Portal Server

This section discusses the concept behind the laboratory portals used in the multifunctional e-learning architecture. We start with a presentation of the requirements to such a portal:


  • Interface to the laboratory devices

The interfaces to the laboratory devices are responsible for the communication of the portal with the connected devices of the respective resource module. The portal manages and monitors the functionality of the connected devices. It is possible to use Ethernet, Serial and USB connections or any other connection, which allows establishing a connection between the portal server and the laboratory devices.

  • Interface to the students

The laboratory portal is the entry point for the students accessing the laboratory devices. The laboratory portal hosts a web server, which provides the necessary web sites of the laboratory module. The portal is also the checkpoint for the user credentials.

  • Interface to the user database

The interface to the user database is necessary for the user authentication and authorization. We recommend querying only the central user directory, and not referred directories. A possible technology to query the LDAP directory is the Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) [SS95].

  • Interface to the resource course platform

This interface to the course platform system is rather an interface from the course platform to the laboratory portal. The course platform leads students through the hands-on training and directs them to the portal server whenever actions on the laboratory devices are required. It is also possible to feed back user data to the course platform, for example about exercise results.

  • Interface to the reservation system

The interface to the reservation system is of importance if the resources of the laboratory module are limited. This is the case if real devices are used and not emulations and especially simulations. Through this interface, the laboratory portal receives authorization data for the students.

  • Interface to the billing system

The interface to the billing system sends back accounting data to the resource management system.

  • Firewall

The laboratory portal is something like a broker with many connections in from the Internet and Intranet. The laboratory portal acts as a firewall due to the ability to decide which data, originating from the exterior interface and traveling to interior interface, can pass.


The laboratory portal server is the unit, which connects the different laboratory modules to the resource management system. The portal server separates the Internet from the internal laboratory network and acts as a firewall. Students access the portal server by web browsers with SSL connections and by secure shell applets for web browsers. The portal server forwards those sessions to the respective laboratory devices. The portal server authenticates users against the LDAP server if there is no single sign-on system installed and authorizes users by querying the reservation system. Links to the LDAP server are encrypted using IP security or Stunnel technology.

Each laboratory portal server queries the module tree in the LDAP directory of the reservation system with a read out user to query the current user of the respective module. In the case that no reservation for a slot exists, the current module user is set to dummy as each query to the LDAP database has to return a valid result. If the module slot reservation exists, the current module user name is returned to the laboratory portal server. The student can thus enter to the hands-on training by either authenticate again to the LDAP directory or through single sign-on mechanisms.

Figure 4‑3 depicts the UML activity diagram and Figure 4‑4 the UML sequence diagram of a person accessing a laboratory portal. In a first step, the person has to authenticate against the resource management system’s database. Upon a successful authentication, the user accesses the laboratory portal’s entry page. The laboratory portal now checks if a reservation for the user and module is available. If not, the portal logs out the user. If yes, the user accesses the web interface for the device selection of the hands-on training. During the hands-on training, the laboratory portal queries the timetable at regular intervals or safes the slot lengths at the beginning of the session and logs out the user when the session ends.


Figure 43: UML activity diagram of a person accessing a laboratory training.


Figure 44: UML sequence diagram of a person accessing a laboratory training.

Laboratory Devices

The laboratory devices can consist of everything pluggable to the laboratory portal server. Via Ethernet connected laboratory devices belong to the internal network and are isolated from the Internet by the portal server. The same is valid for all other connection types between the portal server and laboratory devices: it is necessary to isolate laboratory devices from the Internet for security purposes. The portal server forwards incoming user sessions for example through Telnet or Minicom to the laboratory devices.

The laboratory portal verifies already authenticated and authorized user for a valid reservation against the reservation system’s database regularly. If the user has a reservation, he or she gets to the hands-on training web interface and has the possibility to choose the laboratory devices. The laboratory portal displays or re-issues this web interface only when a valid reservation exists. The device logins in this dynamically created web interface consist of links enhanced with the device name and a temporary password originating from the laboratory portal’s database. If the user logs in to a device, he or she can work until the reservation is no longer available. Then, the portal terminates all user processes. It kills the user session and prevents a re-login, as the temporary passwords are no longer valid. Only the next user who accesses the hands-on trainings gets new passwords, embedded in the laboratory screen.


User Interactions with the Reservation System and the
Laboratory Portal

In this section, we present three out of many possible UML use case diagrams for users of the computer networks laboratory resource. The first three diagrams show the interactions of a student, a module administrator, and a global administrator with the resource management system, respectively. The forth diagram depicts a UML sequence diagram for students’ booking interactions.

In the first diagram shown in Figure 4‑5, a student accesses the resource management system for the first time. He or she has to register with the resource management system, in our case on the course platform and wait for the approval or disapproval of the administrator. If the student gets the approval, the administrator authorizes him or her to access the course platform and all web pages accessible for students. The student now studies the resource content and books timeslots of laboratory modules. The resource management system shows the respective timetables with the free, booked, or self-booked timeslots. After a successful module reservation, he or she can access the respective laboratory module and attend the hands-on training.


Figure 45: UML use case diagram for student access.

Figure 4‑6 shows the UML use case diagram for a global resource administrator, which manages user and module settings on the resource management system. The global administrator adds, deletes, or modifies user accounts. Subsequently, the resource management system updates the database with the changes (for example, delete module reservations of deleted users). The global administrator is also able to change the user roles of users in the directory. The global administrator specifies the global settings for the module reservation system (manages the booking table) i.e. he or she adds new modules, deletes, or modifies existing modules. The global administrator can define slot lengths for all modules and add timeslots to the timetable.


Figure 46: UML use case diagram for resource management.

In the UML use case diagram shown in Figure 4‑7, a module administrator responsible for one or more modules, applies for a new module identity (mid) number by the global resource administrator. The global administrator adds, modifies, and deletes the module in the resource management system. The module administrator can now define the module settings consisting of the module slot length, slot starting time and slot expiration date and the resource management system displays the timetable. The module administrator now configures his or her laboratory portal server for the reservation system access, and the laboratory portal server queries the resource management system for bookings at regular intervals.


Figure 47: UML use case diagram for module management.

Figure 4‑8 shows the possible students’ interactions on the web interface for module reservations of the computer networks laboratory in a UML sequence diagram. The diagram integrates three components, the students accessing a web interface, the scheduling script, and the LDAP server such as the laboratory portal. The scheduling script is the program code composing the dynamic pages for the web interfaces and setting the reservation data in the LDAP server. Students can query the timetable for each of the existing modules. They add, delete, or modify reservations for each module via the web interface. The booking interactions on the web interface trigger the scheduling script, which updates the LDAP directory on the LDAP server.

Figure 48: UML sequence diagram for students’ booking interactions.

Figure 4‑9 show the UML sequence diagram for a student accessing a laboratory portal server. The student accesses the web interface on the laboratory portal and needs to authenticate against the LDAP server. The LDAP client on the laboratory portal queries the LDAP server at regular time intervals for the current module users for its module. If the current module user changes, the laboratory portal terminates all student processes and changes the passwords for the laboratory devices in the dynamically generated web interface.

Figure 49: UML sequence diagram for students’ lab portal interactions.


4.3.5   Security Issues

We recommend to encrypt all connections in this architecture, except those behind the laboratory portal servers in the laboratory environment. The certificate authority is used to issue keys for IP security connections, for SSH connections, and for SSL connections. Students and tutors connect with SSL or with secure shell through the portal to the laboratory equipment. There is no technical obstacle against using Telnet or clear text HTTP connections for connections to the portal servers but as students transmit passwords and personal data it seems already old-fashioned not using encrypted connections. Servers use either IP security connections or Stunnels for their data exchange.


4.4       Implementation

The implementation Chapter comprises four Chapters, discussing the implementation of the course platform, of the resource management system, and of one laboratory module.

4.4.1   Course Platform

The prototypically implemented computer networks laboratory uses a commercial course platform. This commercial course platform is not able to read out LDAP directories. As a consequence, the computer networks laboratory’s LDAP directory is synchronized once a day with the course platform’s directory through a script, which reads out user data in the universities LDAP directory and writes the user data into the course platform’s database and the resource management system’s LDAP directory.

Figure 4‑10 depicts the implemented architecture and highlights the differences realized compared to the original architecture. The architecture now comprises a higher-level user management system. As described above, this database registers users in the course system’s database as well as in the proprietary database used in the course platform. This procedure guarantees that all the databases have always the same entries. A negative aspect of this change to the original architecture is that administrators must manually assign user roles for the courses on the course platform.

Figure 410: Implemented architecture with course platform.


4.4.2   Resource Management System

We implemented the resource management system with the OpenLDAP [Open] distribution, an open source LDAP implementation. The LDAP server runs on a Debian Linux operating system. The programming language for the scheduling scripts and for the web interfaces is PHP for the same reasons as with the resource management portal: PHP is easy to implement, adapt and can be integrated in HTML code as well as it allows the creation of dynamic web pages on the server. PHP supports the LDAP protocol with and API.

Student and module data are stored on the LDAP directory server, with a scheduling script as an interface between the web interfaces and the data sets. The scheduling script has the ability to read and write into the LDAP data sets and thereby set the reservation states for the modules.

Student data sets can contain personal information such as matriculation number, institute, Email, and must contain user name and password. They are stored in the organizational branch UniversitätBern in the sub branch Users. The distinguished name looks like Figure 4‑11 depicts:



dn: cn=NameSurname,uid=UserName,ou=Users,o=UniversitätBern,c=CH

Figure 411: DN for student data.

The current user script copies the current user of a module from the timetable to the respective module data set. The laboratory portal servers read out their respective data sets. Each module’s reservation data is stored separately in the organizational branch of the NetworksLaboratory, sub branch Modules in the sub branch mid (mid stands for module identity). The distinguished name looks like Figure 4‑12 shows:


dn: mid=1,ou=Modules,o=NetworksLaboratory,c=CH


with the data:


objectClass: module

objectClass: alias

mid: 20

firstslot: 0000

slotlen: 1

numslots: 24

aliasedObjectName: uid=dummy,ou=users,o=NetworksLaboratory,c=CH

Figure 412: DN for module data.

The timetable is located in the organizational branch of the NetworksLaboratory, sub branch Timetable in the sub branch mid. The distinguished name looks like Figure 4‑13 shows:


dn: slot=19680518 2130 0400,mid=1,ou=Timetable,o=NetworksLaboratory,c=CH


with the data:

objectClass: timetable

objectClass: alias

slot: 19680518 2130

expires: 20982330

aliasedObjectName: uid=dummy,ou=users,o=NetworksLaboratory,c=CH

Figure 413: DN for timetable data.

Staff data is stored in the in the organizational branch NetworksLaboratory, sub branch Staff. The distinguished name looks like Figure 4‑14 shows:


dn: cn=NameSurname,uid=UserName,ou=Staff,o=UniversitätBern,c=CH

Figure 414: DN for staff data.


Figure 4‑15 depicts the implemented LDAP directory structure. The Figure shows the four levels of the directory tree. The top level is the country level with CH for Switzerland. The second level is the organizational level. We use the user tree from Universität Bern and add a branch for the computer networks laboratory. It is possible to integrate the trees into other directories without having to change the structure. Only the distinguished names would have to be adapted as they always contain the entire path from the bottom to the top of a branch. The organizational unit level contains the user branch with the users from Universität Bern and the staff tree, the module tree as well as the timetable tree from the computer networks laboratory. Only the level called specific entries contains the data. Our institution’s higher-level user management system automatically adds the users to the user branch. Administrators add users manually to the staff branch. All the current users of the modules stand in the module branch. The current user script writes this user in this branch after reading out the timetable data in the timetable branches. There exists one timetable branch per module. A timetable entry consists of the timeslot date, the starting time, and an alias to the respective user in the user branch.

Figure 415: LDAP directory structure.

Figure 4‑16 shows the web interface for laboratory module reservations. This web interface and the PHP script beyond is used to write pointers to the user names from the ou=Timetable branch to the ou=Users branch in the LDAP structure depicted in Figure 4‑15. Students select the respective module on the top of the page and then see a timetable showing the reservation state of the current week. It is possible to browse forwards and backwards and to see the past reservations as well as to make reservations in the future. A green circle represents a free timeslot, a red cross an already booked timeslot. The blue checkmark stands for a self-booked timeslot. The timeslot length varies from module to module, so do the hands-on training starting times. Both can be configured by the respective module administrators, who get these configuration settings displayed if their uid is found in the branch ou=Staff.


Figure 416: Module reservation web interface.

Each minute, a cron job is started for checking the reservations in the ou=Timetable branch depicted in Figure 4‑15. The PHP script afterwards writes pointers for the current reservations from the ou=Users branch into the ou=Modules branch. Doing so, all the laboratory portals are able to read out their respective current user in the ou=Modules branch. This is the only and single point, where the laboratory portals’ LDAP clients retrieve module state information from the LDAP directory database. The PHP script behind the web interface depicted in Figure 4‑16 reads out the data from the ou=Timetable branch. If the pointers to the ou=Users branch lead to the same uid as the logged in user possesses, the blue checkmark appears. If there is a pointer to a different uid, the red cross appears. If there is a pointer to the uid=nouser, a green circle appears and the logged in user can book the slot. The uid=nouser is a placeholder for not booked timeslots in ou=Timetable branches.

The laboratory portals serve the PHP entrance web interface for the computer networks laboratories. The PHP script on the laboratory portal displays the login screen first and then authenticates the user against the branch ou=Users on the LDAP server. The authenticated user’s uid is used to make an authorization query to the ou=Modules branch and the respective mid. If the PHP script encounters the same uid, as the logged in user possesses, the web interface displays the hands-on training page, started by the reservation script. The web interface can also display reservation state messages if the query was not successful. In case of errors, the page provides further information about the type of error, such as non-existent users in the LDAP database or non-existing reservations for the respective module.

4.4.3   Laboratory Module Implementation

Transition from Traditional Exercises to E-Learning with the Example of the Module IP Security

In one module of the traditional computer networks laboratory, students configure commercial routers and use hosts with pre-installed network-testing tools. The IP Security module’s hands-on training mainly consists of two parts:


1)       In the first part, students learn to configure two routers in order to set up a secured virtual private network tunnel between the routers.

2)       In the second part, the students have to perform measuring tasks. They analyze traffic on the virtual private network link, using a bandwidth measurement (network capacity) tool, called NetPipe [TX02]. The must analyze encrypted and clear text traffic with TCPdump to verify the traffic condition.


The module IP Security was the first computer networks laboratory module implemented in the e-learning resource. The starting point for this e-learning module was our traditional in-house laboratory module IP Security. Figure 4‑17 shows the transition process to the e-learning version. The isolated laboratory network, depicted on the left side of the Figure was connected to a laboratory portal server and additional connections were made with the routers over serial links. That way, the portal server manages the routers and the hosts. The serial links to the routers serve to forward the secure shell sessions from students accessing the portal sever via a transparent program to the routers and provide the feeling of accessing the routers directly with the secure shell. Additionally, the portal server remotely controls the routers during the reset phase.

Figure 417: From traditional to e-learning.

Module Implementation

Figure 4‑18 gives an overview of the IP Security module implementation [ZSB03 and Zs03]. The portal server is connected to the Internet and to the laboratory devices by Ethernet links and acts as a gateway between them. There are three network interfaces to the laboratory devices, i.e. one to each repeater. The repeaters are between host 1 and router 1, host 2 and router 2, and between the routers and host 3. In this way, it is possible to connect to all the network interface cards of the laboratory devices by Ethernet links. However, for managing the routers it is not enough to have Ethernet links to the routers because students can easily shut down them and the routers become unreachable. For that reason, the portal server has serial links to each of the routers’ console ports. These serial links allow permanent configuration access to the routers by the portal server. The Figure also shows the alternating current power links. The relay card, managed by the portal server, can interrupt the power of the two connected routers. We describe the details of this process below.


Figure 418: Portal server and laboratory devices.

We created a dedicated user account for each laboratory device (router 1, router 2, host 1, host 2, and host 3) on the portal server. When the laboratory user logs into the portal server, the portal server automatically forwards this user to the corresponding laboratory device and he or she can start with the configuration. This mechanism was realized for the three hosts by changing the users’ login scripts that automatically forwards them to the corresponding host via the standard “rlogin” command and logs in. “rlogin” does not represent a security risk, because these logins are transmitted over an internal subnet, which is separated from the Internet through the portal server.

We could not use the same mechanism for the router users as for the host users. A login to the routers via the Ethernet link is not possible as long as the routers’ links are not set up (for example after a reset) or are down due to a misconfiguration (for example by the student). To prevent management problems of the routers, the router users’ login scripts start the terminal program directly after the login. The terminal program is installed on the portal server. The settings of the terminal program are pre-configured to connect the user to the router’s console port via the serial link. With this mechanism, it is always possible to access the routers, independent of their Ethernet link state. When the router user quits the terminal program, he or she is automatically logged off from the portal server.

The portal server runs an Apache web server with the modules PHP, Perl, and SSL loaded. We developed PHP scripts, which create dynamic HTML pages. These pages represent the main interfaces between the students and the network hardware and allow them to communicate with the laboratory hardware.

Configuring routers is not a simple task and students without experience can get lost during the configuration. It is also possible to configure the routers in a way that only a reset can help. Students must have administrator access to the routers to setup Ethernet links and to configure the routing tables and protocols. A person with administrator access to the routers can also set a new administrator password and block the routers for others. To prevent this, we implemented a hard reset mechanism for the two commercial routers used in the IP Security module. By means of this mechanism, routers can be reset to a minimal configured state and administrator passwords deleted. The mechanism uses a documented password recovery procedure, which normally is only applicable with a directly to the router connected console device.

To overcome this limitation, we first power-cycle (power off and power on) the routers and then configure the routers over the console port. In detail, we send a break signal to the routers at an exactly defined moment after power-cycle over the console port. This brings the router into the bootstrap program where it is possible to load another system image (called Internetwork Operating System (IOS) by Cisco) into the router. In this special maintenance mode, it is possible to configure the router such that it “forgets” its current configuration, especially a set administrator password. We achieve this by changing a configuration register, which holds the address from where the routers initially boot the IOS. We save this current stored address for later use on the portal server. After setting the register to an invalid value and rebooting the router, we set the configuration to a minimal state and delete the administrator password. Then we login again and set the configurations-register value back to the old address, saved before. After a reboot, the router is ready to use again.

We inserted a relays card between the routers and the electrical power socket to automate the power cycling. We connected the relays card to the portal server’s serial port. The relay card consists of a small microprocessor, which controls the relays’ state. The communication between the portal server and the relays cards’ microprocessor uses a proprietary protocol with four-byte frames commands. For each command frame sent from the portal server to the micro-controller, the portal sends back an answer frame.

We developed a Perl-based driver library of the frame-based protocol. Because the library communicates with the relays-card’s microcontroller over the serial line, the existing Perl module Device:SerialPort was included. This Perl module provides functions for sending and receiving data over a serial-line interface and is the basis for our developed driver library. Furthermore, the module Device:SerialPort offers a function to send a break-signal over a serial-line, which is necessary to put the booting router into the bootstrap program.

By the use of the developed library functions, it is possible to control the relays card and to set and get the relays’ state. Therefore, it is possible to power on and power off each of the routers by switching the corresponding relays of the relays card on and off. As described above, for fulfilling the password recovery, we must send a break signal to the router and change a configuration register. We achieved this by implementing a Perl script, which uses the relays card’s library. This script brings the router into the bootstrap program after the power cycle and sends the confreg-command over the serial line as if an administrator would do by connecting a laptop to the router. Then the script sends the reboot command to the router and waits. The reboot clears the before set router passwords. Now we have to write back the before saved configuration register’s value. We do this with the Perl script and then reboot the router again. The whole reset procedure lasts about five minutes.

User/Laboratory Portal Interactions

Figure 4‑19 shows the laboratory page, the individual page of each hands-on training, displayed after the login. In the case of the IP Security module, the laboratory portal server displays the laboratory bed with additional information such as IP numbers and available interfaces. Students click on the devices to open shell connections.


Figure 419: IP Security hands-on training.

Figure 4‑20 shows the interactions between the students, the resource management system, i.e. the reservation system and the laboratory portal. We explain the single steps.


Figure 420: User interactions with management system and portal.


1)       The user accesses the login page on the web server of the course platform and logs in with his or her credentials.

2)       The web server verifies the credential with the student database in the LDAP directory.

3)       Upon a successful login, the user accesses the web interface of the reservation system. He or she can now choose the available modules and book, modify or delete timeslots for the laboratory modules. The reservations are stored in the timetable database in the LDAP directory.

4)       The update trigger (a CRON job) on the host of the resource management system runs the update script (the above-mentioned scheduling script) at regular intervals (recommended once a minute). The update script reads out the timetable database and writes the user data of the current module users into the module database.

5)       The user has now the possibility to access directly the laboratory portal’s web server if he or she knows the URL or to access it through the course platform. He or she gets to the laboratory portal server’s graphical user interface. If there is no single sign-on system installed, the user has to provide his or her credentials again.

6)       The laboratory portal’s web server accesses the module database of the LDAP directory to verify if the user has booked the timeslot. The laboratory server also receives the start and end times of the timeslot. The web server now generates a session cookie, which is valid up to the end of the timeslot and allows the user to re-open the laboratory configuration page without a repeated login. Then the user accesses the laboratory web pages with dynamic URL for the secure shell applets. The user connects with the secure shell applets to the laboratory equipment. The URL for these applets also contain the user name (i.e. the device name) and on the fly generated session passwords.

7)       In the meantime, the update script has written the session passwords into the file /etc/shadow.

8)       Upon a click on a laboratory device on the web page with the laboratory bed, the user’s browser loads the secure shell applet and connects to the laboratory portal server.

9)       The secure shell applet uses the user name and the session password that have been stored in the dynamic URL and that is stored in the file /etc/shadow.

10)   Upon a successful login, the portal server starts the communication to the laboratory device and logs the user directly to that connection (i.e. instead of getting to a console (e.g. bash) the user gets to the communication linking program (e.g. Minicom).

11)   The user is now on the respective laboratory device and can use it up to the end of the timeslots.


4.5        Discussion and Conclusions

With the presented multifunctional e-learning architecture, it is possible to connect multiple geographically distributed e-learning resources together and thus forming an e-learning grid environment. Partners of this grid profit from the shared knowledge, labor, and expenses. The knowledge remains where the content producers reside. We specially designed the grid is specially for connecting real devices for hands-on trainings in e-learning laboratories. This remains an expensive procedure but is simplified with well-defined interfaces and software applications offered by this architecture and its implementations. Simulations or emulations would require significantly more time and money for the implementation with the same functionalities as real devices provide. It is possible to update easily the firmware of real devices and without changing software code, whereas simulations and emulations require a further development for each change. Another advantage of real devices lies in the possibility to exchange those devices immediately. The inclusion of real devices in e-learning and not only simulations and emulations allows educating with the same means as in traditional laboratories.

The central resource management system, built on the lightweight directory access protocol, integrates the necessary reservation system together with the students’ and tutors’ account management system. This is necessary for opening hands-on trainings e-learning laboratories to the Internet. The architecture enables operators of traditional computer networks laboratories or of laboratories with real devices, which are pluggable to a computer, to connect the devices to laboratory portals. The laboratory portals are brokers between the students, the course management system, and the laboratory devices. The laboratory portals also fulfill security functions while acting as firewalls between the Internet and the Intranet with the laboratory devices. The architecture thus integrates user and resource management as well as security features. LDAP proofed to be a robust choice related to authentication and authorization issues. The realization of the laboratory reservation system in LDAP is unique in the world and works fine although future feature extensions are hardly realizable as the LDAP directory is not a relational database. We could not fully profit from LDAP, as it was not possible to refer the course management system’s directory to the directories of the partner universities involved in the computer networks laboratory. The LDAP referring procedure is not realizable because the directory access policies do not scale if established across institutional borders.

Among other learning units, the laboratory of the module IP Security was connected to the course system. From 2001 to 2004, about 400 students used the module for their education. The remote control of the routers and hosts belonging to the laboratory works fine and few problems have arisen. Blackouts with subsequent file system damages caused major problems. Therefore, we installed uninterruptible power supplies. Minor problems aroused by hardware failures such as CPU fans stopping cooling or defect network cable plugs. As a result, we regularly check the hardware for defects and changed the physical laboratory setup.

All the succeeded implementations use standard low-cost computer equipment and self-developed open source code to facilitate dissemination in the educational environment in rich and poor countries and are as well platform and operating system independent. The design decisions raised interest in many demonstrations. In our realization of the e-learning laboratory, we use a commercial course platform operated by the university, freeing us from update and maintenance load. This design changes profess the flexibility of our architecture.


4.6       Outlook

Many additional developments and not yet made implementations could be realized in future. We propose to subordinate the architecture to a higher-level user management system to decrease administrational overhead. We propose to do his with the integration of a broker between the architecture and higher-level user management system.

The reservation system, a part of the course management system in the distributed architecture, could be enhanced by user profiles, which identify the students. Such profiles could for example mark a student as a full or part-time student. The profiles could serve to reserve blocks of timeslots, for example evenings for part-time students or give students a time account per laboratory module.

Another enhancement concerns teamwork, which is absent up to now. Students should have the possibility to form groups. Student profiles could be used to allow students to find workmates.

The current version of the reservation system is not able to show timetables for modules with multiple laboratory instances. Instead, each module instance occupies a single timetable. Usability could be improved significantly by developing multi-instance capable timetables.

The reservation system should adapt times displayed to the user’s time zone and also be localized using the I18N scheme. Such functionality could be implemented in the client’s graphical user interface.

The course management system could be enhanced with charging and accounting functionalities. Information such as such as who reserved which slot and how long the respective user remained in the slot performing the hands-on training should be available for tutors and administrators.

The prototypically implemented laboratory module IP Security could be enhanced in various ways. The hands-on scenarios of this module could be enhanced by providing the possibility to select among different firmware versions of the routers. Different versions of the firmware support different features, such as firewall or multi protocol label switching functions. Support for several firmware versions could be achieved by setting up a Trivial File Transfer Protocol-server (TFTP) on the laboratory portal server and storing the required firmware files.

The Ethernet network settings of the Linux hosts in the IP Security module are pre-configured, because students only perform measuring tasks. A possible extension of the module scenario could be that students have to set up the network settings of the hosts from the scratch. In this case, students must have root access. Because root access to the hosts might result in unstable or corrupt systems, a possibility to reset the hosts to a known state is necessary. Such a configuration reset could be achieved by power cycling the hosts in the same manner as discussed for the routers. The hosts would have to boot from the built-in CD ROM drive or the disk drive. This bootable medium should contain a small Linux system, which would get an IP address from the laboratory portal server via dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) and then fetch an image file from a TFTP server. The image would be extracted on the host and the pre-configured Linux system stored in the image would be ready again.


5       Extended Multifunctional
E-Learning Architecture

5.1       Introduction

This Chapter presents and discusses the reasons and the required changes for the transformation of the multifunctional e-learning architecture to the extended multifunctional e-learning architecture. The motivation for the extension of the multifunctional e-learning architecture originates in the easier user administration achieved with the sub ordination of the architecture to a higher-level user management system and the increase of the potential audience for e-learning courses. Another achieved advantage is the state-of-the-art user authentication method provided by the higher-level user management system and used in the entire architecture. We define the extended multifunctional e-learning architecture as architecture, where the authentication process, integrated in the multifunctional e-learning architecture was removed and handed over to a third party user management system. Such a third party user management system, in the form of an authentication and authorization infrastructure is Shibboleth. The extended multifunctional e-learning architecture now integrates the authentication and user registration functionalities from Shibboleth. It links the multifunctional e-learning architecture together with the resource management portal architecture.

Chapter 5.2 discusses the transformation approach for the architecture and Chapter 5.3 describes the architectural elements. We also show the elements originating from the multifunctional architecture and the newly designed elements.

The extended multifunctional e-learning architecture is a special case of the multifunctional e-learning architecture. In other words, it is an extended but to a specific environment adapted case. The reminder of this Chapter discusses the concepts of the transformation as well as the architectural background.

5.2       Transformation Approach

The architectural specifications remain the same as described in Chapter 4.3 with these two exceptions:


  • All architectural components with direct user access must be Shibboleth-enabled (shibbolized). This concerns the reservation system and the laboratory portals.
  • Shibboleth home organizations’ authentication functionalities with single sign-on login functionality replace the LDAP-based user authentication functionality.


Table 5‑1 compares the two architectures. Features provided are marked as X, features provided under certain conditions as (X). In both architectures, it is possible to add local user accounts manually to the resource management system or to let higher-level user management systems write directly into the database. In the original architecture together with a commercial course platform, it is possible to add users to the course platform only by the higher-level user management system because the course platform reads out a proprietary database, fed by the higher-level user management system and not the LDAP-based resource management system. In the extended architecture, we still integrate the same course platform, but this time the users originate from the authentication and authorization infrastructure. The resource management portal thus adds the users to the resource management system as well as to course platform. The higher-level user management provided authentication with the respective home organizations replaces the LDAP authentication of the original architecture. This means that each accessible component must be Shibboleth-enabled: the resource management system for the reservations, the laboratory portals, and the resource management portal. As all Shibboleth home organizations implement single sign-on solutions in combination with the origin site installation, the extended multifunctional e-learning architecture becomes single sign-on-enabled. The authorization within the extended architecture still succeeds with LDAP in form of laboratory portal servers querying the reservation system for valid reservations. The resource management portal now performs the course access authorization. The base for this authorization build he user information attributes released by the users’ home organizations as well as the additional user information collected on the portal.


Multifunctional e-learning architecture




Local accounts in the resource management system



User registration through higher-level user management system



Authentication with LDAP



Authentication with Shibboleth



Authorization with LDAP



Single sign-on



Laboratory portals query for current user



LDAP-based resource management system



Table 51: Comparison of original and extended architecture.

Figure 5‑1 compares the user login processes in the original and the extended architecture. We explain both access procedures below:


  • In the original architecture, the higher-level user management system adds the user to the resource management system and to the course platform prior to the first user access. The user then accesses the course platform and authenticates against the built-in proprietary course platform database. The user accesses the reservation system and the laboratory portals out of the course platform or if the URL are known directly by LDAP-authentication against the resource management system. The laboratory portal queries the reservation system for the current user, in this case the user name @ organization. The reservation system authorizes the user to access the laboratory session or not. The reservation system allows adding, changing and deleting module reservations.
  • In the extended architecture, the resource management portal adds the user to the reservation system and to the course platform. In a first step, the user has to access the resource management portal and pass the Shibboleth authentication process, performed by his or her home organization. After subscribing to the resource and the clearing by the portal administrator, the user can access the resource. The resource management portal adds the user to the resource management system’s database and at the first access to the course platform to course platform’s database. Between the course platform in use and the resource management portal exists a shared secret, which is used to HTTP-redirect and automatically login the user to the course platform out of the resource management portal. The user must always login to the course platform via the resource management portal. The user accesses the reservation system and the laboratory portals out of the course platform or if the URL are known directly by Shibboleth authentication with the respective home organization. The laboratory portal queries the reservation system for the current user, in this case the unique authentication and authorization infrastructure identity @ home organization and the reservation system authorizes the user to access the laboratory session or not. The reservation system allows adding, changing and deleting module reservations.


Figure 51: Comparison of user login.


The architectural requirements discussed in Chapter 4.2 did not change and thus a sub Chapter with new architectural requirements is obsolete.


5.3       Architectural Specifications

The architectural specifications discussed in Chapter 4.3 have only slightly changed. Particularly the overview remains identical for the extended multifunctional e-learning architecture. We thus start with the discussion of the overall architecture and the integrated new components. We then discuss the user roles of this architecture before we present the single components of the extended architecture in detail.

5.3.1   Overall Architecture

Figure 5‑2 shows the extended architecture with the components and their possible connections between each other. Connections between servers use Stunnel technology whereas connections between servers and end users TLS/SSL. We discuss the possible connections between the components in detail below.


Figure 52: Dependent multifunctional e-learning architecture.


The components and their functionality:


  • Public key infrastructure

The higher-level certificate authority of the single or the sub certificate authority of the hierarchical public key infrastructure issues signed certificates, installed on the Shibboleth-enabled servers, such as the resource management portal, the LDAP server, and the portal servers. Everything else remains as discussed in Chapter 4. We recommend using the same public key infrastructure as the authentication and authorization infrastructure uses, also for server to server and server to client connections.

  • Higher-level user management system

The higher-level user management system writes user accounts into the LDAP directory of the resource management system. These updates occur automatically. This is a one-way connection from the higher-level user management system to the resource management system. The higher-level user management system in the extended architecture is the resource management portal. It is possible to use more than one higher-level user management system at once, i.e. more than one resource management portal.

  • Resource management portal

The resource management portal is the entry point for students accessing the computer networks laboratory connected to the extended multifunctional e-learning architecture. All accesses to the course platform work only over the resource management portal, laboratory portals and the reservation system could theoretically be accessed directly if the URL are known.

  • Client (Student)

The students now firstly access the resource management portal instead of the course platform. Students are no longer LDAP clients as in Chapter 4 but are authenticated accordingly to the authentication system used by their respective home organization.

  • LDAP client (Administration)

This remains as discussed in Chapter 4.

  • Laboratory portal

The laboratory portal server connects to the LDAP server of the resource management system to authorize users by reading out the current user of the hosted laboratory. Only students who have booked a timeslots for the respective laboratory module get the authorization to access the hands-on training.

  • LDAP server

The LDAP server of the resource management system now stores the users as unique AAI identity @ home organization in the database, used for the laboratory module reservations. Everything else remains as discussed in Chapter 4.



  • Course platform

The course platform remains as discussed in Chapter 4, especially the fact that the course platform should be able to read out the LDAP server. As this is still not the case, the resource management portal was connected to the course platform and automatically opens and maintains user accounts on the course platform.


5.3.2   User Roles

It was necessary to redefine the user roles of Chapter 4 for the extended multifunctional e-learning architecture. User roles help to prevent the use of functions, reserved for other users. These specific user roles are independent of other user roles described in this document and only belong to the extended multifunctional e-learning architecture. Each user belongs to a user role. As already mentioned above, user roles determine different access privileges or authorization levels of a user.

In the extended multifunctional e-learning architecture, we have foreseen five user roles. The first role is the global LDAP administrator. He or she has access to the entire reservation system and to all user accounts. The second role is the module administrator. He or she has access to the timetables concerning the own modules and to the reservation system settings on his or her laboratory portal server. The third user role is for resource users. They can view the reservation system’s timetable, reserve, and free timeslots for themselves. The fourth role is the laboratory portal user, which reads out the LDAP directory for the actual timeslots. The fifth role is the resource management portal administrator. This administrator is responsible for the user and resource administration on the resource management portal.


User role 1: Global LDAP administrator

Global administrators are the root administrators of the resource management system. They must have all possible user privileges of the system. Global administrators cannot automatically access the laboratory portal servers as they belong to other administrative authorities. Global administrators are able to:

  • Add, modify, and delete user accounts in the LDAP directory.
  • Set up the reservation system with the timetables and module entries.
  • Define module timeslot lengths for each laboratory module.
  • Add or delete module timeslots for each module.
  • Change user roles from other resource users.
  • Delete module reservations of users.
  • View the real user names of the module reservations.




User role 2: Module administrator

Module administrators are administrators of at least one laboratory portal server with a hands-on training. Module administrators need to have the privileges to set up the reservation system settings for the own module and verify existing reservations. Module administrators are able to:

  • Define module slot lengths for the own modules.
  • Add or delete module slots for the own modules.
  • Delete users’ module reservations of the own modules.
  • View the real user names of the own module reservations.


User role 3: Resource users (for example students)

Resource users are the users that access the resource for studying. They must have enough privileges to be able to access the web pages of the course platform and upon a successful reservation of the laboratories together with the hands-on training. Resource users are able to:

  • View the timetables of all laboratory modules.
  • Book time timeslots for all laboratory modules in the timetable.
  • Modify and delete own module reservations.
  • View from other users reserved timeslots without seeing the real names.
  • Access the self-reserved modules at the respective times.
  • Access the course platform as a student.


User role 4: Laboratory portal user

The laboratory portal user belongs to the laboratory portal servers and not to a real existing person. Each laboratory portal uses a user name and password to query the reservation system for the current booking state. They do not modify anything in the reservation system. Laboratory portal users are able to:

  • Query the LDAP directory for the current module user.


User role 5: Resource management portal administrator

The resource management portal administrator administrates the resource on the resource management portal. He or she deals with user subscriptions and resource state changes. The resource management portal administrators are able to:

  • Accept, reject, or suspend user subscriptions.
  • Open or close resource for subscription.
  • Open or close resource for access.
  • Add or delete resource on the resource management portal.
  • Send information to resource users by email with the resource management portal’s email system.
  • Configure the adaptor for the course platform.
  • Configure the adaptor for the course management system.

5.3.3   Components

This Chapter presents the single components of the above-described extended architecture with a special emphasis on the changes from the multifunctional e-learning architecture to the extended multifunctional e-learning architecture. It starts with the presentation of the course platform, discusses the LDAP server, the laboratory portal server and the laboratory modules. It ends with a discussion of the user interactions with the reservation system.

Course Platform

The course platform in this architecture is not capable of reading out our own user management database. The resource management portal thus adds the user not only in the user management system’s database, where it could de read out by LDAP-enabled course platforms and is read out by the reservation system, but also in the course platform’s database. Everything else remains as discussed in Chapter 4.

Figure 5‑3 depicts the UML activity diagram of the course platform regarding user access and roles when connected to the resource management portal. A person wants to login to the course platform. He or she accesses the resource management portal and authenticates with the Shibboleth authentication and authorization infrastructure. If it is a first access, the user now subscribes to the course and the resource management portal adds entries in the resource management system’s database as well as in the course platform’s database. The user is now HTTP-redirected to the course platform and assigned a user role. The administrator must manually assign user roles in the course platform. After the redirection process, users see the corresponding web interfaces and can start working on the course platform. User data changed out of these interfaces remain in the local user database belonging to the course platform and do not flow back to the database of the resource management portal.


Figure 53: UML activity diagram of the course platform
 connected to the resource management portal.

LDAP Server and Clients

LDAP server

The functionalities of the LDAP server remain as described in Chapter 4 with the exception of the authentication. The authentication and authorization infrastructure at the respective home organizations now performs the authentication. A minor change has occurred regarding the distinguished names of the users, split up into organizational branches before. Now user entries remain in the same branch but are unique due to the authentication and authorization infrastructure nomenclature in the form of unique user identity @ home organization.

LDAP clients

Administrators access the respective directories where they possess the administrative responsibility for the user data. Administrators must not add user accounts manually but may add additional user information to the existing entries. The module administrators can define the settings of the reservation system: starting time of the first lot, the slot length, and the period where he or she wants to add slots to the timetable of the reservation system.

Interactions with the LDAP directory

In this case, the higher-level user management system’s database is the resource management portal’s database. The resource management portal adds user accounts to the resource managements system’s database. The user management system does not authenticate users, which access through the resource management portal. The authentication tasks are reduced to authenticate users writing to or readings of the database, such as the resource management portal process with read and write permissions or the laboratory portal process with read permission for the respective module. Administrators add additional user information to existing accounts, and module data in the resource management system’s database. Resource content providing servers, the course platform, and the laboratory portals read out user data meanwhile the laboratory portal also reads out the module data, i.e. the current user and the timeslot duration. The reservation system reads out module and user data from the resource management system’s database to display the timetables with the module reservations. It writes into the resource management system’s database to set timeslots and the current users of the modules.

Laboratory Portal Server

The laboratory portals used in the extended multifunctional e-learning architecture fulfill the same tasks as in the multifunctional e-learning architecture discussed in Chapter 4. The difference is that the laboratory portals use the authentication functionality of the authentication and authorization infrastructure Shibboleth and the respective home organizations and no more with LDAP against the user management system’s database.

Figure 5‑4 depicts the UML sequence diagram and Figure 5‑5 the sequence diagram of a person accessing a laboratory portal. In a first step, the person has to authenticate and authorize with Shibboleth at the respective home organization. The first access has to take place on the resource management portal as only the resource management portal adds users to the resource management system’s database. Upon a successful authentication, the user is authorized to access the laboratory portal. The laboratory portal now checks if a reservation for the user and module is available. If not, the user cannot access the hands-on training. If yes, the user accesses the hands-on training web interface and selects the devices he or she wants to access. During the hands-on training, the laboratory portal queries the timetable at regular intervals or safes the slot lengths at the beginning of the session and logs out the user when the session ends.


Figure 54: UML activity diagram of a person accessing a laboratory training.

Figure 55: UML sequence diagram of a person accessing a laboratory training.

The laboratory devices behind the laboratory portal, the user interactions with the reservation system and the laboratory portals as well as the security aspects and the implementations are similar to those discussed in Chapter 4 with discussed the exceptions.


5.4       Discussion and Conclusions

The extended multifunctional e-learning architecture is a further development of the multifunctional e-learning architecture. The motivation for this development was the integration of the computer networks laboratory into the Swiss-authentication and authorization infrastructure Shibboleth. This extension represents a test for the extensibility of the multifunctional e-learning architecture. Between higher-level user management system and the multifunctional architecture, the resource management portal architecture was interlaced. The user management system, the reservation system, and the laboratory portals were further developed and integrated into the extended architecture. The extended architecture is thus no longer as independent as the original architecture but at the same time proves that the original architecture can be adapted to special situations and extended in specific directions. The most significant architectural change affects the user authentication, now done by the higher-level user management system. The authorization before getting access to the computer networks laboratory is also handled by the higher-level user management system. The resource management portal represents the entry point for course subscription as well as for each course access now. This access procedure reduces most administrational tasks related to course subscriptions to granting access or not on the resource management portal. The portal writes user accounts into the course platform’s database and logs users into the course platform. The portal also writes user accounts into the LDAP database. Users are authorized against the LDAP database once in the course, when accessing laboratory portals.

The implementations of the reservation system and the laboratory portals were adapted to the user management system and now require the Shibboleth target site installation for the authentication process. A positive outcome is that the entire course is now single sign-on enabled and requires only one login for users with cookie-enabled browsers.

A conclusion valid for both e-learning architectures is that students may use the computer networks laboratory with only a few preconditions: a low bandwidth Internet access and an actual web browser supporting Java. Students from Switzerland, Spain, Italia, Portugal, Morocco, and Ghana have successfully used the above-described prototypical implementations. This shows that from a technical point of view, most obstacles are already left behind and the main tasks lie in connecting new laboratory devices to the laboratory portal servers.


5.5       Outlook

The extended architecture could be enhanced by other higher-level user management systems such as Diameter or a higher-level user management system compliant to the Liberty Alliance. Only the future itself shows which higher-level user management systems will be used in the e-learning market and thus is worth to be integrated into the multifunctional e-learning architecture.

The extended architecture could be enhanced in many more directions; most points have already been described in the outlook of the original architecture. The integration of the resource management portal opens new possibilities. In case the resource management portal would be enhanced by QoS information or enabled to detect this information automatically, the e-learning content could be adapted to this information. Particularly video streams could be provided in several qualities by the web server. An adaptation of the content and the laboratory portals could be the preparation of the screen for the resolution the client can display.

For the processing of such additional information, it could be necessary to replace the existing LDAP-based user management system by a relational database. In the case of the extended architecture, this is no disadvantage, as the most important aspect for the LDAP-based system no longer exists: the possibility to connect directly to root LDAP databases for the user authentication. The relational database could be used for other enhancements too, such as the representation of multiple laboratory sessions of one type as one unit in the reservation web front end or the integration of a virtual group-building tool.

Another direction of a future development could be the integration of the user management system on the resource management portal. An advantage would be the reduced number of necessary servers.


6       Didactics of Computer
Networks Laboratories

6.1       Introduction

This Chapter discusses a didactical framework and its implementations for teaching Internet-based computer networks laboratories [SJZB02b]. The Chapter also discusses the applied learning methods. The term traditional laboratory refers to in house teaching and the term e-learning to Internet-based or distance teaching. Chapter 6.2 starts with the analysis of didactic concepts commonly used in traditional computer networks laboratories. This analysis provides the required information, necessary for the development of the new didactical framework in the environment of e-learning, discussed in Chapter 6.3. The main motivation for the development of the new framework is to increase the teaching quality of e-learning courses compared to traditional courses. The didactical framework and approaches comprises well-known didactical methods but in a new composition. We applied the framework to a prototypical e-learning computer networks laboratory. Chapter 6.4 presents the usability feedback gathered from the students. In Chapter 6.5 we discuss and conclude the didactical framework and Chapter 6.6 gives an outlook to future didactical approaches in e-learning.


6.2       Traditional Laboratories

Traditional computer networks laboratories [SB02] exist in most universities with computer science curricula. These laboratories consist of network equipment and computers ready to use for students, which attend these courses on-site. The audience of traditional laboratories almost only consists of students living close to the university. Students can only perform the exercises during office hours and they have to travel to the laboratory. We analyzed a traditional laboratory and the existing traditional didactical approach, as an exemplar approach found in traditional teaching, grown over the years. The didactical concept of the exemplar traditional laboratory is very basic but a de facto standard for all types of university hands-on trainings. It consists of an intuitively applied teaching approach. Students have to auto didactically learn and understand the necessary theory as the course material almost only offers references to required and recommended literature.

The analyzed traditional laboratory consists of several modules, as described in Appendix B. All the modules have the same didactical structure, consisting of three major blocks:


  • Pre laboratory section

In this section, the students get general information about the module’s subject and a selection of required readings, supplemented with recommended readings. Students have to solve subject specific problems at the end of this section. With the exception of lecture references and of the quiz at the end of the section, students have to study the theory auto-didactically.

  • Laboratory section

In this section, the students perform the hands-on training in the laboratory. Good theoretical preparation is necessary, as the presence time in the laboratory room should not exceed a certain number of hours. During the hands-on training, the lecture notes and the tutors provide only hints and not complete guides for solving the exercises. Students perform the work in small groups and have enough time for learning by doing in a trial-and-error process.

  • Post laboratory section

In this section, the students have to solve exercises related to the practical work done in the laboratory section. They use traffic dumps and configuration and measurement logs of the laboratory work to demonstrate their success in the hands-on exercises and to prove their understanding of the learning module’s concept.


The didactical methods used in the analyzed traditional laboratory are private study, references to readings, scripts, teamwork, essay tests, learning by doing, trial-and-error learning, and discussion.

We observed the students of the analyzed laboratory during their laboratory sessions and analyzed both, the preparing homework and the post laboratory works. The analysis showed that students must prepare the laboratory for performing the hands-on training successfully. Many students did not prepare themselves sufficiently prior to the hands-on training. Those in particular had significant problems solving the hands-on trainings’ exercises within a reasonable time. The same poorly prepared students had to ask many questions to the tutors during the laboratory trainings.

Other students had already forgotten the theory learned in the ordinary university lectures. Although most of the students studied computer science, for many of them it was the first time they could set-up and work on real network servers and routers. Most students liked the opportunity to work on real network devices and to leave theoretical studies for a short time. The analysis also showed that students especially liked hands-on work and that this is a desired supplement to study curricula. Students did not like the pre-laboratory. The theory should therefore be included in the trial-and-error process of the laboratory section if possible.

The student groups were limited to two students and the complete hands-on work was performed in the team. Students only performed the preparative reading and learning independently. The analyzed computer networks laboratory offers space for two teams simultaneously, and other students work in the same room. This situation motivated many fruitful discussions about, but not only, the laboratory work. Students learned that teamwork leads faster to the goal, or in other words: altruism wins over egoism. They use the trial-and-error method instead of copying already prepared configuration scripts, as observed in other lectures. This results in a better understanding of the subject.

We had to split the laboratory time in slots and one group could maximally occupy two timeslots due to a restricted number of laboratory equipment. Consequently, students who skipped preparation and tried to integrate it in the practical trial-and-error section could not succeed within the estimated time. Accordingly, we supply hints at critical points of the laboratory session to prevent blockades.

Students do not like if they receive many readings and prefer an especially prepared lecture script. We observed that some tasks are difficult for some students and simple for others.

Traditional laboratories fulfill the expectations from students and tutors relative to what a computer networks laboratory course must be.


6.3       Didactical Structure of an
       E-Learning Laborator

For the research on a new didactical framework, we designed and implemented a prototypical e-learning computer networks laboratory. The main motivation was to design a didactical framework, which enables course providers to increase the quality of e-learning courses compared to traditional courses described in Chapter 6.2. In contrast to traditional laboratories, the audience of e-learning computer networks laboratories is global as students can theoretically attend the laboratory wherever Internet access is possible.

We assumed that the didactics concept of this e-learning course must cover the education of computer science students with finished basic studies. Students should be able to work through a learning module within a predefined time. Students from other disciplines (e.g. economics) who have knowledge lacks in certain topics of computer science may need more time per module but have to find enough additional resources to understand everything. The prototype course structure developed reflects the intention to provide a common design to the e-learning course. Without a common design, students loose too much energy with exploring each learning module’s structure. Designers must avoid unnecessary repetitions; else, students do not read the texts and skip important information. This has led to a course design with a common introduction chapter for all modules and an identical structure for each of the modules. The developed course structure with the didactical framework has found its way into a didactics and design guide for hands-on trainings oriented e-learning courses [SWVB03]. Appendix C lists the didactically identical modules of the prototype course.


The common introduction chapter discusses the background and questions regarding the entire course. Figure 6‑1 shows a house that represents the e-learning course under whose roof single modules are stacked. The base of the house is the common introduction.


Figure 61: The e-learning course elements.

In the first part, the common introduction explains the course’s global objectives, the didactical approach, and the course structure for students and tutors. The second part introduces studying online for beginners; explains the course management system with the laboratory reservation system, indicates external resources useful for the whole course, explains the evaluation procedure, introduces discussion boards, explains the help system and the surveys. All this information is part of the didactical framework in which we intend to inform and prepare students as well as tutors to the single learning modules.

Each of the learning modules in the e-learning course has the same structure, consisting of four sections. Section 1 introduces students to the module topic with a very brief abstract and subsequently explains the goals of the module, and how to reach them. The module is placed into the course context with its many other modules. A first student task is to formulate own learning goals for the respective module. In section 2, students have to study the theory necessary for understanding the following hands-on training section. There is at least one required reading of a scientific article and a bunch of recommended readings. The next student’s task is to write a personal synthesis. Subsequently students solve the self-test and then proceed to the quiz. Tutors evaluate the quiz, which covers the whole theory section. In section 3, students proceed to the hands-on section. Students work on simulations, emulations, and real devices. The before learned knowledge has to be applied in a trial-and-error procedure. In section 4, students write another synthesis about the whole module topic and express in their own words what they have learned. Then, they advance to the final quiz. In the quiz, results of the hands-on training have to be integrated and general exercises solved.

The new didactical framework for hands-on training oriented e-learning courses comprises several well-known didactical methods, with a special emphasis on the knowledge association on Meta layers. Knowledge that has been memorized but not associated resides on Meta layers. The composition of these methods in a hands-on training oriented e-learning laboratory is new. We discuss the single didactical elements and their functions in detail:


  • Logbook

The logbook’s task is to replace the real logbook that exists in traditional laboratories.

The logbook is something like a notepad and used in traditional laboratories. Students make all personal notes, calculations, remarks, and draws into the logbook. In this way, the logbook documents the personal learning procedure of each student. In case of problems, tutors and students can go through the logbook to search for the reasons of those problems.

  • Learning Goals

The learning goals’ task is to define the learning activity and the goals to reach at the end of each learning module.

Students need to have easy understandable but as well clear formulated learning goals. Without learning goals, students do not know what exactly they have to learn and memorize for later. Learning goals also contain the evaluation procedures and the expected quality of the results.

  • Own Learning Goals

The own learning goals’ task is to activate existing knowledge prior to start with the main knowledge acquisition section.

In this didactical framework, students have only read the learning module’s abstract and the learning goals when they have to write down their own learning goals. With this task, students reactivate and remember already existing knowledge and re-associate it with the information they have about the module. Writing down the own goals helps memorizing the new associations and prepares the start in the knowledge acquisition section. At the end of a module, students can verify if the have learned what they have expected before. For tutors these self-formulated learning goals show what students expect from the module topic.

  • Module Vicinity

Module vicinity’s task is to locate a learning module in the context of the other learning modules.

The e-learning course lists its single modules in a certain order on an overview page but without numbering the modules. Each of the modules is a in itself closed learning unit that can be used inside or outside of the entire course. To provide an order for students that work through the whole course, we introduce a vicinity map. This map shows the recommended modules sequence for students who want to work through the complete course. An icon represents each learning module and the icon of the module in which the student is located at the time colorized.

  • Mindmap

The Mindmap’s task is to initiate students for a self-association of existing knowledge.

In Mindmaps such as shown in Figure 6‑2 students find the module topic in the centre and from there leave branches with theory (green) and practical (red) topics. Neighboring modules are depicted in yellow balloons to show the close relation to the module topic in the centre of the Mindmap. Students are animated to draw own Mindmaps or to further develop the proposed map. By adding and labeling own branches, students draw in a way they think, i.e. they write down how their knowledge is associated in their mind. By watching their own associations they can create new associations. Mindmaps help to recall knowledge within a short time, for example before an exam, because they reflect their designer’s knowledge.


Figure 62: Mindmap.

  • Scientific Readings

The scientific readings task is to introduce students in scientific writing.

Scientific readings are a didactical method used to accustom students to the way scientists communicate their results. With the integration of such readings in each module, a part of each module’s knowledge acquisition section is imparted in that way and the understanding evaluated in the quizzes. Besides the required readings, there are also recommended readings, representing a collection of text references, and base as well as higher-level readings to the module’s topic.

  • Personal Synthesis

The personal synthesis’ task is to associate knowledge recently studied in the knowledge acquisition section.

The personal synthesis is a didactical method, which helps to recall the already known but not present knowledge and to associate it with recently learned knowledge. Students associate their knowledge by writing an essay about a self-chosen topic of the theory section. During the composition of such an essay in their own words, they pass the whole knowledge acquisition section again and can thereby discover unresolved problems as well as draw new conclusions.


  • Self-Test

The self-test’s task is to provide students with the possibility of a self-evaluation.

Self-tests help students measuring their knowledge and discovering missing parts. Skilled students can bypass theory by solving self-tests questions correctly. The self-test immediately provides results and in case of wrong results points to a resource where the missing information can be read. Providing a positive feedback even in case of a correct answer helps students to return to a certain source text in case of doubts. Self-tests are not graded nor reviewed by a tutor; they are a pure self-evaluation tool.

  • Quizzes

The quizzes’ task is to evaluate students’ work.

With quizzes, we analyze what students really have understood of the lecture. A tutor grades quizzes. Quizzes consist of multiple choice and essay questions.

  • Discussion Board

The discussion board’s task is to provide a communication platform.

In the discussion board, students communicate with students or tutors. A tutor moderates the discussion board, solves open issues, and keeps discussions in the area of the module’s topic. The board gives eager students a chance to help others and they can thus deepen their own knowledge.

  • Schedule

The schedule’s task is to provide fast information about the learning progress.

Figure 6‑3 shows the developed schedule. The schedule replaces the missing orientation students normally have when reading a book. It helps students to see where they stay and how much time they still have to invest. The schedule is static and provides the expected duration in each of the module’s sections. Students that are more skilled progress faster, less skilled students who read additional information slower. It helps students also to remain on track and not to loose themselves in additional readings.


Figure 63: Where to spend how much time.

  • Help System

The help systems task is to provide a solution to every problem.

We designed the help system to offer around the clock fast help in case of problems. The help system consists of several parts put together in a certain order. The first place to look for help is in frequently asked questions section. The second location to address to in case of problems is the discussion board. It is likely that students find an answer to their question or get one within a short time. Browsing in already solved problems can give hints for the own problem. Tutors should extract important questions after each course cycle and summarize in the frequently asked questions section. If the discussion board does not cover the problem, students can send an Email to the module tutor. As a last solution, students can call a hotline number. Only by this filtering method, the hotline can be operated without having students calling all the time. Our help system can be represented as a help pyramid, shown in Figure 6‑4.


Figure 64: The help pyramid.

  • Interactive Animations

The interactive animation’s task is to present theory in multiple dimensions.

Not all students learn the same way. Some students fully understand theory imparted as plain text, others need additional figures and some animations. Each supplementary dimension added to plain text activates a further brain region. Thus by adding interactive animations, multiple brain regions are activated to solve a problem.

  • Notes Tool

The notes tool’s task is to enable students to write directly into the text.

The notes tool should enable student to write their text specific notes directly into the text. This is necessary to allow students to use their traditional learning style.


The framework of the above-discussed methods contains text readings, references to recommended readings, self-test, self-evaluation, quiz, trial-and-error learning, and learning by doing, guided practical working, and discussions on discussion boards, reflections, mind map, logbook, video sequences, interactive animations, and schedule.



6.4       Usability Feedback

We implemented the didactical framework in the e-learning computer networks laboratory and gathered feedback from the students who worked through the course. About sixty third-year university students participated in the test. All had to return feedback forms at the end. A majority of the students was computer science students and had already finished their basic studies. Tutors and students regularly communicated and tutors collected any form of feedback. It was surprising to see that also computer science students experienced troubles caused by the different web browsers and operating systems. During the course, students got response by Email or telephone from a tutor within zero to six hours in case of problems not answered in the frequently asked question’s section or the discussion board. Tutors revised the discussion board on a regular basis of about four times a day. Students appreciated the short response times. There was negative feedback concerning the hardly understandable user guidance of the commercial course platform, hosting the learning content. The course platform earned negative feedback not only because of the non-intuitive user guidance but also because it uses Java scripts. Java scripts provoked many errors in the different browsers and versions.

As expected, the non-existence of teamwork similar to on-site teamwork in traditional laboratories resulted in many complaints. Many students wanted to have more interactive content and more practice-related examples in the theory section. Many students liked to printout the theory section and there was a lot of negative feedback until we offered the theory as a downloadable and printable file. Students positively mentioned the high availability of the laboratory equipment and the fast download speed of the course material.

Students liked the integration of different types of interactive technology and the resulting course, such as with interactive animations. Students liked to work remotely on real network hardware, to configure routers, to do hands-on work. Students described the experience with real network hardware as very fascinating. The framework of the course platform that leads through the course and additional windows with connections to the laboratory devices imparted the impression of a guided working with a high degree of work freedom. Students liked to solve problems in a trial-and-error process as they are convinced that knowledge gained in this way stays in mind for a longer time. The quizzes consisted of multiple choice and essay questions. Students liked the mix but preferred multiple-choice questions. Students often mentioned that the learning content was well adapted to the learning objectives. Students were thereby motivated to read through, and not to skip, the theory part. Students found that the course was comprehensively documented. This seemed to be very stimulating for the learning behavior. Most students liked the independence of time and place of work, although in the final discussion, one student complained about the expansion of work times into free times such as evenings and weekends.

Not only the whole literature should be downloadable and printable, the exercises and solutions as well should be downloadable and printable. One student missed a module résumé on one A4 page. Students liked the information provided by the introduction chapter with abstract and storyboard. The analysis of the timetable showed that a majority of students liked to work in the evening and on weekends.



6.5       Discussion and Conclusions

The didactical aspects of e-learning, especially in hands-on trainings oriented computer network laboratories are different to didactical aspects of traditional, in house teaching. Our developed didactical framework can be generally applied and adapted for e-learning resources, for example the separation of common material of all learning modules into a global introduction chapter, the students’ preparation for the study topic in the introduction chapter of each module and the self reflections tasks about the topic. The introduction chapter introduces students in the topic and they receive a first portion of study matter. The formulation of their own goals requires a deep reflection about already learned stuff related to the module topic and allows first re-associations of existing knowledge with the new input. Prepared like that students proceed to the theory chapter and conclude the chapter with quizzes and a reflection about the theory. Again, this reflection deepens much more the knowledge than any quiz, associating new and existing knowledge together, fostered by the expression in own words. The quiz and the reflection at the end of the practical chapter aim the same goals. This second reflection now comprises the whole module, from the beginning up to the end. Students re-pass the module topic as a whole and work-up the entire study matter. Students’ feedback confirmed that topics elaborated in this way show a higher sustainability. Special developed concepts are dedicated to hands-on trainings oriented courses, such as the logbook. The logbook is a testimonial of students’ work. Students appreciated the supporting function of the logbook in the case of troubles with the hands-on trainings.

Generally, we noticed that preparation work is urgently needed for the students to perform hands-on exercises successfully. We discovered that many students did not prepare themselves sufficiently prior to the practical work. It is very important that students successfully pass the quiz before entering the hands-on trainings. Only well prepared students managed to work through the exercise tasks within a reasonable time. The same students had to ask many questions to the tutors during the laboratory session. Our didactical framework with the mandatory reflection tasks ensures that students do not skip parts of the knowledge acquisition section. For the same reason, we decided to evaluate all of the tasks.

The disfavor students showed for the selected course platform may have several reasons. The course platform limits users to few actions and it is difficult to promote cognitive learning styles in this environment. It is not possible to use markers in the selected course platform. This is a heavy disadvantage compared to paper copies. Students are used to notes and markers. Also next generation students will have to use both of them in their learning process.

The switch from traditional to e-learning showed that students like to see network equipment in reality. Hence, we recommend organizing laboratory visits at the beginning of an e-learning course, giving the students a feeling about the hardware they are going to work on. The available on-line material has been a problem in some cases since as still a lot of good teaching material is only available as hardcopies. Copyright issues prohibit distributing digitized copies among the students.

E-learning courses are a welcome supplement to traditional study curricula but not a full replacement. None of our students could imagine studying just with e-learning resources. We conclude that students need the contact with real tutors and real classmates as well as the contact with lecture rooms. Otherwise, the community feeling gets lost and interest in studying decreases.

Nowadays it is possible to offer e-learning resources operated by a network of content providers. An advantage of such e-learning grids is that they require only one didactical framework, which the partners elaborate. Thus, the number of students in the courses can be increased, and the workload for developers and tutors decreased. Swiss German people designed and implemented our prototype course modules, now open for students from different cultures. Therefore, designers have to remember the different cultural sensations, comprehensions, and learning styles.

In one course run of the evaluation, we allowed teamwork in the form of two students sitting in front of the same computer during the hands-on trainings. Students appreciated this form of teamwork but many misunderstood the teamwork allowed in the hands-on trainings only and shared the whole work, i.e. both did only half of the course. It is not easy to answer the question why students prefer teamwork to single work. It is out of doubt that teamwork is necessary in most areas of life and that teamwork simplifies learning processes. However, it is obvious too, that free riders misuse teamwork. Educators have the task to accompany students throughout their studies. Free riders are better involved in the studies if they are forced to make the tests and exercises alone. Another means to involve free riders is the generation of tests consisting of randomly generated quizzes with an abundant underlying questions base.

From the didactical point of view, there are still many obstacles to overcome until reaching the same high level of education as in traditional courses.



6.6       Outlook

The developed didactical framework builds a solid base for e-learning courses but with more time and money, substantial improvements could be realized. One area where improvements would ease studying is everything related to the web interface. Usability could be improved by providing more information about the progress students make throughout the course. The actual static schedule should be replaced by a dynamic schedule where default time values and real values could be compared. This would allow students to know more about their current study progress. The schedule could be more realistic also by including the times of the finished and yet to do exercises and quizzes. We suggest creating an additional browser window in the course platform. This window should not only display the current schedule but also a list of open tasks such as exercises, essays, and quizzes.

Course platforms could get closer to the traditional learning style by providing virtual text markers. The course platform would have to remember marked text and additionally offer the possibility to extract highlighted text. We also recommend developing a better notes tool, where the notes can be pinned directly onto the text and reappear on click (post-it style). The author does not know any course platforms, which provides the possibility for students to download the courses at any stage of study progress, including personal notes, quizzes, essay and more. Without such functionality, students cannot keep their studies at hand. Logins for course platforms rarely exist longer than a study career lasts. This is a major obstacle if course material should remain available for students in a similar manner as in traditional learning.

Course platforms allow tutors to subscribe students to courses. This is fine if a course is only used once and never again. Most e-learning courses are re-used or opened to different schools at the same time. It would be necessary to implement the possibility to maintain a class list for each course with the option to open multiple classes.

Current e-learning courses are static constructs. A future development could lead to dynamically created courses where the content is adapted to the student. At the beginning of a course could be a test and the results of the test then trigger the content preparation. The dynamic content should contain checkpoints to verify if the student understood the content and then again adapt the remaining content. The base for such an individual content compilation is a detailed description of each part of the content itself. A preferable choice is the open standard XML, where various e-learning extensions exist. For the content preparation a generic system should be designed where it is not necessary to prepare each test and control question manually. Artificial intelligence could enable such a system to achieve these high goals.

Future e-learning courses should integrate something like a virtual team market place, where students can anonymously look for teammates. The importance of this component is much higher if students, who do not know each other personally from real university lectures, use the course. The market place should allow generating user profiles with important information about thins such as preferred study times and study state or test results.

It is necessary to update e-learning courses regularly due to the ongoing progress in technical and didactical aspects. New didactical methods must be integrated and new teaching dimensions achieved for example with the integration of audio and video applications. Such applications should become common tools for Internet users if bandwidth continues to increase as in the past and computers continuously got more powerful. When a greater community uses microphones and cameras, it will be possible to design virtual classrooms allowing social contacts much closer to real life.





7       Synopsis

The four main Chapters of this thesis, Chapters 3, 4, 5 and 6, each ended with a Discussion and Conclusions Chapter and a subsequent Outlook Chapter. Each of these Chapters was directly related to the before discussed topic and did not deeply associate the different Chapters. The Synopsis starts with a Summary of the whole work, goes on with a global Discussion and Conclusions, and gives an Outlook for the complete work.

7.1       Conclusions

The presented work started with the design and an analysis of a traditional computer networks laboratory, where students attend the lecture in groups. We performed the analysis of this exemplar traditional computer networks laboratory to reveal the technical and didactical processes of this course as a base for the design of a distributed e-learning architecture for an e-learning computer networks laboratory.

The designed distributed architecture addresses questions related to the management of the user access for students, tutors and administrators, as well as for the access to the laboratories with limited numbers of hardware resources. We called the architecture multifunctional e-learning architecture. It provides all the necessary elements, and interfaces for the operation of e-learning resources with the exception of the e-learning course platform, responsible for the provisioning of e-learning documents, quizzes, and communication functions.

The architecture describes a lightweight directory access protocol-based resource management system for distributed content providing in e-learning grids. With this architecture, it is possible to build a grid of geographically distributed hands-on trainings laboratories with third party equipment, such as an exemplarily implemented laboratory with routers and hosts represents. The architecture also addresses the question of how to interconnect the architectural element resource management system and the integrated user database with the lightweight directory access protocol directories of other organizations. We also discussed how third party user management systems could directly create user accounts in the resource management system. The architecture comprises a user and resource management system, laboratory portals for the connection of third party laboratory devices and whose protection of threats from the Internet, geographically distributed content servers and a certificate authority.

We prototypically implemented the architecture with the exception of the certificate authority and analyzed the interaction of the single elements. The lightweight directory access protocol-based e-learning architecture proved that it is possible to operate a geographically distributed e-learning course with a focus on hands-on trainings laboratories over the Internet with no special software requirements on the client side.

The educational environment has started to form educational federations and establish federation-wide authentication and authorization infrastructures. This was the initiator for the research on how to address these changes with the multifunctional e-learning architecture. The conclusion was that we have to design a broker between these authentication and authorization infrastructures and any kind of resource, addressing the open questions of information flow from the authentication and authorization infrastructures towards not especially adapted resources. The resulting architecture describes such a broker with modular, reusable, and adaptable interfaces, responsible for the information exchange towards authentication and authorization infrastructures on one side and towards resources on the other side. We called the broker resource management portal and it comprises user management based on user information attributes, collected from users and authentication infrastructures, resource management functionalities, the possibility to generate local user accounts, accounting functionalities and inter-community communication features, allowing course participants to communicate, and exchange documents on the portal.

The succeeded prototypical implementation integrates interfaces to one authentication and authorization infrastructure and to various resources. The prototypical implementation proved the architecture’s concept of interconnecting not especially designed resources with authentication and authorization infrastructures and of adding supplementary functionalities such as user and resource management.

The fusion of the multifunctional e-learning architecture with the resource management portal architecture led to the extended multifunctional e-learning architecture. It addresses the questions related to the integration in authentication and authorization infrastructures. The resulting architecture depends on third party user management systems, such as represented by the resource management portal’s local user accounts or the users originating from higher-level user management systems.

The prototypical implementation of this architecture additionally contains single sign-on functionality for users and offers an interface to a commercial course platform. In the multifunctional e-learning architecture, the higher-level user management system generates user accounts in the resource management system and in the course platform, whereas in the extended architecture the resource management portal generates the user accounts and logs users into the course platform. The extended architecture shows the flexibility of the multifunctional e-learning architecture regarding its adaptability to new requirements. The concept of operating an e-learning grid with a higher-level user management system, responsible for authentication issues on all course resources and an own resource management system, responsible for authorization issues with an interlaced broker could be proved with the prototypical implementation.

For the prototypical implementation of the e-learning computer networks laboratory, we have designed a didactical framework, which addresses the questions arising in this form of distance learning. The didactical framework is applicable to most e-learning resources and discusses especially how to activate students’ thinking processes, how to foster existing knowledge, and how to associate newly acquired with existing knowledge. The framework comprises well-known didactical methods but groups them together in a new way, with a special focus on hands-on trainings oriented e-learning courses.

We summarized the didactical framework in a document, which enables professionals without prior experience in didactics or web design to produce state-of-the-art e-learning courses with a focus on hands-on training. Didactic specialists can adapt the framework to other e-learning projects. Students’ feedback about the usability revealed that they assume studying in the didactical framework-based e-learning computer networks laboratory results in a better understanding of the learning matter and a higher sustainability compared to traditional computer networks laboratories.


7.2       Outlook

Throughout the presented work four outlook Chapters completed each of the main Chapters. This outlook Chapter tries to give an outlook beyond the next possible extension steps of the presented architectures.

The discussed architectures all ease the access to resources in the Internet. The common goal is to disburden the persons involved in resource access, such as the users, who have to remember many resource access credentials and try to ease the credential management with the use of simple passwords or to use the same password for many different resources. Moreover, the architectures disburden the resource administrators who have to issue resource access credentials and to support the users.

The discussed architectures indeed ease the credential management as the same credentials in the multifunctional e-learning architecture can be used for the access to an e-learning grid consisting for example of many computer networks laboratory resources. In the case of the extended multifunctional e-learning laboratory, the resource access credentials are valid for a larger user community, also called federation. Still, many resources will never join such a federation and there will always be federations, which are not interconnected.

The technically smartest authentication and authorization system uses unique identifiers for each individual. A connection between these unique identifiers and the individuals should be technically established. A set of distributed but interconnected databases could be used for the resources to query for the owner of a user credential, for example for retrieving billing information. All the resources would have to authenticate users with these unique credentials. For this to happen, globally available credential readers must be available first, for example finger print or iris readers. All the potential users would have to register in one of the distributed databases with their personal data.

Such a system would ease the resource access and administration significantly. The challenge in the design of the system is to find a way for protecting the user’s privacy. On the resource level, this can be achieved by delegating the user authentication to a third party organization, or as in authentication and authorization infrastructures usual, to the home organization of the respective user. The resources would have to communicate with the users over the home organizations or to retrieve more user information by the home organization if the users agree. In such a system, users would have to trust their home organizations regarding user privacy protection. Technically there exists no way to prevent non-authorized persons from reading out user and resource usage data in these home organizations. Considering that all resource should be integrated in the system, it is hardly imaginable that Orwell’s vision of the transparent human being would not become reality.

It is much more realistic that the described authentication and authorization infrastructures such as Shibboleth, Liberty Alliance, or Diameter will be extended to daily applications, for example for the integration of finger print scanners in physical access systems, or copy machines. This would allow the authentication and authorization with the same home organizations as used for the web authentication and authorization. Additional user information attributes will be stored in the home organization’s databases. The new devices will have to be enhanced with a procedure for the selection of the home organizations and the definition of the attribute release policy.

An already ongoing fusion of authentication and authorization infrastructure with computational grids such as in the case of Shibboleth with several grids will probably increase in the future. Grids can profit from the authentication and authorization functionalities provided by the authentication and authorization infrastructures, such as it happened in our extended e-learning architecture.

A Chapter of this thesis discusses a didactical framework for e-learning resources. The framework makes use of the currently and for a majority of students available didactical methods. These methods allow the teaching of e-learning courses in an acceptable way, although many improvements will be possible in future.

The framework comprises interactive animations, which open a further approach to the understanding of learning matter. The production of such two dimensional animations is currently possible but time consuming. For the future, tools for the production of three dimensional, interactive animations in an easy way have to be invented. These tools should also ease the integration of audio information. The generation of such animations should not get more complicated than it is for two-dimensional animations.

Enabling real teamwork is another task for the future. Audio and video transmissions for all partners of an exercise or course module must be developed in such a way that e-learning users can easily use them. The increase of bandwidth in the past indicates that at least the transmission problem will be solved in the future. However, clever systems for the video and audio transmission management in courses have to be elaborated. Parallel private communications should be possible between single users and user groups. It is also necessary to investigate systems for parallel teamwork in e-learning laboratories, for example for configuring laboratory devices together.





List of Figures


Figure 1‑1: E-learning architecture elements......................................................................................... 5

Figure 2‑1: Single certificate authority.................................................................................................. 21

Figure 2‑2: Certificate lookup with one certificate authority.......................................................... 22

Figure 2‑3: Hierarchical certificate authorities................................................................................... 23

Figure 2‑4: Cross certification with two certificate authorities...................................................... 24

Figure 2‑5: Trust lists.................................................................................................................................. 25

Figure 2‑6: Kerberos authentication....................................................................................................... 29

Figure 2‑7: Kerberos inter-realm connectivity..................................................................................... 31

Figure 2‑8: IP packet after applying AH in transport mode........................................................... 35

Figure 2‑9: IP packet after applying ESP in transport mode........................................................... 35

Figure 2‑10: IP packet after applying ESP in tunnel mode.............................................................. 36

Figure 2‑11: SSL/TLS principle.............................................................................................................. 37

Figure 2‑12: LDAP tree............................................................................................................................... 42

Figure 2‑13: Attribute definition schema.............................................................................................. 44

Figure 2‑14: Object class definition schema........................................................................................ 44

Figure 2‑15: Example ldif file................................................................................................................... 45

Figure 2‑16: Alias entry............................................................................................................................. 45

Figure 2‑17: Two directories for two branches................................................................................... 46

Figure 2‑18: Referral entry........................................................................................................................ 46

Figure 2‑19: UML sequence diagram for a referral lookup............................................................. 47

Figure 2‑20: Shibboleth architecture...................................................................................................... 51

Figure 2‑21: PAPI architecture................................................................................................................. 54

Figure 2‑22: RADIUS protected network access................................................................................. 55

Figure 2‑23: Diameter protected network access................................................................................ 57

Figure 2‑24: Liberty Alliance architecture............................................................................................ 59

Figure 2‑25: UML sequence diagram of the Liberty Alliance mechanisms................................ 60

Figure 2‑26: Layout of the traditional laboratory............................................................................... 67

Figure 3‑1: Typical AAI environment with the resource management portal........................... 74

Figure 3‑2: The resource management portal at a resource provider’s site................................ 76

Figure 3‑3: Interaction diagram for connecting users....................................................................... 77

Figure 3‑4: Attributes release and request............................................................................................ 78

Figure 3‑5: Resource management portal with interfaces to AAI and resources..................... 80

Figure 3‑6: The resource management portal’s environment......................................................... 81

Figure 3‑7: The functional parts of the resource management portal.......................................... 82

Figure 3‑8: Resource management portal architecture’s user information attributes flow... 83

Figure 3‑9: UML activity diagram for resource management portal configuration flows..... 84

Figure 3‑10: UML sequence diagram for the resource management configuration flows..... 85

Figure 3‑11: Interfaces to AAI.................................................................................................................. 86

Figure 3‑12: Interface to resource............................................................................................................ 87

Figure 3‑13: UML activity and sequence diagrams for access to unprotected resource......... 88

Figure 3‑14: UML activity diagram for access to cookie protected resource.............................. 89

Figure 3‑15: UML sequence diagram for access to cookie protected resource........................... 89

Figure 3‑16: UML activity diagram for access to user name and password protected resource.              90

Figure 3‑17: UML sequence diagram for access to user name and password protected resource.           91

Figure 3‑18: UML activity diagram for the access to resource by means of a shared secret.. 92

Figure 3‑19: UML sequence diagram for the access to resource by means of a shared secret. 92

Figure 3‑20: Synchronous versus asynchronous community interactions................................ 93

Figure 3‑21: Community interaction features..................................................................................... 94

Figure 3‑22: Several authorization levels in resources..................................................................... 96

Figure 3‑23: Redirection processes to get to a resource.................................................................... 99

Figure 3‑24: UML use case diagram for resource hosting............................................................. 100

Figure 3‑25: UML use case diagram for resource subscription................................................... 101

Figure 3‑26: Resource management portal’s web interface.......................................................... 102

Figure 3‑27: Resource management portals’ sample .htaccess file............................................ 104

Figure 3‑28: Resource management portal’s system diagram..................................................... 106

Figure 3‑29: UML class diagram for the resource management portal’s database............... 108

Figure 3‑30: Performance measurement testbed.............................................................................. 110

Figure 3‑31: Full access, 300 MHz, internal page............................................................................ 112

Figure 3‑32: Full access, 1 GHz, internal page................................................................................. 112

Figure 3‑33: CPU load full access, 300 MHz, internal page......................................................... 113

Figure 3‑34: CPU load full access, 1 GHz, internal page.............................................................. 113

Figure 3‑35: Apache & MySQL CPU load full access, 300 MHz, internal page..................... 114

Figure 3‑36: Apache & MySQL CPU load full access, 1 GHz, internal page.......................... 114

Figure 3‑37: Memory load full access, 300 MHz, internal page.................................................. 115

Figure 3‑38: Memory load full access, 1 GHz, internal page....................................................... 115

Figure 3‑39: Increasing access, 300 MHz, internal page............................................................... 116

Figure 3‑40: Increasing access, 1 GHz, internal page.................................................................... 116

Figure 3‑41: Detail of increasing access, 300 MHz, internal page.............................................. 117

Figure 3‑42: Detail of increasing access, 1 GHz, internal page................................................... 117

Figure 3‑43: CPU load of detail of increasing access, 300 MHz, internal page...................... 118

Figure 3‑44: CPU load of detail of increasing access, 1 GHz, internal page........................... 118

Figure 3‑45: Apache & MySQL CPU load of detail of increasing access, 300 MHz, internal page.         119

Figure 3‑46: Apache & MySQL CPU load of detail of increasing access, 1 GHz, internal page.              119

Figure 3‑47: Memory load of increasing access with 300 MHz, internal page....................... 120

Figure 3‑48: Memory load of increasing access with 1 GHz, internal page............................ 120

Figure 3‑49: Full access with 300 MHz, external page.................................................................. 122

Figure 3‑50: Full access with 1 GHz, external page........................................................................ 122

Figure 3‑51: CPU load during full access with 300 MHz, external page................................. 123

Figure 3‑52: CPU load during full access with 1 GHz, external page....................................... 123

Figure 3‑53: Apache & MySQL CPU load, full access with 300 MHz, external page........... 124

Figure 3‑54: Apache & MySQL CPU load, full access with 1 GHz, external page................ 124

Figure 3‑55: Memory load, full access with 300 MHz, external page........................................ 125

Figure 3‑56: Memory load, full access with 1 GHz, external page............................................. 125

Figure 3‑57: Increasing access with 300 MHz, external page...................................................... 126

Figure 3‑58: Increasing access with 1 GHz, external page........................................................... 126

Figure 3‑59: Detail of increasing access with 300 MHz, external page.................................... 127

Figure 3‑60: Detail of increasing access with 1 GHz, external page.......................................... 127

Figure 3‑61: CPU load of detail of increasing access with 300 MHz, external page............. 128

Figure 3‑62: CPU load during detail of increasing access with 1 GHz, external page........ 128

Figure 3‑63: Apache & MySQL CPU load of detail of increasing access  with 300 MHz, external page.               129

Figure 3‑64: Apache & MySQL CPU load of detail of increasing access  with 1 GHz, external page.    129

Figure 3‑65: Memory load of increasing access with 300 MHz, external page...................... 130

Figure 3‑66: Memory of increasing access with 1 GHz, external page..................................... 130

Figure 4‑1: The architecture and the possible connections.......................................................... 143

Figure 4‑2: UML activity diagram for the course platform roles................................................. 147

Figure 4‑3: UML activity diagram of a person accessing a laboratory training..................... 150

Figure 4‑4: UML sequence diagram of a person accessing a laboratory training.................. 151

Figure 4‑5: UML use case diagram for student access................................................................... 152

Figure 4‑6: UML use case diagram for resource management..................................................... 153

Figure 4‑7: UML use case diagram for module management...................................................... 154

Figure 4‑8: UML sequence diagram for students’ booking interactions................................... 155

Figure 4‑9: UML sequence diagram for students’ lab portal interactions................................ 156

Figure 4‑10: Implemented architecture with course platform...................................................... 158

Figure 4‑11: DN for student data.......................................................................................................... 159

Figure 4‑12: DN for module data.......................................................................................................... 159

Figure 4‑13: DN for timetable data....................................................................................................... 159

Figure 4‑14: DN for staff data................................................................................................................ 159

Figure 4‑15: LDAP directory structure................................................................................................ 160

Figure 4‑16: Module reservation web interface................................................................................ 161

Figure 4‑17: From traditional to e-learning....................................................................................... 163

Figure 4‑18: Portal server and laboratory devices........................................................................... 164

Figure 4‑19: IP Security hands-on training....................................................................................... 166

Figure 4‑20: User interactions with management system and portal........................................ 167

Figure 5‑1: Comparison of user login.................................................................................................. 176

Figure 5‑2: Dependent multifunctional e-learning architecture................................................. 177

Figure 5‑3: UML activity diagram of the course platform  connected to the resource management portal.           182

Figure 5‑4: UML activity diagram of a person accessing a laboratory training..................... 184

Figure 5‑5: UML sequence diagram of a person accessing a laboratory training.................. 184

Figure 6‑1: The e-learning course elements....................................................................................... 191

Figure 6‑2: Mindmap............................................................................................................................... 193

Figure 6‑3: Where to spend how much time..................................................................................... 194

Figure 6‑4: The help pyramid................................................................................................................ 195



List of Tables


Table 1‑1: E-learning architecture elements........................................................................................... 5

Table 2‑1: Comparison of PKI models................................................................................................... 27

Table 2‑2: Advantages and disadvantages of Kerberos................................................................... 32

Table 2‑3: Comparison of Transport Technologies........................................................................... 40

Table 2‑4: Set of standardized LDAP attributes................................................................................. 43

Table 2‑5: Advantages and disadvantages of LDAP........................................................................ 48

Table 2‑6: Comparison of Shibboleth and Liberty Alliance features........................................... 58

Table 2‑7: Comparison of authentication and authorization technologies............................... 63

Table 5‑1: Comparison of original and extended architecture.................................................... 175





List of Abbreviations


AA                         Attribute Authority

AAA                      Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting

AAI                        Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure

AAP                       Attribute Acceptance Policy

ASP                        Active Server Pages

AH                         Authentication Header

AQH                      Attribute Query Handle (AQH)

ARP                       Attribute Release Policy

CA                          Certificate Authority

CRL                       Certificate Revocation List

Clubs                     A club is a group of organizations who agree to exchange attributes using the SAML/Shibboleth protocols and abide by a common set of policies and practices.

DARPA                Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

DNS                       Domain Name Service

DOD                      Department of Defense

DS                          Directory Service

DSL                        Digital Subscriber Line

ESP                        Encapsulating Security Payload

FAQ                       Frequently Asked Questions

HS                          Handle Service

FAI                         Fully Automatic Installation

HTTP                    Hypertext Transfer Protocol

IETF                       Internet Engineering Task Force

IMS                        Institutional Management System

IKE                         Internet Key Exchange

IP                            Internet Protocol

IPC                         Inter-Process Communication

ISAKMP               Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol

KDC                       Key Distribution Center

LDAP                    Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

LDAPS                  Lightweight Directory Access Protocol over SSL

MACE                   Middleware Architecture Committee for Education

MIT                        Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MTA                      Mail Transfer Agent

MySQL                 My Structured Query Language Open Source relational database management system that uses Structured Query Language

NAS                       Network Access Server

OASIS                   Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards

OpenSAML         Open Security Assertion Markup Language

OSI                         Open Systems Interconnection

PAPI                      Point of Access to Providers of Resources

PAM                      Pluggable Authentication Module

PHP                       Hypertext Preprocessor

PKI                         Public Key Infrastructures

PoA                        Point of Access in PAPI

PPP                        Point to Point Protocol

Pubcookie            -> WebISO

RA                          Registration Authority

RADIUS               Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service

RIP                         Routing Information Protocol

RM                         Resource Manager

RMI                        Remote Method Invocation

RPC                       Remote Procedure Call

SA                          Security Association

SAML                    Security Assertion Markup Language

SHAR                    Shibboleth Attribute Requester

Shibboleth           Shibboleth \Shib"bo*leth\, n. [Heb. shibb[=o]leth an ear of corn, or a stream, a flood.]

SHIRE                   Shibboleth Indexical Reference Establisher

SMS                       Short Message Service

SNMP                   Simple Network Management Protocol

SOAP                    Simple Object Access Protocol

SPD                        Security Policy Database

SPI                          Security Parameter Index

SSL                         Secure Sockets Layer

SSO                        Single-sign on

TACACS              Terminal Access Controller Access Control System

TGT                       Ticket-Granting-Ticket

TLS                        Transport Layer Security

Tomcat                  Tomcat is the servlet container that is used in the official Reference Implementation for the JavaServlet and JavaServer Pages technologies.

USB                        Universal Serial Bus

VITELS                 Virtual Internet and Telecommunications Laboratory of Switzerland

WAYF                   Where Are You From? Server in Shibboleth

WebISO                Web Initial Sign-On

W3C                      World Wide Web Consortium

XDR                       External Data Representation





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BS03                 T. Braun and M.-A. Steinemann: The Virtual Internet and Telecommunications Laboratory of Switzerland, ACM SIGCOMM 2003, Karlsruhe, Germany, August 2003

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PACR02          L. Peterson, T. Anderson, D. Culler and T. Roscoe: A Blueprint for Introducing Disruptive Technology into the Internet. First ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networking (HotNets), October 2002

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Ra00                 E. Rescorla: SSL and TLS: Designing and Building Secure Systems. Addison-Wesley, October 2000, ISBN: 0-201-61598-3

Rc00                 C. Rigney, S. Willens, A. Rubens, and W. Simpson: Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS). RFC 2865, June 2000

Rc04                 C. Rosenberger: Theory and Hands-on Exercises for E-Learning on Distributed Systems. Diploma Thesis, January 2004

Rediris             RedIRIS, Spanish national research network

RPHG01         J. Roschelle, R. Pea, C. Hoadley, D. Gordin and B. Means: Changing how and what children learn in school with collaborative cognitive technologies. In M. Shields (Ed.), The Future of Children (Special issue on Children and Computer Technology, published by the David and Lucille Packard Foundation, Los Altos, CA), Volume 10, Issue 2, 2001, pp. 76-101.

Rr92                 R. Rivest: The MD5 message digest algorithm, RFC 1321, April 1992

RSA78             R. Rivest., A. Shamir and L.M. Adleman: A method for obtaining digital signatures and public-key cryptosystems. Communications of the ACM, v. 21, n. 2, February 1978, pp. 120-126

SAML              Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an OASIS standard

SAMLBind     Bindings and Profiles for the OASIS Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), OASIS, April 2002

SB02                 M.-A. Steinemann and T. Braun: Remote versus Traditional Learning in a Computer Networks Laboratory. Communications and Computer Networks (CCN 2002), Cambridge, USA, November 4-6 2002, ISBN 0-88986-329-6, pp. 503-507

Sb96                 B. Schneier: Applied cryptography. John Wiley and Son, 1996

SBDG02          M.-A. Steinemann, T. Braun, M. Danzeisen and M. Günter: Virtual Private Networks Article, Wiley Encyclopedia of Telecommunications, 2002, ISBN 0-471-36972-1, pp. 2807-2815

Shibboleth      Internet2 Middleware

SHA                 Secure Hash Standard. National Institute of Standards and Technology. NIST FIPS PUB 180-1, U.S. Department of Commerce, May 1994

Sj03                   J. M. Schopf. Grids: The top ten questions. International Symposium on Grid Computing, March 2003

SJZB02a          M.-A. Steinemann, T. Jampen, S. Zimmerli and T. Braun: Architectural Issues of a Remote Network Laboratory. Networked Learning 2002 (NL 2002), Berlin, May 2002, ISBN 3-906454-31-2, CD-ROM

SJZB02b          M.-A. Steinemann, T. Jampen, S. Zimmerli, and T. Braun: Didactical Issues of a Remote Network Laboratory. 4th International Conference on New Educational Environments (ICNEE 02), Lugano, May 2002, ISBN 3-0345-0031-9, pp. 1.2/39-41

SK90                 M. A. Stanfield Tetrault and R. E. Keine: Ritual, ritualized behavior, and habit: refinements and extensions of the consumption ritual a construct. Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 17, 1990, pp. 31-38

SRC84              J. Saltzer, D. Reed and D. Clark: End-to-end Arguments in System Design. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS), Vol. 2, No. 4, 1984, pp. 195-206

SS95                 V. Samar and R. Schemers: Unified login with pluggable authenticationmodules. Open software foundation RFC 86.0, October 1995

Ss99                  S. Seufert: Cultural perspectives. in H. Adelsberger, B. Collis, and J. Pawlowski: Handbook of information technologies for education and training. Berlin, Springer, 2001, ISBN: 3540678034

SSBB03            M.-A. Steinemann, T. Spreng, A. Bachmayer, T. Braun, C. Graf and M. Guggisberg: Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure: Portal Architecture and Prototype Implementation. Technical Report, IAM-03-012, December 2003

Sw94                W. Simpson: The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). RFC 1661, July 1994

SWVB03          M.-A. Steinemann, A. Weyland, J. Viens and T. Braun: VITELS, Didactics and Design Guide Version 1. Technical Report, IAM-03-002, April 2003

SZJB02             M.-A. Steinemann, S. Zimmerli, T. Jampen and T. Braun: Global Architecture and Partial Prototype Implementation for Enhanced Remote Courses. Computers and Advanced Technology in Education (CATE 2002), Cancun, Mexico, May 2002, ISBN 0-88986-332-6, pp. 441-446

TECFA             Technologies de Formation et Apprentissage

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TNF97             D. Tantiprasut, J. Neil and C. Farell: ASN.1 protocol specification for use with arbitrary encoding schemes. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 5, No. 4, August 1997, pp502-513, ISSN: 1063-6692

Tw79                W. Tuchman: Hellman presents no shortcut solutions to DES. IEEE Spectrum, v. 16, n. July 1979, pp40-41

TX02                D. Turner and C. Xuehua: Protocol-Dependent Message-Passing Performance on Linux Clusters. Cluster Conference, Chicago, September 2002

VDE                  Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V., Internet-Studium: Internet: Vom Basiswissen zum Netzmanagement

vLab                 Mentor Technologies, vLab Technology

VMC02            J. Viega, M. Messier and P. Chandra: Network Security with open SSL. Oreilly & Associates, 2002, ISBN: 059600270X

WLSR02          B. White, J. Lepreau, L. Stoller, R. Ricci, S. Guruprasad, M. Newbold, M. Hibler, C. Barb and A. Joglekar: An integrated experimental environment for distributed systems and networks (full report). Technical Report, 5th Symposium on Operating Systems Design & Implementation, December 2002, pp. 255-270

Ws98                S. E. Wright: Trends in Language Engineering. Terminology in Advanced Microcomputer Applications, TAMA 98, Vienna, Austria, 1998

Wt03                Wason, T.: Liberty ID-FF Implementation Guidelines. Draft Version 1.2-02, Liberty Alliance Project, April 2003

X.509                ITU-T Recommendation X.509 (1997 E): Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Authentication Framework, June 1997

YHK95            T. Yeong, T. Howes and S. Kille: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Specifications. RFC 1777, March 1995

Yt96                  T. Ylonen: SSH-Secure login connections over the Internet. Sixth USENIX Security Symposium, pp 37-42, July 1996

ZSB03              S. Zimmerli, M.-A. Steinemann and T. Braun: Resource Management Portal for Laboratories Using Real Devices on the Internet, Computer Communications Review Vol. 33 Issue 3, pp. 145-151, ISSN: 0146-4833, July 2003

Zs03                 S. Zimmerli: Internetportal für Computernetze-Praktika. Diploma Thesis, January 2003



Appendix A:
Virtual Internet and Telecommunications Laboratory of

The group Rechnernetze und verteilte Systeme at University of Bern is the leading house of the project: The Virtual Internet and Telecommunications Laboratory of Switzerland (VITELS) [BS03 and BSW03]. Most of the developed implementations in the presented thesis found their way into this productive e-learning course. VITELS is one of several projects within the Swiss Virtual Campus program funded by the Swiss ministry of education and science. Developing e-learning courses especially in the area of telecommunications is time intensive, cost intensive and requires a deep knowledge in the area of the treated topics. As a consequence, several Swiss universities work together to provide a common course in the area of computer networks. The initial goal was to develop a homogeneous course consisting of multiple learning modules, developed rather independently by the various partners. The motivation behind this activity is to combine the limited available human and equipment resources required to develop and maintain such a course.

The partners of the VITELS project in the year 2004 comprise four universities (Bern, Fribourg, Genève, Neuchâtel) and one university of applied sciences (Fribourg). University of Tübingen joined VITELS in 2005. Each of the partner developed modules based on the own competence and equipment.

Every participating university develops new and maintains existing modules within their own laboratory environment, but allows remote students to access and use the laboratory infrastructure via Internet technology. To achieve this, a common adequate architecture and didactical concept had to be developed. The architecture as well as the didactical concept have been described in the above Chapters in detail.

To the time of writing, ten modules make part of the course. The state of the module and its responsible partners are listed in Table A-1. Unfortunately, not all partners finished their modules and not all modules reached the initial planned state. Modules that do not conform to the VITELS didactical and graphical guide are marked as voluntary.





Simulation of IP Network Configuration

University of Bern


Client/Server Concepts

University of Neuchâtel


IP Security

University of Bern


Firewall Management

University of Fribourg


Sockets and Remote Procedure Call

University of Bern


Remote Method Invocation

University of Bern


Application Server

University of Bern


Protocol Analysis

University of Applied Sciences Fribourg

To be finished

Linux System Installation

University of Genève


Performance Evaluation of a Real IP Network

University of Genève

To be finished

Internet Security

University of Bern


Wireless LAN

University of Fribourg

Expected in 05


University of Tübingen

Expected in 05


Table A-1: VITELS Modules.


More information can be found on the project’s web site: www.vitels.ch



Appendix B:
Modules of the Traditional

Each module’s topic introduces an important networking concept. The understanding of these concepts is deepened in hand-on training with configuration and measuring tasks. The modules and tasks of the traditional laboratory are briefly presented:


1)       Building Ethernet-IP-Subnets with Repeaters and Switches

In this module, students have to build a network with three hosts. They make network measurements to learn the difference between a repeater and a switch. The main goal of this module is to make students familiar with networking hardware.

2)       Configuring IP-based Ethernets and Routers

In this module, students configure two routers and set up static routing and Routing Information Protocol (RIP)-based routing. The main goal of this module is to make students familiar with routing tables and the routers’ operating system.

3)       Virtual Private Networks and Network Management

In this module, students set up a virtual private network. They learn two use encryption technologies. With the measurements they perform and analyze they know the differences between encrypted and unencrypted traffic in relation to hardware consumption and security of the traffic. Students get familiar with Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). The main goal of this module is to make students familiar with encryption technologies in networks.

4)       Configuring Domain Name Service (DNS)

In this module, students set up domain name service servers and clients. The main goal of this module is to make students familiar with one of the most important services used in Internet.

5)       Configuring a Web Server and a Proxy Server

In this module, students set up a web server and a proxy server and access both as clients. The main goal of this module is to make familiar students with client/server concepts and the proxy concepts.

6)       Configuring a Mail Transfer Agent (MTA)

In this module, students learn how to set up and configure the most frequently used mail transfer agent in Internet. The main goal of this module is to make students familiar with the mail transfer processes in Internet.

7)       RPC, XDR (Remote Procedure Calls / External Data Representation), Sockets

In this module, students use remote procedure calls and implement socket programs to understand the concept of the Internet. The main goal of this module is to let students program simple server and client applications.



Appendix C:
Modules of the E-Learning Laboratory

Such as in the traditional laboratory, each module presents an important networking concept. In the e-learning laboratory, University of Bern cooperated with partners. The partners’ names are indicated by each modules topic.


1)       Simulation of IP Network Configuration (University of Bern)

The module introduces basic elements and mechanisms of IP networks such as routers and routing protocols. Students learn how to set up routers within a medium-sized IP network using emulated router entities. Experiments are performed in a safe environment before students get in touch with real routers in following modules.

2)       Client/Server Concepts (University of Neuchâtel)

The module introduces conceptual and practical aspects of client/server models. Students learn to understand the workings of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) as an example of the client/server concept. Students perform HTTP requests using a client application and analyze the obtained results.

3)       IP Security (University of Bern)

Students perform hands-on experiments with real network equipment, set up a VPN-tunnel between two commercial routers and perform tests and measurements. Students learn more about authentication and encryption with widely used routing equipment.

4)       Firewall Management (University of Fribourg)

Students get hands-on experience about configuration and management of firewalls and understand conceptual and practical aspects of firewalls and related security issues. Students develop skills in operations for configuring and managing a real firewall.

5)       Sockets and Remote Procedure Calls (University of Bern)

Students understand Inter-Process Communication (IPC) schemes and the TCP/IP Client/Server concept. They acquire basic network programming skills and develop simple TCP/IP and RPC applications.



6)       Remote Method Invocation (RMI) (University of Bern)

Students understand the RMI programming model for distributed applications and the use of Java middleware. They learn how to extend and adapt object-oriented concepts from a local to a remote context and develop a client and a server application by using RMI

7)       Application Server (University of Bern)

Students experience the possibilities of application servers. They understand multi-tier architectures and the J2EE platform and implement application server programs.



Curriculum Vitae



Name                                    Marc-Alain Steinemann

Date of birth                        18th May 1968

Nationality                          Swiss


1985-1989                            Electrician education

1990-1993                            General qualification for university entrance

1994-1998                            Studies in University of Bern, Switzerland
Major: Biology, biochemistry

1998-2000                            Licentiate in Biochemistry from the University of Bern.
Subject: Generation and characterization of artificial cell surface constructs for studying T cell responses to drugs.

2000-2005                            Research assistant at University of Bern, Institute of Computer Sciences and Applied Mathematics